Titus 2:8 Cross References - Bishops

8 Wholsome worde, vnrebukeable, that he which withstandeth, may be ashamed, hauyng no euyll thyng to say of you

Nehemiah 5:9

9 And [Nehemia] saide, It is not good that ye do: Ought ye not to walke in the feare of our God, because of the rebuke of the heathen that are our enemies

Isaiah 66:5

5 Heare the worde of God all ye that feare the thyng which he speaketh: Your brethren that hate you and cast you out for my name sake, say, The Lorde is heynous agaynst vs: but you shall see hym in ioy, when they shalbe confounded

Mark 12:17

17 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto them: Geue to Caesar [the thynges] that belong to Caesar: and to God, [the thynges] which pertayne to God. And they marueyled at hym

Mark 12:28

28 And when there came one of the scribes, & had heard them disputyng together, and perceaued that he had aunswered them well, he asked him: which is the first of all the comaundementes

Mark 12:32

32 And the scribe sayde vnto hym: well maister, thou hast sayde the trueth, for there is one God, & there is none but he

Mark 12:34

34 And when Iesus sawe that he aunswered discretely, he sayde vnto hym: Thou art not farre from the kingdome of God. And no man after that, durst aske hym any question

Luke 13:17

17 And when he sayde these thynges, all his aduersaries were ashamed, and all the people reioyced on all the excellent deedes that were done by hym

Philippians 2:14-16

14 Do all thyng without murmuryng and disputyng 15 That ye may be blamelesse and pure, the sonnes of God, without rebuke in the myddes of a croked and peruerse nation, among who shyne ye as lightes in the worlde 16 Holdyng fast the worde of lyfe, to my reioycyng in the day of Christe that I haue not runne in vayne, neither haue laboured in vayne

2 Thessalonians 3:14

14 Yf any man obey not our doctrine, signifie hym by an epistle, and haue no companie with hym, that he maye be ashamed

1 Timothy 5:14

14 I wyll therefore that the yonger women do marrie, to beare chyldren, to guyde the house, to geue none occasion to ye aduersarie to speake slaunderously

1 Timothy 6:3

3 Yf any man teache otherwyse, and consenteth not vnto the wholsome wordes of our Lorde Iesus Christe, and to the doctrine whiche is accordyng to godlynesse

1 Peter 2:12

12 And see that ye haue honest conuersation among the gentiles: that where as they backbite you as euyll doers, they may by your good workes whiche they shall see, prayse God in the day of visitation

1 Peter 2:15

15 For so is the wyll of God, that with well doyng, ye may stoppe the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men

1 Peter 3:16

16 And that with mekenesse and feare, hauyng a good conscience: that where as they backebite you as euyll doers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conuersation in Christe

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.