Numbers 23:21 Cross References - Bishops

21 He behelde no vanitie in Iacob, nor saw transgression in Israel: The Lord his God is with hym, and the ioyfull shout of a king is among them

Exodus 13:21

21 And the Lorde went before them by day in a pyller of a cloude to leade them the way, and by nyght in a pyller of fire to geue them lyght, that they myght go both by day and nyght

Exodus 29:45-46

45 And I will dwell amongst the chyldren of Israel, and will be their God 46 And they shall knowe that I am the Lord theyr God, that brought them out of the lande of Egypt, for to dwell amongst them [euen] I the Lord their God

Exodus 33:14-16

14 And he said: My presence shall go with thee, and I wyll geue thee rest 15 He sayd vnto hym: If thy presence go not with me, cary vs not hence 16 For howe shall it be knowen here, that I and thy people haue founde fauour in thy sight, but in that thou goest with vs? If thou goest with vs, shall not I and thy people haue preeminence before all the people that are vpon the face of the earth

Exodus 34:9

9 And sayd: If I haue founde grace in thy sight, O Lorde, then let my Lorde I pray thee go in the middest of vs, for it is a styfnecked people: and thou shalt haue mercy vpon our wickednes and our sinne, and shalt take vs for thine inheritaunce

Deuteronomy 33:5

5 And he was in Israel king, when the heades of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together

Judges 6:13

13 And Gedeon aunswered him: Oh my Lord, if the Lorde be with vs, why is all this come vpon vs? Yea, & where be all his miracles which our fathers tolde vs of, and sayd: Dyd not the Lord bryng vs out of Egypt? But nowe the Lord hath forsaken vs, and deliuered vs into the handes of the Madianites

2 Chronicles 13:12

12 And beholde, God him selfe is our captayne, and his priestes blowe with the trumpettes and crie alarum against you. O ye children of Israel, fight not against the Lorde God of your fathers: for it wyll not prosper with you

Psalms 23:4

4 (23:3) Yea though I walke through the valley of the shadowe of death, I wyll feare no euyll: for thou art with me, thy rodde and thy staffe be the thynges that do comfort me

Psalms 32:2

2 Blessed is ye man vnto whom God imputeth no vnrighteousnes: & in whose spirit there is no guile

Psalms 32:5

5 [Therfore] I haue made knowen my faultes vnto thee, and my righteousnes haue I not hid: I sayd I will confesse my wickednes vnto God, and thou forgauest the vnrighteousnes of my sinne. Selah

Psalms 46:7

7 The God of hoastes is with vs: the Lorde of Iacob is our refuge. Selah

Psalms 46:11

11 The God of hoastes is with vs: the Lorde of Iacob is our refuge. Selah

Psalms 47:5-7

5 The Lorde ascendeth in a triumph: [and] God with the sounde of a trumpet 6 Syng psalmes to the Lorde, syng psalmes: syng psalmes to our kyng, sing psalmes 7 For the Lorde is kyng of all the earth: syng psalmes [all you that haue] skyll

Psalms 89:15-18

15 Blessed is the people that knoweth a triumphant noyse: O God, they shall walke in the light of thy countenaunce 16 They shall make them selues merie dayly in thy name: and in thy righteousnes they shall exalt them selues 17 For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy louing kindnes thou wylt lift vp our hornes 18 For our shielde is of God: and our king is of the most holy of Israel

Psalms 97:1

1 God raigneth, the earth shalbe glad: the multitude of the Iles shalbe glad [therof.

Psalms 103:12

12 [Loke] howe farre distaunt the east is from the west: so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs

Psalms 118:15

15 The voyce of a ioyfull noyse & of saluation is in the dwellynges of the ryghteous: [saying] the ryght hande of God bryngeth mightie thynges to passe

Isaiah 1:18

18 And then go to, saith the Lorde, let vs talke together: though your sinnes be as red as scarlet, they shalbe as whyte as snowe: and though they were lyke purple, they shalbe as whyte as wooll

Isaiah 8:10

10 Take your counsell together, yet shall your counsell come to naught: determine the matter, yet shall it not prosper: for God is with vs

Isaiah 12:6

6 Crye out, and sing thou that dwellest in Sion: for great is the holy one of Israel in the middest of thee

Isaiah 33:22

22 For the Lorde is our iudge, the Lord is our lawe geuer, the Lord is our king, and he hym selfe shalbe our sauiour

Isaiah 38:17

17 Beholde, bitter as gall was my pensiuenesse, so sore longed I for health, and it was thy pleasure to deliuer my lyfe from the filthy pit: for thou it is [O Lorde] that hast cast all my sinnes behynde thy backe

Isaiah 41:10

10 Be not afraide, for I am with thee: Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God to strength thee, helpe thee, and kepe thee with the right hande of my righteousnesse

Jeremiah 50:20

20 In those dayes and at the same tyme saith the Lorde, yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde, yf men enquire for the sinne of Iuda, there shalbe none: for I wyll be mercifull vnto them whom I suffer to remayne

Ezekiel 48:35

35 Thus shal it haue eighteene thousand measures rounde about: and the name of the citie from that time foorth, shalbe, The Lorde is there

Hosea 14:2-4

2 Take these wordes with you, whe ye turne to the Lorde, and say vnto him, O forgeue vs all our sinnes, receaue vs graciously, and then wyll we offer the Calues of our lippes vnto thee 3 Asshur shalbe no more our helper, neither will we ride vpon horses any more, neither wyll we say any more to the worke of our handes, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherlesse findeth mercie 4 I wyll heale their rebellion, I wyll loue them freely: for mine anger is turned away from hym

Micah 7:18-20

18 Who is such a God as thou, that pardonest wickednesse, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne heritage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: for his delite is to haue compassion 19 He shall turne againe, and be merciful to vs, he shall put downe our wickednesses, and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea 20 Thou wilt perfourme to Iacob thy trueth, and thy mercie to Abraham, like as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers in olde time

Matthew 1:23

23 Behold, a virgin shalbe with childe, and shall bryng foorth a sonne, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, whiche is by interpretation, God with vs.

Luke 19:37-38

37 And when he was nowe come nye to the going downe of the mount Oliuete, the whole multitude of the disciples began to reioyce, and to prayse God with a loude voyce, for all the miracles that they had seene 38 Saying: Blessed be the kyng that cometh in the name of the Lorde, peace in heauen, and glory in the hyest

Romans 4:7-8

7 Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnesse are forgeuen, & whose sinnes are couered 8 Blessed is that man to who the Lorde wyll not impute sinne

Romans 6:14

14 For sinne shall not haue power ouer you, because ye are not vnder ye lawe, but vnder grace

Romans 8:1

1 There is then no dampnation to them which are in Christe Iesu, which walke not after the fleshe, but after the spirite

2 Corinthians 2:14

14 Nowe thankes be vnto God, whiche alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christe, and openeth the sauour of his knowledge by vs in euery place

2 Corinthians 5:19

19 For God was in Christe, reconciling the worlde to hym selfe, not imputyng their sinnes vnto them, and hath committed to vs the preachyng of the atonement

2 Corinthians 6:16

16 Or howe agreeth the temple of God with images? For ye are the temple of the lyuing God, as saide God, I wyll dwell in them, & walke in [them] & wyll be their God, & they shalbe my people

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.