33 The number of them that were of the tribe of Ephraim, was fourtie thousand and fiue hundred
Numbers 1:33 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 48:5
5 And nowe thy two sonnes Manasses and Ephraim, whiche were borne vnto thee in the land of Egypt before I came vnto thee into Egypt, are myne, euen as Ruben and Simeon are mine
Numbers 2:19
19 His hoast and the number of them, fourtie thousande and fiue hundred
Numbers 26:37
37 These are the kinredes of the children of Ephraim after their numbers, thirtie and two thousande and fiue hundred. And these are the chyldren of Ioseph after their kinredes
Deuteronomy 33:17
17 His first borne oxe hath beautie, and his hornes are as the hornes of an vnicorne, and with them he shall trouble the nations together, euen vnto the endes of the worlde: These are also ten thousandes of Ephraim, and the thousandes of Manasses