3 Let nothyng [be done] through stryfe or vayne glorie, but in mekenesse of mynde euery man esteeme one ye other better then hym selfe
Philippians 2:3 Cross References - Bishops
Proverbs 13:10
10 Among the proude there is euer strife: but with the well aduised is wisdome
Luke 14:7-11
7 He put foorth also a similitude to the ghestes, when he marked howe they chose out the chiefe rowmes, and sayde vnto them
8 When thou art bydden of any man to a weddyng, syt not downe in the hyest rowme: lest a more honourable man then thou, be bydden of hym
9 And he, that bad hym and thee, come, and say to thee, geue this man rowme: & thou then begyn with shame, to take the lowest rowme
10 But when thou art bydden, go and syt in the lowest rowme, that when he that bad thee cometh, he may say vnto thee, friende syt vp hyer: Then shalt thou haue worshyppe in the presence of them that syt at meate with thee
11 For whosoeuer exalteth hym selfe, shalbe brought lowe: And he that humbleth hym selfe, shalbe exalted
Luke 18:14
14 I tell you, this man departed [home] to his house iustified, rather then the other. For euery one that exalteth hym selfe, shalbe brought lowe: And he that humbleth hym selfe, shalbe exalted
Romans 12:10
10 Affectioned one to another with brotherly loue, in geuyng honour, go one before another
Romans 13:13
13 Let vs walke honestly as in the day, not in riotyng & dronkennesse, neither in chaumberyng & wantonnesse, neither in strife and enuying
1 Corinthians 3:3
3 For ye are carnal. Seing then, there is among you enuying, & stryfe, and sectes, are ye not carnall, and walke as men
1 Corinthians 15:9
9 For I am the least of the Apostles, which am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Churche of God
2 Corinthians 12:20
20 For I feare lest when I come, I shall not fynde you such as I woulde: and that I shalbe founde vnto you, such as ye woulde not: lest there be debates, enuyinges, wrathes, strifes, backbitinges, whisperinges, swellinges, & seditions
Galatians 5:15
15 Yf ye byte and deuoure one another, take heede lest ye be consumed one of another
Galatians 5:20-21
20 Worshippyng of images, witchcrafte, hatred, variaunce, zeale, wrath, strife, seditions, sectes
21 Enuyinges, murthers, drunkennesse, gluttonies, and such lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which do suche thinges, shall not inherite the kingdome of God
Galatians 5:26
26 Let vs not be desirous of vayne glorie, prouoking one another, enuying one another
Ephesians 4:2
2 With all lowlynesse & mekenesse, with long sufferyng, forbearyng one another in loue
Ephesians 5:21
21 Submittyng your selues one to another in the feare of God
Philippians 1:15-17
Philippians 2:14
14 Do all thyng without murmuryng and disputyng
Colossians 3:8
8 But nowe put ye of also all, wrath, fiercenesse, maliciousnesse, blasphemie, filthie comunication out of your mouth
1 Timothy 6:4
4 He is puft vp, knowyng nothing, but dotyng about questions and strifes of wordes, wherof commeth enuie, stryfe, raylynges, euyll surmysynges
James 3:14-16
James 4:5-6
1 Peter 2:1-2
1 Peter 5:5
5 Likewise ye younger, submit your selues vnto the elder: Submit your selues euery man one to another, decke your selues inwardly in lowlynes of mynde: For God resisteth the proude, and geueth grace to the humble