5 He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations: that it can neuer moue at any tyme
Psalms 104:5 Cross References - Bishops
Job 26:7
7 He stretcheth out the noorth ouer the emptie place, and hangeth the earth vpon nothing
Job 38:4-7
4 Where wast thou when I layed the foundations of the earth? Tell playnely, if thou hast vnderstanding
5 Who hath measured it, knowest thou? or who hath spread the lyne vpon it
6 Whereupon are the foundations set? or who layed the corner stone thereof
7 Where wast thou when the morning starres praysed me together, and all the children of God reioyced triumphantly
Psalms 24:2
2 For he hath laide the foundation of it vpon the seas: and he hath set it sure vpon the fluddes
Psalms 33:9
9 For he spake and it was: he commauded, and it was brought to passe
Psalms 93:1
1 God raigneth, he is clothed with a glorious maiestie, God is clothed with strength: he hath girded hym selfe, he hath made the worlde so sure that it can not be moued
Psalms 96:10
10 Set it foorth in wordes among the heathen that God raigneth: and that the worlde is set of a sure foundation, it shall not be remoued, he wyll iudge the people accordyng to equitie
Psalms 136:6
6 Who layde out the earth aboue the waters: for his mercy endureth for euer
Ecclesiastes 1:4
4 One generation passeth away, another commeth: but the earth abideth styll
2 Peter 3:10
10 Neuerthelesse the day of the Lorde wyll come as a theefe in the nyght, in the which the heauens shal passe away with a noyse, and the elementes shall melt with heate, the earth also and the workes that are therein shall burne
Revelation 6:14
14 And heauen vanished awaye as a scroule when it is roulled together, and all mountaynes and yles were moued out of their places
Revelation 20:11
11 And I sawe a great whyte throne, and him that sate on it, fro whose face fledde away both the earth and heauen, and their place was no more founde