Nehemiah 7:71 Cross References - Bishops

71 And some of the chiefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke, twentie thousand peeces of gold, & two thousand and two hundred pounde of siluer

Job 34:19

19 God hath no respect vnto the persons of the lordly, and regardeth not the riche more then the poore: for they be al the worke of his handes

Luke 21:1-4

1 As he beheld, he sawe the ryche men whiche caste their gyftes into the treasurie 2 He saw also a certaine poore wydowe, which caste in thyther two unites 3 And he sayde, Of a trueth I say vnto you, that this poore wydowe hath put in more then they all 4 For they all haue of their superfluitie added vnto the offerynges of God: but she of her penurie hath cast in al the substaunce that she had

2 Corinthians 8:12

12 For if there be first a wyllyng mynde, it is accepted accordyng to that a man hath, and not accordyng to that he hath not

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.