8 And it shall come to passe saith the Lorde, that in all the lande two partes shalbe rooted out, but the third part shall remayne therein
Zechariah 13:8 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 28:49-68
49 And the Lorde shall bryng a nation vpon thee from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swyft as an eagle fleeth, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstande
50 A nation of a shamelesse and cruell countenaunce, whiche shall not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassion on the young
51 The same shall eate the fruite of thy cattell, and the fruite of thy lande, vntill he haue destroyed thee: and shall leaue thee neither corne, wyne, nor oyle, neither the encrease of thy kine, nor the flockes of thy sheepe, vntyll he haue brought thee to naught
52 And he shall kepe thee in, in all the cities, vntyll he haue cast downe thy hye walles and strong holdes, wherin thou trustedst, throughout all the lande: And he shall besiege thee in al thy cities thorowout all the lande whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen thee
53 And thou shalt eate the fruite of thine owne body, the fleshe of thy sonnes, and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath geuen thee, in that straitnesse and siege, wherewith thyne enemie shall inclose thee
54 So that it shall greeue the man (that is tender and exceeding delicate among you) to loke on his brother, and vpon his wyfe that lieth in his bosome, and on the remnaunt of his chyldren which he hath yet left
55 For feare of geuyng vnto any of them of the fleshe of his chyldren, whom he shall eate: because he hath nothyng left hym in that straitnesse and siege, wherwith thine enemie shall besiege thee in all thy cities
56 Yea, and the woman that is so tender and delicate, that she dare not aduenture to set the sole of her foote vpon the grounde, for softnesse and tendernesse, shalbe greeued to loke on her husbande that lieth in her bosome, & on her sonne, and on her daughter
57 And on her afterbyrth that is come out from betweene her feete, and her chyldren whiche she shall beare: For when all thinges lacke, she shall eate them secretly, duryng the siege & straitnesse wherewith thyne enemies shall besiege thee in thy cities
58 If thou wylt not kepe and do all the wordes of this lawe that are written in this booke, and feare this glorious and fearefull name, The Lorde thy God
59 The Lord wyll sende vnto thee and thy seede, great plagues, and of long continuaunce, euyll sicknesses, and of long duraunce
60 Moreouer, he will bryng vpon thee all the diseases of Egypt, and those whiche thou wast afrayde of shall cleaue vnto thee
61 And all maner sicknesses, and all maner plagues whiche are not written in the booke of this lawe, wyll the Lorde bryng vpon thee, vntyll he bryng thee to naught
62 And ye shalbe lefte fewe in number, where before ye were as the starres of heauen in multitude: because thou wouldest not hearken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God
63 And it shall come to passe, that as the Lord reioyced ouer you, to do you good, and to multiplie you: euen so he will reioyce ouer you, to destroy you, & to bring you to naught, and ye shalbe wasted from of the lande whyther thou goest to enioy it
64 And the Lord shal scatter thee among all nations, from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other: and there thou shalt serue straunge gods, whiche thou nor thy fathers haue knowen, euen wood and stone
65 And among these nations thou shalt finde no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foote haue rest: But the Lorde shal geue thee there an vnquiet heart, and dasing eyes, and sorowe of minde
66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee, and thou shalt feare both day and nyght, and shalt haue none assurannce of thy lyfe
67 In the morning thou shalt say, would God it were nyght: And at nyght thou shalt say, would God it were mornyng, for feare of thyne heart whiche thou shalt feare, and for the sight of thyne eyes whiche thou shalt see
68 And the Lorde shall bryng thee into Egypt agayne with shippes by the way whiche I sayde to thee, thou shalt see it no more againe: And there ye shalbe solde vnto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall bye you
Isaiah 6:13
13 Yet in it shall succeede ten kinges, and it shall returne and be afterwarde wasted: [But] as the Teyle tree and the Oke in the fall of their leaues haue yet the sappe remayning in them, [euen so] the holy seede shalbe the stay therof
Isaiah 65:12-15
12 Therfore wyll I number you to the sworde, that ye shalbe destroyed altogether: for that when I called, no man gaue me aunswere, when I spake, ye hearkened not vnto me, but dyd wickednesse before mine eyes, and chose the thinges that pleased me not
13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Beholde, my seruauntes shall eate, but ye shall haue hunger: beholde, my seruauntes shall drinke, but ye shall suffer thirst: beholde, my seruauntes shalbe merie, but ye shalbe confounded
14 Beholde, my seruauntes shall reioyce for very quietnesse of heart: but ye shal crye for sorowe of heart, and complaine for vexation of minde
15 Your name shall ye leaue accursed among my chosen: for God the Lorde shall slay you, and call his seruauntes by another name
Isaiah 66:4-6
4 Therfore wyll I also haue pleasure in laughyng them to scorne, & the thyng that they feare will I bring vpon them: For when I called, no man gaue aunswere, when I spake, they woulde not heare: but did wickednesse before mine eyes, and chose the thynges that displeased me
5 Heare the worde of God all ye that feare the thyng which he speaketh: Your brethren that hate you and cast you out for my name sake, say, The Lorde is heynous agaynst vs: but you shall see hym in ioy, when they shalbe confounded
6 Then shalbe hearde a great noyse from the citie and the temple, the voyce of the Lorde, that wyll rewarde and recompence his enemies
Isaiah 66:24
24 And they shall go foorth and loke vpon the carions of them that haue transgressed agaynst me: for their wormes shall not dye, neither shall their fire be quenched, and all fleshe shall abhorre them
Jeremiah 30:11
11 For I am with thee to helpe thee, saith the Lorde: And though I shall destroy all the people among whom I haue scattered thee, yet wyll I not destroy thee, but correct thee, and that with descretion: for I wyll not vtterly destroy thee
Ezekiel 5:2-4
2 Thou shalt burne with fire the thirde part in the middest of the citie when the dayes of the siege are fulfylled, and thou shalt take the other thirde part and smite about it with a knife, and the last thirde part thou shalt scatter in the wynde, and I wyll drawe out a sworde after them
3 Thou shalt also take therof a fewe in number, and bynde them in thy lappe
4 Of them yet shalt thou take, and cast them into the middest of the fire, & burne them in the fire: therof shall a fire come foorth into all the house of Israel
Ezekiel 5:12
12 One thirde part within thee shall dye of the pestilence and be consumed of hunger, another thirde part shalbe slayne downe rounde about thee with the sworde, the other thirde part that remayneth, wyll I scatter abrode towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out a sworde after them
Daniel 9:27
27 He shall confirme the couenaunt with many for one weeke, and in the midst of the weeke he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to ceasse, and for the ouerspreading of the abhominations, he shal make it desolate, [euen] vntil the consummation determined shalbe powred vpon the desolate
Joel 2:31-32
31 The sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and terrible day of the Lord come
32 But whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord, shalbe saued: for there shalbe deliueraunce in mount Sion and in Hierusalem, as the Lord hath promised, and [also] in the remnaunt whom the Lorde shall call
Amos 9:8-9
8 Behold, the eyes of the Lorde God are vpon the sinful kingdome, and I wil destroy it cleane out of the earth: neuerthelesse, I wil not vtterly destroy the house of Iacob, sayth the Lorde
9 For lo, I will commaunde, and I will sifte the house of Israel among all nations, like as corne is sifted in a siue: yet shall not the least stone fall vpon the earth
Zechariah 11:6-9
6 Therefore wyl I no more spare those that dwell in the lande saith the Lorde: but lo, I wyll deliuer the people, euery man into his neighbours hande, and into the hande of his king, that they may smite the lande, and out of their handes I wyll not deliuer them
7 I my selfe fed the slaughter sheepe, a poore flocke veryly, and toke vnto me two staues: the one called Beautie, the other called Bandes: and so fedde the sheepe
8 Three shepheardes I put out of office in one moneth, for I might not away with them: neither had they any delight in me
9 Then saide I, I wyll feede you no more: the thing that dyeth, let it dye: and that that wyll perishe, let it perishe: and let the remnaunt eate euery one the fleshe of his neighbour
Zechariah 14:1-2
1 Beholde, the day of the Lorde commeth, and thy spoyle shalbe deuided in the middest of thee
2 For I wyll gather together all the heathen to fight against Hierusalem, so that the citie shalbe wonne, the houses spoyled, and the women defiled: the halfe of the citie shall go away into captiuitie, and the residue of the people shal not be caryed out of the citie
Malachi 3:1-2
1 Beholde, I wyll sende my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the lord whom ye seeke, shal speedyly come to his temple, and the messenger of the couenaunt whom ye desire, beholde he commeth, saith the Lorde of hoastes
2 But who may abyde the day of his comming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is lyke a purging fire, and lyke fullers sope
Malachi 3:5
5 And I wyl come neare to you in iudgement, and I wyll be a swyft witnesse against the soothsayers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that wrongfully keepe backe the hirelynges wages, and vexe the widowe and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 4:1-3
1 For marke, the day commeth burning like an ouen: and all the proude, and all that worke wickednesse shalbe stubble, and the day that is for to come shall burne them, saith the Lorde of hoastes, and shall leaue them neither roote, nor braunche
2 But to you that feare my name shall that sunne of righteousnesse aryse, and health shalbe vnder his winges: and ye shall go foorth and skippe lyke fatte calues
3 And ye shall treade downe the vngodly, for they shalbe dust vnder the soles of your feete in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Matthew 3:10-12
10 Euen now is the axe also put vnto the roote of the trees: therefore, euery tree which bryngeth not foorth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire
11 I baptize you in water vnto repentaunce: But he that shall come after me, is mightier then I, whose shoes I am not worthy to beare, he shall baptize you with the holy ghost, and with fire
12 Whose fanne is in his hande, and he wyll purge his floore, and gather his wheate into [his] garner: but wyl burne vp the chaffe with vnquencheable fire
Matthew 21:43-44
Matthew 22:7
7 But when the kyng hearde [therof], he was wroth, and sent foorth his men of warre, and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp their citie
Matthew 23:35-37
35 That vpon you may come all the ryghteous blood, which hath ben shed vpon the earth, from the blood of ryghteous Abel, vnto the blood of Zacharias, sonne of Barachias, whom ye slewe betwene the temple & the aulter
36 Ueryly I say vnto you: all these thynges shal come vpon this generatio
37 O Hierusalem, Hierusalem, thou that kyllest the prophetes, and stonest them which are sent vnto thee: Howe often woulde I haue gathered thy chyldren together, euen as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wynges, and ye woulde not
Matthew 24:21-22
Mark 13:20
20 And except that the Lorde shoulde shorten [those] dayes, no fleshe shoulde be saued: But for the electes sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened [those] dayes
Luke 19:41-44
41 And when he was come neare, he behelde the citie, and wept on it
42 Saying: If thou haddest knowen those thynges whiche belong vnto thy peace, euen in this thy day: But nowe are they hyd from thyne eyes
43 For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thyne enemies also shall caste a banke about thee, and compasse thee rounde, and kepe thee in on euery syde
44 And make thee euen with ye grounde, and thy chyldren which are in thee: and they shall not leaue in thee one stone vpo another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitation
Luke 20:16-18
16 He shall come and destroye these husbande men, & shall let out his vineyarde to other. When they hearde this, they sayde, God forbyd
17 And he behelde them, & sayde: What is this then that is written, The stone that the buylders refused, the same is become the head of the corner
18 Whosoeuer doth stumble vppon that stone, shalbe broken: but on whosoeuer it falleth, it wyll grinde hym to powder
Luke 21:20-24
20 And whe ye see Hierusalem besieged with an hoast, then be sure that the desolation of the same is nye
21 Then let them which are in Iurie, flee to the mountaynes, and let them which are in the myddes of it, depart out: and let not them that are in other countreys enter therin
22 For these be the dayes of vengeaunce, that all thinges which are written, may be fulfylled
23 But wo vnto the that are with childe, & to them that geue sucke in those days: For there shalbe great distresse in the lande, and wrath ouer this people
24 And they shall fall through the edge of the sworde, and shalbe led away captiue into all nations: And Hierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentiles, vntyll the tyme of the gentiles be fulfylled
Luke 23:28-30
28 But Iesus turned backe vnto them, and sayde: [Ye] daughters of Hierusalem, wepe not for me, but wepe for your selues, and for your chyldren
29 For beholde, the dayes wyll come, in the which they shal say : Happy are the barren, & the wombes that neuer bare, & the pappes which neuer gaue sucke
30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountaynes, fall on vs, & to the hylles, couer vs
Romans 9:27-29
27 And Esaias cryeth concerning Israel: Though the number of the children of Israel, be as the sande of the sea, yet [but] a remnaunt shalbe saued
28 For he finisheth the worde, and maketh it short in ryghteousnesse: For a short worde wyll the Lorde make on earth
29 And as Esaias sayde before: Except the Lorde of Sabboth had lefte vs seede, we had ben made as Sodoma, and had ben lykened to Gomorrha
Romans 11:1-5
1 I say then, hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seede of Abraham, of the tribe of Beniamin
2 God hath not cast away his people which he knewe before. Wote ye not what the scripture sayth of Elias? howe he maketh intercession to God, agaynst Israel
3 Saying: Lord, they haue kylled thy prophetes, and dygged downe thyne aulters: and I am left alone, and they seke my lyfe
4 But what sayth the aunswere of God vnto hym? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousande men, which haue not bowed the knee to [ye image of] Baal
5 Euen so at this tyme, there is a remnaunt, according to the election of grace
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
Revelation 8:7-12
7 The first angell blewe, & there was made hayle & fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast into the earth, and the thirde part of trees was burnt, and all greene grasse was burnt
8 And the seconde angell blewe, and as it were a great mountayne burnyng with fire was cast into the sea, and the thirde part of the sea turned to blood
9 And the thirde part of the creatures whiche were in the sea, and hadde lyfe, dyed, and the thirde part of shippes were destroyed
10 And the third angell blewe, and there fell a great starre from heauen, burning as it were a lampe, and it fell into the thirde part of the ryuers, and into fountaynes of waters
11 And the name of the starre is called wormewood, and the thirde part was turned to wormewood, and many men dyed of the waters, because they were made bitter
12 And the fourth angell blewe, and the thirde part of the sunne was smytten, and the thirde part of the moone, and the thirde part of starres, so that the thirde part of them was darkened: and the day was smitten, that the third part of it shoulde not shyne, and lykewise the nyght
Revelation 16:19
19 And the great citie was deuided into three partes, and the cities of all nations fell: And great Babylon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto her the cup of the wyne of the fearcenesse of his wrath