12 There is a generation that thynke them selues cleane, and yet is not cleansed from their filthinesse
Proverbs 30:12 Cross References - Bishops
Judges 17:5
5 And the man Micah had an house of goddes, and made an Ephod and Theraphim, and consecrated one of his sonnes, which became his prieste
Judges 17:13
13 Then sayde Micah: Now I am sure that the Lord will be good vnto me, seing I haue a Leuite to my prieste
1 Samuel 15:13-14
Job 33:9
9 I am cleane without any fault, I am innocent, & there is no wickednesse in me
Psalms 36:2
2 For he flattereth him selfe in his owne sight: so that his iniquitie is found worthy of hatred
Psalms 51:2
2 Washe me throughly from myne iniquitie: and clense me from my sinne
Psalms 51:7
7 Purge thou me with hyssop and I shalbe cleane: washe thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe
Proverbs 16:2
2 A man thynketh all his wayes to be cleane: but it is the Lorde that iudgeth the myndes
Proverbs 21:2
2 Euery mans way seemeth right in his owne eyes: but the Lorde pondereth the heart
Isaiah 1:16
16 Washe you, make you cleane, put away your euyll thoughtes out of my syght: ceasse from doyng of euyll
Isaiah 65:5
5 If thou commest nye them, they say, touche me not, for I am holyer then thou: All these men when I am angry, shalbe turned to smoke and fire that shall burne for euer
Jeremiah 2:22-24
22 [Yea and that so sore] that though thou washe thee with Nitrus, and make thy selfe to sauour with that sweete smellyng hearbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wickednesse, saith the Lorde thy God
23 Howe sayest thou nowe, I am not vncleane, and I haue not folowed Baalim? Loke vpon thine owne wayes in the valleys what thou hast done? Thou art like a swift dromedarie that goeth easyly her way
24 And thy wantonnesse is lyke a wylde Asse that vseth the wildernesse, and that snuffeth and bloweth at her wyll: who can tame her? All they that seeke her, shall not fayle but fynde her in her moneth
Jeremiah 2:35
35 Yet darest thou say, I am [without sinne and] giltlesse, Tushe, his wrath can not come vpon me: Beholde, I wyll reason with thee, because thou darest say, I haue not offended
Jeremiah 4:14
14 O Hierusalem, washe thine heart from wickednesse, that thou mayest be helped: Howe long shall thy vayne thoughtes remayne with thee
Ezekiel 36:25
25 Then wyll I sprinckle cleane water vpon you, and ye shalbe cleane: yea from all your vncleannes and from all your idols shall I cleanse you
Zechariah 13:1
1 In that time shall the house of Dauid and the citezins of Hierusalem haue an open wel to washe of sinne and vncleannesse
Luke 11:39-40
Luke 16:15
15 And he sayde vnto them, Ye are they which iustifie your selues before men: but God knoweth your heartes. For that which is hyghly esteemed among men, is abhominable in the syght of God
Luke 18:11
11 The pharisee stoode and prayed thus with hym selfe: God, I thanke thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, vniust, adulterers, or as this publicane
1 Corinthians 6:11
11 And such were some of you: but ye are wasshed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirite of our God
2 Timothy 3:5
5 Hauyng a fourme of godlynesse, but denying the power therof: turne away from these
Titus 1:15-16
15 Unto the pure, [are] all thynges pure: but vnto them that are defyled and vnbeleuyng, [is] nothyng pure, but euen the mynde and conscience of them is defyled
16 They confesse that they knowe God: but with workes they denie hym, seyng they are abhominable and disobedient, and vnto euery good worke reprobate
Titus 3:5
5 Not of workes which [be] in ryghteousnesse wrought, but accordyng to his mercie, he saued vs by the fountayne of regeneration and renuyng of the holy ghost
1 John 1:7-10
7 But and yf we walke in light, euen as he is in lyght, then haue we felowship one with another, and the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all sinne
8 If we say that we haue no sinne, we deceaue our selues, and the trueth is not in vs
9 If we knowledge our sinnes, he is faythfull & iust to forgeue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all vnryghteousnesse
10 If we say we haue not sinned, we make hym a lyer, and his worde is not in vs
Revelation 1:5
5 And from Iesus Christe, which is a faythfull witnesse, and first begotten of the dead, and Lorde ouer the kynges of the earth: Unto hym that loued vs, and wasshed vs from our sinnes in his owne blood