Psalms 52:5 Cross References - Bishops

5 Therfore the Lord wyll destroy thee for euer: he wyll take thee and plucke thee out of thy dwelling, and roote thee out of the lande of the liuing. Selah

Job 18:14

14 His hope shalbe rooted out of his dwelling, and shall bring him to the king of feare

Job 20:6-7

6 Though he be magnified vp to the heauen, so that his head reacheth vnto the cloudes 7 Yet at a turne he perisheth for euer, insomuch that they which haue seene him, shall say, Where is he

Psalms 7:14-16

14 Beholde, he wyll be in trauayle of a mischiefe, for he hath conceaued a labour: but yet he shall be brought to bed of a falsehood 15 He hath made a graue and digged it: but he hym selfe wyll fall into the pit whiche he hath made 16 For his labour shall come vpon his owne head: and his wickednesse shall fall vpon his owne pate

Psalms 27:13

13 If I had not beleued [veryly] to see the goodnes of God in the lande of the liuing: [their spite had kylled me.

Psalms 37:35-36

35 I my selfe haue seene the vngodly in great power: and florishing lyke a greene bay tree 36 And he vanished away, so that he could be no more seene: I sought hym, but he coulde no where be founde

Psalms 55:23

23 [And as for] them: thou O Lorde wylt hurle headlong into the pit of destruction. (55:24) The bloodthirstie and deceiptfull men shal not liue out halfe their dayes: neuerthelesse I wyll put my full trust in thee

Psalms 64:7-10

7 But the Lorde wyll sodenly shoote at them with a [swyft] arrowe: their plagues shalbe [apparaunt. 8 Yea they shall cause their owne tongues to be a meanes for to destroy the selues: insomuch that who so seeth them, shal desire to flee away [from them 9 And all men that see it shall say, this hath God done: for they shall well perceaue that it is his worke 10 The righteous wyll reioyce in God, and put his trust in hym: and all they that be vpright hearted wylbe glad

Psalms 116:9

9 I wyll walke before the face of God: in the lande of the lyuyng

Psalms 120:2-4

2 Deliuer my soule O God from false lyppes: & from a deceiptful tongue 3 What doth a deceiptfull tongue vnto thee? what good bryngeth it thee 4 [So much] as sharpe arrowes of a strong man [in thy sydes:] with Iuniper coales [powred on thy head.

Psalms 140:9-11

9 Let the labour of his owne lippe couer him: [who is] head of them that compasse me about 10 Let hotte coales be burnyng vpon them: he wyll cast them downe into the fire into deepe pittes, that they may neuer rise vp agayne 11 A man full of tongue can not prosper vpon the earth: euyll shall hunt the outragious person to ouerthrowe him

Proverbs 2:22

22 But the vngodly shall be cut of from the earth: and the wicked doers shalbe rooted out of it

Proverbs 12:19

19 The lippe of trueth shalbe stable for euer: but a dissemblyng tongue is soone chaunged

Proverbs 19:5

5 A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape

Proverbs 19:9

9 A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes shall perishe

Isaiah 22:19

19 I wyll driue thee from thy place, and out of thy dwellyng shal he ouerthrowe thee

Isaiah 38:11

11 I spake within my selfe, I wyll neuer visite the Lorde [the Lorde I say] in this lyfe: I wyll neuer see man among the dwellers of the worlde

Luke 16:27-28

27 Then he sayde: I pray thee therfore father, sende hym to my fathers house 28 For I haue fyue brethren, that he may witnesse vnto them, lest they also come into this place of torment

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuing, and the abhominable, and murtherers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, & all lyers, shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brymstone: which is the seconde death

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.