Psalms 95:6 Cross References - Bishops

6 Come, let vs worshyp and fall downe: let vs kneele before the face of God our maker

Exodus 20:5

5 Thou shalt not bowe downe to them, neyther serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelous God, and visite the sinne of the fathers vpon the chyldren, vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate me

1 Kings 8:54

54 And when Solomon had made an ende of praying all this prayer and supplication vnto the Lorde, he arose from before the aulter of the Lorde, & from kneling on his knees, & from stretching of his handes vp to heauen

2 Chronicles 6:13

13 (For now Solomon had made a brasen scaffold of fyue cubites long, and fyue cubites brode, and three of heyght, and had set it in the middes of the great courte, and vpon it he stoode and kneeled downe vpon his knees before al the congregation of Israel, and stretched out his handes towarde heauen,

Ezra 9:5

5 And about the euening sacrifice I arose vp from my heauinesse, and rent my clothes and my rayment, and fell vpon my knees, and spread out my handes vnto the Lorde my God

Job 35:10

10 But none sayth, Where is God that made me? and that geueth vs occasion to praise him in the night

Psalms 72:9

9 They that dwell in the wildernesse shal kneele before him: his enemies shal licke the dust

Psalms 95:1

1 Come let vs syng vnto God: let vs make an heartie reioysyng with a loude voyce vnto the rocke of our saluation

Psalms 100:3

3 (100:2) Be ye sure that God is the Lorde, it is he that hath made vs, and not we our selues: we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture

Psalms 149:2

2 Israel shoulde reioyce in his maker: the children of Sion shoulde be ioyfull in their kyng

Ecclesiastes 12:1

1 Remember thy maker the sooner in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersitie come, and or the yeres drawe nye when thou shalt say, I haue not pleasure in them

Isaiah 17:7

7 Then shall man turne agayne to his maker, and his eyes shall haue respect to the holy one of Israel

Isaiah 54:5

5 For he that made thee shalbe thy Lorde and husbande (whose name is the Lord of hoastes) and thy redeemer shalbe euen the holy one of Israel, the Lorde of the whole worlde

Daniel 6:10

10 Now when Daniel vnderstoode that he had sealed the writing, he went into his house, and the windowes of his chamber towarde Hierusalem stoode open, there kneeled he downe vpon his knees three times a day, he made his petition, and praysed his God, as he dyd afore time

Hosea 6:1

1 Come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smitten vs, and he shall heale vs, he hath wounded vs, and he shall binde vs vp agayne

Hosea 8:14

14 For Israel hath forgotten him that made him, & hath builded faire palaces, and Iuda hath encreased strong cities: but I wyll sende a fire into their cities, and it shall consume their palaces

Matthew 4:2

2 And when he had fasted fourtie dayes, and fourtie nightes, he was afterwarde an hungred

Matthew 4:9

9 And sayth vnto hym: All these wyll I geue thee, yf thou wylt fall downe, and worshyp me

Mark 14:35

35 And he went foorth a litle, and fell flat on the grounde, and prayed: that yf it were possible, the houre myght passe from hym

Luke 22:41

41 And he gate hym selfe from them about a stones caste, and kneeled downe, and prayed

John 1:3

3 All thynges were made by it: and without it, was made nothyng that was made

Acts 7:60

60 And he kneeled downe, and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde lay not this sinne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken, he fell a sleepe

Acts 10:25-26

25 And it came to passe, as Peter came in, Cornelius met hym, & fell downe at his feete, and worshipped [hym. 26 But Peter toke him vp, saying: stande vp, I my selfe also am a man

Acts 20:36

36 And when he hadde thus spoken, he kneled downe, & prayed with them all

Acts 21:5

5 And when the dayes were ended, we departed, and went our way, and they all brought vs on our way, with wyues and chyldren, tyll we were come out of the citie. And we kneeled downe in the shore, and prayed

1 Corinthians 6:20

20 For ye are dearely bought: therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirite, which are Gods

Ephesians 3:14

14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe

Philippians 2:10

10 That in the name of Iesus euery knee should bowe, [of thynges] in heauen, and [thynges] in earth, and [thinges] vnder the earth

1 Peter 4:19

19 Wherefore, let them that are troubled accordyng to the wyll of God, commit their soules to him with well doyng, as vnto a faythfull creatour

Revelation 22:8

8 I Iohn sawe these thynges, & hearde them: And when I had hearde and seene, I fell downe to worship before the feete of the angell, which shewed me these thynges

Revelation 22:17

17 And the spirite and the bride say, come. And let hym that heareth, say also, come. And let hym that is a thirst, come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of lyfe, freely

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.