Psalms 97:3 Cross References - Bishops

3 There goeth a fire before his face: and burneth his enemies on euery syde

Deuteronomy 4:11

11 Ye came and stoode also vnder the mountayne, and the mountayne burnt with fire euen vnto the middes of heauen, and there was darknesse, cloudes, and mist

Deuteronomy 4:36

36 Out of heauen he made thee heare his voyce, that he might instruct thee: & vpon earth he shewed thee his great fire, and thou heardest his worde out of the middes of the fire

Deuteronomy 5:4

4 The Lorde talked with you face to face in the mount, out of the middes of the fire

Deuteronomy 5:23-24

23 And it came to passe, that when ye hearde the voyce out of the middes of the darkenesse (for the mountayne dyd burne with fire) then ye came vnto me, with the captaynes of your tribes, and your elders 24 And ye sayde: Beholde, the Lorde our God hath shewed vs his glorie and his greatnesse, and we haue hearde his voyce out of the middes of the fire: we haue seene this day that God doth talke with man, and he yet lyueth

Deuteronomy 32:22

22 For fire is kindled in my wrath, and burneth vnto the bottome of hell, and hath consumed the earth with her increase, and set a fire the botomes of the mountaynes

Psalms 18:8

8 (18:7) In his anger a smoke ascended vp: and a fire out of his mouth dyd cosume, and euery cole therof dyd set a fire

Psalms 21:8-9

8 Thine hande wyll finde out all thine enemies: thy right hande wyll finde out them that hate thee 9 Thou wilt make them like a burnyng furnace in tyme of thy furie: God wyll destroy them in his wrath, and fire shall consume them

Psalms 50:3

3 Our Lorde commeth, and he wyll not kepe scilence: there goeth before hym a consumyng fire, and a mightie tempest is sturred rounde about hym

Daniel 7:10

10 There issued foorth a firie streame, and went out from before him: a thousand thousandes ministred vnto him, and ten thousand thousandes stoode before him: the iudgement was set, & the bookes opened

Nahum 1:5-6

5 The mountaynes quake at his power and the hilles are resolued: the earth also burneth at his countenaunce, the worlde, and all that dwelleth therin 6 Who can stande before his wrath? or who can rise vp before the anger of his countenaunce, his fiercenesse is powred out like fire, yea the rockes cleaue in peeces at his might

Habakkuk 3:5

5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coales went foorth before his feete

Malachi 4:1

1 For marke, the day commeth burning like an ouen: and all the proude, and all that worke wickednesse shalbe stubble, and the day that is for to come shall burne them, saith the Lorde of hoastes, and shall leaue them neither roote, nor braunche

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe

Hebrews 12:29

29 For our God [is] a consumyng fyre

2 Peter 3:10-12

10 Neuerthelesse the day of the Lorde wyll come as a theefe in the nyght, in the which the heauens shal passe away with a noyse, and the elementes shall melt with heate, the earth also and the workes that are therein shall burne 11 Seyng then that all these thynges shall perisshe, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlynesse 12 Lokyng for, and hastyng vnto the comyng of the day of God, by whom the heauens shall perishe with fire, and the elementes shall melt with heate

Revelation 11:5

5 And yf any man wyll hurt them, fyre shal proceade out of their mouthes, & cosume their enemies: And if any man wil hurt them, this wyse must he be kylled

Revelation 20:15

15 And whosoeuer was not founde written in the booke of lyfe, was cast into the lake of fire

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.