Philippians 1:19 Cross References - Bishops

19 For I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation, through your prayer, and ministryng of the spirite of Iesus Christe

Acts 16:7

7 They commyng to Mysia, sought to go into Bithynia: but the spirite suffred them not

Romans 8:9

9 But ye are not in the fleshe, but in the spirite, yf so be that the spirite of God dwell in you. If any man haue not the spirite of Christe, the same is none of his

Romans 8:28

28 For we knowe yt all thinges worke for the best, vnto them that loue God, to them which also are called of purpose

1 Corinthians 4:17

17 For this cause haue I sent vnto you Timotheus, whiche is my beloued sonne, & faythfull in the Lorde, which shall put you in remembraunce of my wayes which be in Christe, as I teache euery where in all Churches

2 Corinthians 1:11

11 By the helpe of your prayer for vs, that by ye meanes of many persons, thankes may geuen of many on our behalfe, for the grace geuen vnto vs

Galatians 4:6

6 Because ye are sonnes, God hath sent the spirite of his sonne into your heartes, crying, Abba, father

Ephesians 6:18-19

18 Praying alwayes in all prayer and supplication in the spirite, and watche thervnto with all instaunce and supplication, for all saintes 19 And for me, that vtteraunce may be geue vnto me, yt I may open my mouth freely, to vtter ye secretes of the Gospell

1 Peter 1:7-9

7 That the triall of your fayth, beyng much more precious then golde that perisheth, though it be tried with fyre, myght be founde vnto laude, glorie, and honour, at the appearyng of Iesus Christe 8 Whom ye haue not seene, and yet loue hym, in whom euen nowe though ye see hym not, yet do you beleue, & reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious 9 Receauyng the ende of your fayth, euen the saluation of your soules

1 Peter 1:11

11 Searchyng when or at what tyme the spirite of Christ which was in them, shoulde signifie, which spirite testified before, the passions that should happen vnto Christe, and the glorie that shoulde folowe after

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.