Nehemiah 7:64 Cross References - Bishops

64 These sought their writing in the register of their generation, but they were not founde: therfore they were put from the priesthood

Leviticus 4:3

3 As yf the priest that is annoynted, do sinne accordyng to the sinne of the people, let hym bryng for his sinne which he hath sinned, a young bullocke without blemishe, vnto the Lorde for a sinne offeryng

1 Chronicles 9:1

1 And so all Israel numbred by kinredes, beholde they are written in the booke of the kinges of Israel and of Iuda, and were caryed away to Babylon for their transgression

Nehemiah 7:5

5 And God gaue me in myne heart that I gathered together the principal men, and the officers, & the people, to number them: and I founde a register of the number of them which came vp before, and founde written therein

Nehemiah 13:29

29 O my God, thinke thou vpon them that defile the presthod, and the couenaunt of the presthod and of the Leuites

Matthew 22:11-13

11 Then the kyng came in, to see the ghestes: and whe he spyed there a man, which had not on a weddyng garmet 12 He sayde vnto hym: frende, howe camest thou in hyther, not hauyng a weddyng garment? And he was euen speachlesse 13 Then sayde the kyng to the ministers: bynde hym hande and foote, and cast hym into vtter darknesse: there shalbe wepyng and gnasshyng of teeth

Matthew 25:11-12

11 Afterwarde came also the other virgins, saying: Lorde, Lorde, open to vs 12 But he aunswered and sayde: veryly I say vnto you, I knowe you not

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.