Proverbs 18:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 The name of the Lorde is a strong castell, the righteous runneth vnto it and is in safegarde

Genesis 17:1

1 When Abram was ninetie yere olde and nine, the Lorde appeared to hym, and sayde vnto hym: I am the almightie God, walke before me, and be thou perfect

Genesis 32:11

11 Deliuer me from the hand of my brother Esau, for I feare hym, lest he wyll come and smyte me, [yea] the mother with the chyldren

Genesis 32:28-29

28 He sayde: thy name shalbe called no more Iacob, but Israel: For as a prince hast thou wrasteled with God, and with men, and hast preuayled 29 And Iacob asked him, saying: tell me thy name. And he sayde: wherefore doest thou aske after my name? And he blessed hym there

Exodus 3:13-15

13 And Moyses sayde vnto God: behold [when] I come vnto the chyldren of Israel, and shall say vnto them: the God of your fathers hath sent me vnto you. And if they saye vnto me, what is thy name? what answere shall I geue the 14 And God aunswered Moyses: I am that I am. And he said: This shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel, I am, hath sent me vnto you 15 And God spake further vnto Moyses, Thus shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel: The Lorde God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you: This is my name for euer, and this is my memoriall into generation and generation

Exodus 6:3

3 I appeared vnto Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob as an almightie God: but in my name Iehouah was I not knowen vnto them

Exodus 34:5-7

5 And the Lord descended in the cloude, and stode with him there: and he called vpon the name of the Lorde 6 And the Lorde passed by before hym, and cryed, Lorde, Lorde, God, strong, mercyfull and gracious, long suffering, and aboundaunt in goodnes & trueth 7 And kepyng mercy in store for thousandes, forgeuing wickednes, vngodlynes and sinne, and not leauing one innocent, visiting the wickednes of the fathers vpon the chyldren, and vpon the chyldrens chyldren, [euen] vnto the third and fourth generation

1 Samuel 30:6

6 And Dauid was in great cumbraunce: For the people entended to stone him, because the heartes of all ye people were vexed euery man for his sonnes and for his daughters: But Dauid toke a good courage to him in the Lorde his God

2 Samuel 22:3

3 God is my strength, in him will I trust: he is my shielde, and the horne of my saluation, my hie towre, and my refuge, my sauiour, thou hast saued me from wrong

2 Samuel 22:45-47

45 Straunge childre dissemble with me: at the hearing of the eare, they obey me 46 Straunge children wil shrinke away: and they shall be smytten with feare in their priuie chamber 47 Let the Lord lyue, and blessed be my strength: magnified be God [euen] the force of my saluation

2 Samuel 22:51

51 He is the towre of saluation for his king, and dealeth mercyfully with his annoynted: euen with Dauid, and with his seede for euermore

Psalms 18:2

2 (18:1b) God is my stony rocke & my fortresse, and my delyuerer: my Lorde, my castell in whom I wyll trust, my buckler, the horne of my saluation, & my refuge

Psalms 27:1

1 God is my lyght and saluation, whom then shall I feare? God is the strength of my life, of whom then shall I be afraide

Psalms 56:3-4

3 [Neuerthelesse] at all times as I am afraide: I put my whole trust in thee 4 In the Lord I wyll prayse his word: in the Lorde I haue put my trust, and I wyll not feare what flesh can do vnto me

Psalms 61:3-4

3 For thou hast ben my hope: [and] a strong towre [for me] against the face of the enemie 4 I wyll dwell in thy tabernacle for euer: my trust shalbe vnder the couering of thy wynges. Selah

Psalms 91:2

2 I wyll say vnto God, thou art my hope and my fortresse: my Lorde, in whom I wyll trust

Psalms 91:14

14 Because he hath set greatly his loue vpon me, therfore wyll I deliuer hym: I wyll set hym vp out of all daunger, because he hath knowen my name

Psalms 144:2

2 My holynesse and my fortresse, my refuge, and my only deliuerer: my buckler, in hym I haue put my trust, who subdueth my people vnder me

Isaiah 9:6

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace

Isaiah 26:4

4 Put ye your trust alway in the Lord: for in the Lorde God there is strength for euermore

Isaiah 57:15

15 For thus saith the hye and excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuarie, and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite do I dwell, that I may heale a troubled minde, and a contrite heart

Jeremiah 23:6

6 In his tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israel shall dwell without feare: and this is the name that they shall call hym, euen the Lorde our righteousnesse

Habakkuk 3:19

19 The Lord God is my strength, he wil make my feete like hindes [feete] & he wil make me to walke vpon my hye places. To the chiefe singer on Neginothai, [or vpon the instrumentes of musicke.

Matthew 1:23

23 Behold, a virgin shalbe with childe, and shall bryng foorth a sonne, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, whiche is by interpretation, God with vs.

Revelation 1:8

8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endyng, sayth the Lorde almyghtie, which is, and which was, and which is to come

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.