6 The wordes of God be wordes pure, as the siluer tryed in a furnace of earth: and purified seuen times
Psalms 12:6 Cross References - Bishops
2 Samuel 22:31
31 God is vncorrupt in his way, the word of the Lord is tryed in the fyre: he is a shielde to all them that trust in him
Psalms 18:30
30 (18:29) The way of the Lorde is a perfect way, the worde of God is tryed in the fire: he is a shielde vnto all them that put their trust in hym
Psalms 19:8
8 (19:7) The statutes of God are right, and reioyce the heart: the commaundement of God is pure, and geueth light vnto the eyes
Psalms 66:10
10 (66:9) For thou O Lord hast proued vs: thou hast tryed vs, like as siluer is tryed
Psalms 119:140
140 (119:4) Thy worde is purified to the vttermost: and thy seruaunt loueth it
Proverbs 30:5
5 Euery worde of God is pure: he is a shielde vnto all them that put their trust in hym