Psalms 40:7 Cross References - Bishops

7 Thou wouldest haue no sacrifice or offeryng, but thou hast opened myne eares: thou hast not required burnt offerynges and sacrifice for sinne

Genesis 3:15

15 I wyll also put enmitie betweene thee & the woman, betweene thy seede and her seede: and it shall treade downe thy head, and thou shalt treade vpon his heele

Luke 24:27

27 And he began at Moyses, and all the prophetes, and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were writen of hym

Luke 24:44

44 And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you, that all must [needes] be fulfylled, which were written of me in the law of Moyses, and in the prophetes, and in the psalmes

John 5:39

39 Searche the scriptures, for in them ye thynke ye haue eternall lyfe: and they are they which testifie of me

Acts 10:43

43 To hym geue all the prophetes witnesse, that through his name whosoeuer beleueth in hym, shall receaue remission of sinnes

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

3 For first of all I deliuered vnto you, that which I receaued: howe that Christe dyed for our sinnes, agreeyng to the scriptures 4 And that he was buryed, and that he arose agayne the thirde day, accordyng to the scriptures

Hebrews 10:7-9

7 Then sayde I, lo I come (In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me) to do thy wyll O God 8 Aboue when he saith, that sacrifice, and offeryng, and burnt offeringes, and sinne [offerynges] thou wouldest not, neither haddest pleasure [therein] (which are offered by the lawe: 9 Then sayde he, lo I come, to do thy wyll, O God. He taketh away ye first to stablyshe the seconde

1 Peter 1:10-11

10 Of which saluation haue ye prophetes enquired & searched, which prophesied of the grace that should come vnto you 11 Searchyng when or at what tyme the spirite of Christ which was in them, shoulde signifie, which spirite testified before, the passions that should happen vnto Christe, and the glorie that shoulde folowe after

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his feete to worship him. And he saide vnto me: See thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt, and of thy brethren, euen of them that haue the testimonie of Iesus. Worship God: For the testimonie of Iesus, is the spirite of prophesie

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.