6 With mercie and faythfulnesse sinnes be forgeuen: and by the feare of the Lorde euyll is eschewed
Proverbs 16:6 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 20:11
11 Abraha aunswered: For I thought [thus] surely the feare of God is not in this place, and they shal slaye me for my wyues sake
Nehemiah 5:9
9 And [Nehemia] saide, It is not good that ye do: Ought ye not to walke in the feare of our God, because of the rebuke of the heathen that are our enemies
Nehemiah 5:15
15 For the olde captaynes that were before me, had ben chargeable vnto the people, and had taken of them bread & wine, beside fouretie sicles of siluer, yea and their seruauntes had oppressed the people: But so did not I, and that because of the feare of God
Job 1:1-8
1 In the lande of Hus there was a man whose name was Iob, & the same was a perfect and iust man, one that feared God and eschued euill
2 And he had seuen sonnes and three daughters
3 His substaunce also was seuen thousand sheepe, and three thousand camels, fiue hundred yoke of oxen, and fiue hundred shee asses, and a very great householde: so that he was one of the most principall men among all them of the east [countrey.
4 And his sonnes went and banquetted in their houses euery one his day, and sent for their three sisters to eate and drinke with them
5 And when the dayes of their banquetting were gone about, Iob sent and sanctified them, and gat vp early and offered for euery one a burnt offring: For Iob saide, It may be that my sonnes haue done some offence, & haue ben vnthankfull to God in their heartes. Thus did Iob euery day
6 And vpon a day when the children of God came and stoode before the lord, Satan came also among them
7 And the Lorde saide vnto Satan Whence comest thou? Satan aunswered the Lorde and saide: From compassing the earth to and fro, & from walking through it
8 And the Lorde saide vnto Satan: Hast thou not considered my seruaunt Iob, how there is none lyke him in the earth? a perfect and a iust man, one that feareth God, and eschueth euill
Job 28:28
28 And vnto man he sayd: To feare the Lorde is wysdome, and to forsake euyll is vnderstanding
Psalms 85:10
10 Mercy and trueth are met together: righteousnes and peace haue kissed [eche other.
Proverbs 8:13
13 The feare of the Lorde abhorreth wickednes, pryde, disdayne, and the euil way, and a mouth that speaketh wicked thinges I vtterly abhorre
Proverbs 14:16
16 A wyse man feareth, and departeth from euyll: but the foole is angry, and counteth hym selfe sure
Proverbs 14:27
27 The feare of the Lorde is a well of lyfe, to auoyde the snares of death
Proverbs 20:28
28 Mercy and trueth preserueth the king, and with louing kindnes his seate is holden vp
Daniel 4:27
27 Wherfore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable vnto thee, and breake of thy sinnes by righteousnesse, and thyne iniquities by mercie towarde the poore: lo, let there be a healing of thyne errour
Micah 7:18-20
18 Who is such a God as thou, that pardonest wickednesse, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne heritage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: for his delite is to haue compassion
19 He shall turne againe, and be merciful to vs, he shall put downe our wickednesses, and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea
20 Thou wilt perfourme to Iacob thy trueth, and thy mercie to Abraham, like as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers in olde time
Luke 11:41
41 But rather geue almes of those thynges which are within, and beholde all thynges are cleane vnto you
John 15:2
2 Euery braunche that beareth not fruite in me, he will take away: And euery braunche that beareth fruite wyll he pourge, that it may bryng foorth more fruite
Acts 15:9
9 And put no difference betwene vs and them, purifiyng their heartes by fayth
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Seyng that we haue these promises (dearely beloued) let vs clense our selues from all fylthynesse of the flesshe & spirite, and growe vp to full holynesse in the feare of God
Ephesians 5:21
21 Submittyng your selues one to another in the feare of God
1 Peter 1:22
22 Euen ye which haue purified your soules through the spirite in obeying the trueth, with brotherly loue vnfayned, see that ye loue one another with a pure heart feruentlye