Matthew 8:30 Cross References - Bishops

30 And there was, a good way of from them, a hearde of many swyne, feedyng

Leviticus 11:7

7 And agayne the Swyne, though he deuide the hoofe, and is clouen footed, yet he chaweth not the cud, he is vncleane to you

Deuteronomy 14:8

8 And also the Swine, though he deuide the hoofe, yet he cheweth not cud, therefore is he vncleane vnto you: ye shall not eate of the fleshe of suche, nor touche the dead carkasse of them

Isaiah 65:3-4

3 To a people that is euer defiyng me to my face, they make their oblations in gardens, and their smoke vpon aulters of bricke 4 They lurke among the groues, and lye in the dennes all night: they eate swines fleshe, and vncleane broth is in their vessels

Isaiah 66:3

3 For who so slayeth an oxe [for me, doth me so great dishonour] as he that killeth a man: He that killeth a sheepe for me knetcheth a dogge: He that bryngeth me meate offerynges, offereth sivynes blood, who so maketh me a memorial of incense, prayseth the thyng that is vnryght: Yet take they such wayes in hande, and their soule delyghteth in these abhominations

Mark 5:11

11 But there was there, nye vnto the mountaynes, a great hearde of swyne feedyng

Luke 8:32

32 And there was there, an hearde of many swyne, feedyng on an hyll: and they besought hym, that he woulde suffer them to enter into them: and he suffered them

Luke 15:15-16

15 And he ioyned hym selfe to a citizen of that countrey: and he sent hym to his farme, to feede swyne 16 And he woulde fayne haue fylled his belly with the coddes that the swyne dyd eate: and no man gaue vnto hym

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.