Numbers 19:21 Cross References - Bishops

21 And it shalbe a perpetuall lawe vnto them, that he that sprinckleth the water of seperation, shall washe his clothes: and he that toucheth the water of seperation, shalbe vncleane vntyll euen

Leviticus 11:25

25 And whosoeuer beareth the carkasse of them, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen

Leviticus 11:40

40 He that eateth of the dead carkasse of it, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen: And he also that beareth the carkasse of it, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen

Leviticus 16:26-28

26 And he that caryed foorth the goate for the scape goate, shall washe his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in water, and then come into the hoast 27 And the bullocke for the sinne offering, & the goate for the sinne offering, whose blood was brought in to clense the holy place, shall one cary out without the hoast to be burnt in the fire, with their skinnes, their fleshe, and their dounge 28 And he that burneth them, shall wash his clothes, and bathe his fleshe in water, and then come into the hoast

Hebrews 7:19

19 For the lawe made nothyng perfect, but [was] the bryngyng in of a better hope, by the whiche we drawe nygh vnto God

Hebrews 9:10

10 With only meates and drynkes, and diuers wasshynges, and iustifiynges of the flesshe, which were layde vp vntyll the tyme of reformation

Hebrews 9:13-14

13 For if the blood of Oxen & of Goates, and the asshes of a young Cowe, sprinklyng the vncleane, sanctifieth to the purifiyng of the flesshe 14 Howe much more the blood of Christe, which through the eternall spirite offered hym selfe without spot to God, shall purge your conscience fro dead workes, to serue the lyuyng God

Hebrews 10:4

4 For it is not possible that the blood of Bulles & of Goates shoulde take away sinnes

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.