Psalms 51:12 Cross References - Bishops

12 Geue me agayne the comfort of thy saluation: and confirme me with a free wyllyng spirite

Job 29:2-3

2 O that I were as I was in the monethes by past, and in the daies when God preserued me 3 When his light shined vpon my head, when I went after the same light and shining, euen through the darknesse

Psalms 13:5

5 (13:5a) But I repose my trust in thy mercie, and my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation

Psalms 17:5

5 O holde thou vp my goynges in thy pathes: that my footesteppes slyp not

Psalms 19:13

13 (19:12) Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous [sinnes] let them not raigne ouer me: so I shall be perfect & voyde from all haynous offence

Psalms 21:1

1 The kyng ought to reioyce in thy strength O God: and he ought to be exceedyng glad of thy saluation

Psalms 35:9

9 [And] my soule shalbe ioyfull in God: it shall reioyce in his saluation

Psalms 85:6-8

6 Wylt thou not turne agayne and reuiue vs: that thy people may reioyce in thee 7 Shew vs thy louing kindnes O God: and graunt vs thy saluation 8 I wyll hearken what God the Lord saith: for he speaketh peace vnto his people & to his saintes, that they turne not agayne to folly

Psalms 119:116-117

116 (119:4) Strengthen me in thy worde and I shall lyue: and make me not ashamed of my hope 117 (119:5) Holde thou me vp and I shalbe safe: and I will loke gladly vpon thy statutes alwayes

Psalms 119:133

133 (119:5) Direct my steppes in thy worde: and so shall no wickednesse haue dominion ouer me

Isaiah 41:10

10 Be not afraide, for I am with thee: Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God to strength thee, helpe thee, and kepe thee with the right hande of my righteousnesse

Isaiah 49:13

13 Reioyce ye heauens, and sing prayses thou earth, talke of ioy ye hylles: for God hath comforted his people, & wyll haue mercie vpon his that be in trouble

Isaiah 57:17-18

17 I am wroth with hym for his couetousnesse, I smite hym, I hide me and am angrie, and he turneth himselfe, and foloweth thee by the way of his owne heart 18 I haue seene his wayes, and I heale hym, I leade him, and restore to hym comfort, and to those that were sorie for hym

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therefore I am ioyfull in the Lorde, and my soule reioyceth in God: For he hath put vpon me the garment of saluation, and couered me with the mantle of righteousnesse: He shal decke me lyke a bridegrome, and as a bride that hath her apparell vpon her

Jeremiah 10:23

23 Nowe I knowe (O Lord) that it is not in mans power to order his owne wayes, or to rule his owne steppes and goinges

Jeremiah 31:9-14

9 They shall come weepyng, and with mercifull pitie will I bring them hither agayne: I will leade them to the riuers of water in a strayght way where they shall not stumble: For I am Israels father, and Ephraim is my first borne 10 Heare the worde of the Lorde O ye gentiles, preache in the Isles that lye farre of, and say: He that hath scattered Israel, shall gather hym together agayne, and shall kepe hym as a sheephearde doth his flocke 11 For the Lorde hath redeemed Iacob, and ridde hym from the hande of the violent 12 And they shall come and reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnesse of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them, [namely] wheate, wine, oyle, young sheepe, and calues: and their soule shalbe as a well watered garden, for they shall no more be hungry 13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce, yea both young and olde folkes: for I wyll turne their sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll comfort them from their sorowes, and make them ioyfull 14 I wyll powre plenteousnesse vpon the heartes of the priestes, and my people shalbe satisfied with my goodnesse, saith the Lorde

Luke 1:47

47 And my spirite reioyceth in God my sauiour

Romans 5:2-11

2 By whom also we haue had an entrauce by fayth, vnto this grace wherin we stande, and reioyce in hope of the glorie of God 3 Not that only: but also we reioyce in tribulations, knowyng that tribulation worketh pacience 4 Pacience profe, profe hope 5 And hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shedde abrode in our heartes by the holy ghost, which is geuen vnto vs 6 For when we were yet weake, accordyng to the tyme, Christe dyed for the vngodly 7 Nowe scace wyll any man dye for the righteous: Yet peraduenture for the good some men durst dye 8 But God setteth out his loue towarde vs, seyng that whyle we were yet sinners, Christe dyed for vs 9 Muche more then nowe, we that are iustified by his blood, shalbe saued from wrath through hym 10 For, yf when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne: much more, seyng we are reconciled, we shalbe saued by his lyfe 11 Not only so, but we also ioye in God, through our Lorde Iesus Christe, by who we haue nowe receaued the atonement

Romans 8:15

15 For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage agayne to feare: but ye haue receaued the spirite of adoption, wherby we cry, Abba, father

Romans 14:4

4 What art thou that iudgest another mans seruaunt? To his owne maister he standeth or falleth: Yea, he shalbe holden vp. For god is able to make him stande

2 Corinthians 3:17

17 The Lorde is a spirite: And where the spirite of the Lorde [is] there [is] libertie

Galatians 4:6-7

6 Because ye are sonnes, God hath sent the spirite of his sonne into your heartes, crying, Abba, father 7 Wherfore thou art no more a seruaunt, but a sonne: If thou be a sonne, thou art also an heire of God, through Christ

1 Peter 1:5

5 Which are kept by the power of God through fayth vnto saluation, which is prepared alredie to be shewed in the last tyme

Jude 1:24

24 Unto him that is able to kepe you free from sinne, and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with ioy

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.