43 And his minister said, `What--do I give this before a hundred men?' and he said, `Give to the people, and they eat, for thus said Yahweh, Eat and leave;.
2 Kings 4:43 Cross References - CLV
Matthew 14:16-17
Matthew 14:20
20 And they all ate and are satisfied. And they pick up of the superfluous fragments twelve panniers full.
Matthew 15:33-34
Matthew 15:37
37 And they all ate and are satisfied. And of the superfluous fragments they pick up seven hampers full.
Matthew 16:8-10
8 Now, knowing it, Jesus said, "Why are you reasoning among yourselves, scant of faith, that you have no bread?
9 Not as yet are you apprehending, neither remembering the five cakes of bread of the five thousand and how many panniers you got?
10 Neither the seven cakes of bread of the four thousand and how many hampers you got?
Mark 6:37-39
37 Yet He, answering, said to them, "You give them to eat.And they are saying to Him, "Coming away, should we buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them to eat?
38 Now He is saying to them, "How many cakes of bread have you? Go and see.And knowing, they are saying to Him, "Five, and two fishes."
39 And He enjoins them to make them all recline, company by company, on the green grass."
Mark 6:42-43
Mark 8:4
4 And His disciples answered Him that "Whence can anyone satisfy these with bread here in a wilderness?
Mark 8:20
20 And when I break the seven cakes of bread for the four thousand, how many hampers filled with fragments do you pick up?And they are saying to Him, "Seven."
Luke 9:13
13 Yet He said to them, "You be giving them something to eat.Yet they say, "We have no more than five cakes of bread and two fishes, except should we go and buy food for all these people."
Luke 9:17
17 And they ate, and all are satisfied. And twelve panniers of their superfluous fragments were picked up."
John 6:9
9 There is a lad here who has five cakes of barley bread and two food fishes. But what are these for so many?
John 6:11-13
11 Jesus, then, took the bread, and, giving thanks, He distributes it to those lying back. Likewise also of the food fish, as much as they wanted."
12 Now as they are filled, He is saying to His disciples, "Gather the superfluous fragments, lest some should perish."
13 They gathered them, then, and cram twelve panniers with fragments of the five cakes of barley bread which are superfluous for those who were fed."