Proverbs 23:32 Cross References - Bishops

32 It goeth downe sweetely, but at the last it byteth like a serpent, and stingeth lyke an adder

Exodus 7:5-6

5 And the Egyptians shall knowe that I am the Lord, when I stretch foorth my hande vpon Egypt, and bryng out the children of Israel fro among them 6 Moyses and Aaron did as the Lord commaunded them, [euen] so did they

Exodus 7:12

12 For they cast downe euery man his rod, and they [turned] to serpentes: but Aarons rodde did eate vp their roddes

Job 20:16

16 He shall sucke the gall of serpentes, and the adders tongue shall slay him

Proverbs 5:11

11 Yea, that thou mourne not at the last, when thou hast spent thy bodye and lustie youth, and then say

Ecclesiastes 10:8

8 But he that diggeth vp a pitte, shall fall therin hym selfe: and who so breaketh downe the hedge, a serpent shall byte hym

Isaiah 28:3

3 The crowne of the pryde of the drunken Ephraemites shalbe troden vnder foote

Isaiah 28:7-8

7 But they are out of the way by reason of wine, yea farre out of the way are they thorowe strong drinke: The priest also and the prophete are gone astray by the meanes of strong drinke, they are drunken with wine, they go amisse thorowe strong drinke, they fayle in propheciyng, and stumble in iudgement 8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthynesse, that no place is cleane

Isaiah 59:5

5 They breede cockatrice egges, and weaue the spiders webbe, who so eateth of their egges, dyeth: but if one treade vpon them, there commeth vp a serpent

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The prophetes teache falsely, and the preachers receaue giftes, and my people hath pleasure therein: what wyll come thereof at the last

Jeremiah 8:17

17 Moreouer, I wyll sende cockatrices and serpentes among you (whiche wyl not be charmed) and they shall bite you, saith the Lorde

Amos 5:19

19 As if a man dyd flee from a lion, and a beare meete him, & went into the house, and leaned his hand vnto the wal, and a serpent bite hym

Amos 9:3

3 And though they hyde them selues in the top of Charmel, I will searche, and take them out thence: and though they be hyd from my sight in the bottome of the sea, thence will I commaunde the serpent, and he shall bite them

Luke 16:25-26

25 But Abraham sayde: Sonne, remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme, receauedst thy pleasure, and lykewyse Lazarus paynes: But nowe is he comforted, and thou art tormented 26 Beyonde all this, betweene vs & you there is a great gulfe set, so that they which woulde go from hence to you, can not, neither may come from thence to vs

Romans 6:21

21 What fruite had ye then in those thynges, wherof ye are nowe ashamed? For the ende of those thynges, is death

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.