Matthew 5:25 Cross References - Bishops

25 Agree with thyne aduersarie quicklye, whyles thou art in the waye with him: lest at any tyme the aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge, and the iudge deliuer thee to the minister, and then thou be cast into pryson

Genesis 32:3-8

3 And Iacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother, vnto the lande of Seir, the fielde of Edom 4 And he commaunded them, saying: Thus shall ye speake to my Lorde Esau, thy seruaunt Iacob sayeth thus: I haue ben a straunger with Laban, and haue stayed there vnto this time 5 And haue oxen, asses, and sheepe, menseruauntes, and womenseruauntes: and haue sent to shewe [it] my Lord, that I may finde grace in thy sight 6 And the messengers came agayne to Iacob, saying: we came to thy brother Esau, and he commeth to meete thee, and hath foure hundred men with him 7 But Iacob was greatly afrayde, and wist not whiche way to turne him selfe: and deuided the people that was with him, and the sheepe, and oxen, and camelles, into two companies 8 And sayd, if Esau come to the one part and smite it, the other shall saue it selfe

Genesis 32:13-22

13 And he taryed there that same nyght, and toke of that whiche came to hande, a present for Esau his brother 14 Two hundred shee gotes, and twentie hee gotes, two hundred sheepe, & twentie rammes 15 Thirtie milche camelles with theyr coltes, fourtie kine, and ten bulles, twentie shee asses, and ten foales 16 And deliuered them into the handes of his seruauntes, euery droue by them selues, and sayde vnto his seruauntes: go foorth before me, and put a space betwixt droue and droue 17 And he commaunded the formost, saying: If Esau my brother meete thee, and aske thee, saying, whose art thou? and whyther goest thou? and whose are these [that go] before thee 18 Thou shalt say, they be thy seruaunt Iacobs, and it is a present sent vnto my Lorde Esau, and beholde, he him selfe commeth after vs 19 And so commaunded he the seconde, and the thirde, and all that folowed the droues, saying: on this maner see that you speake vnto Esau when ye meete hym 20 And say moreouer: beholde, thy seruaunt Iacob also commeth after vs: for he sayde, I wyll appeace his wrath with the present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see him my selfe, peraduenture he wyll receaue me to grace 21 So went the present before hym: and he taryed al that night in the company 22 And he rose vp the same nyght, and toke his two wyues, & his two maydeseruauntes, and his eleuen sonnes, and went ouer the forde Iaboc

Genesis 33:3-11

3 And he went before them, and bowed him selfe to the grounde seuen tymes, vntill he came to his brother 4 Esau ranne to meete hym, and imbraced him, and fel on his necke, and kissed him, and they wept 5 And he lyft vp his eyes, and sawe the women & the children, and said: whence hast thou these? And he aunswered: they are the children which god hath geuen thy seruaunt 6 Then came the handmaydens foorth, and their chyldren, and dyd their obeysaunce 7 Lea also with her children, came and dyd their obeysaunce? And last of all came Ioseph and Rachel, and dyd theyr obeysaunce 8 And he sayde: what is all the droue whiche I met? He aunswered: that I may finde grace in the sight of my lorde 9 And Esau saide: I haue inough my brother, kepe that thou hast vnto thy selfe 10 And Iacob answered: Nay I pray thee, but if I haue founde grace in thy sight, receaue I pray thee my present of my hande: for I haue seene thy face, as though I had seene the face of God, and so thou hast receaued me to grace 11 Oh take my blessyng that is brought thee: for God hath had mercy on me, and I haue inough. And so he compelled him, and he toke it

1 Samuel 25:17-35

17 Now therefore take heede, & see what thou shalt do: for surelie euyll will come vpon our maister and al his housholde, for he is so wicked, that a man can not speake to him 18 Then Abigail made haste, and tooke two hundred loaues, and two bottels of wine, and fiue sheepe redie dressed, and fiue measures of parched corne, and an hundred frailes of reasynges, and two hundred cakes of fygges, & laded them on asses 19 And sayde vnto her young men: Go before me, beholde I come after you. But she tolde her husband Nabal nothing thereof 20 And as she rode on her asse, she came priuylie downe the syde of the hill, and behold Dauid and his men came downe against her, and she met them 21 And Dauid saide: Surelie in vayne haue I kept all that this felow hath in the wildernes, so that nothing was missed of all that pertayned vnto him: and he hath quite me euill for good 22 So and more also do God vnto the enemies of Dauid, if I leaue of all that pertayne to him by the dawnyng of the day, any that pysseth against the wall 23 And when Abigail sawe Dauid, she hasted and lyghted of her asse, and fell before Dauid on her face, and bowed her selfe to the grounde 24 And fell at his feete, and sayde: Let this iniquitie be counted myne my lord, and let thyne handmaide I praye thee speake in thyne audience, & heare the wordes of thy handmayd 25 Let not my lorde I pray thee regarde this wicked man Nabal: For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, & folly is with him: But I thyne handmayd sawe not the young men of my lorde whom thou sendedst 26 Now therefore my lorde, as the Lord lyueth, and as thy soule liueth, euen the Lorde that hath withholden thee from comming to [shed] blood, and saued thee thyne hand: So nowe, I pray God that thyne enemies, & they that intende to do my lorde euyll, may be as Nabal 27 And now this blessing which thyne handmayd hath brought vnto my lord, let it be geuen vnto the young men that folowe my lorde 28 I praye thee forgeue the trespasse of thyne handmayd: for the Lorde will make my lord a sure house, because my lorde fighteth the battailes of the Lord, and there could none euill be found in thee in all thy dayes 29 And yet a man hath rysen to persecute thee, and to seeke thy soule: but the soule of my Lorde shall be bound in the bundel of the lyuyng with the Lord thy God, and the soules of thy enemies shall God cast out, euen as out of the middle of a slyng 30 And when the Lorde shall haue done to my lord al the good that he hath promysed thee, and shall haue made thee ruler ouer Israel 31 Then shall it be no griefe vnto thee, nor offence of mynde vnto my lorde, that thou hast not shed blood causelesse, and that my lord hath not auenged him selfe: But when the Lorde shall haue dealt well with my lord, then thinke on thyne handmayde 32 And Dauid said to Abigail: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meete me 33 Blessed is thy saying, and blessed art thou which hast kept me this day from comming to shed blood, & from auengeing my selfe with myne owne hande 34 For in very deede, as the Lorde God of Israel lyueth, which hath kept me backe from hurting thee: except thou haddest hasted and met me, surely there hadde not ben left vnto Nabal by the dawnyng of the day, any that pysseth against the wall 35 And so Dauid receaued of her hande that which she had brought him, and sayde vnto her: Go vp in peace to thyne house, beholde I haue heard thy voyce, and haue graunted thy petition

1 Kings 22:26-27

26 And the king of Israel sayde: Take Michea and cary him vnto Amon the gouerner of the citie, and vnto Ioas the kinges sonne 27 And say: Thus sayeth ye king: Put this felow in the prison house, and feede him with bread of affliction, and with water of trouble, vntill I returne in peace

Job 22:21

21 Therefore reconcile thee vnto God, and be at peace: so shall all thinges prospere with thee right well

Psalms 32:6

6 For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in the time when thou mayest be founde: so that in the great water fluddes they shal not come nye hym

Proverbs 6:1-5

1 My sonne if thou be suretie for thy neyghbour, and hast fastened thyne hande for another man 2 Thou art bounde with thine owne wordes, and taken with thine owne speach 3 Therfore my sonne do this, and thou shalt be discharged: When thou art come into thy neyghbours daunger, go thy wayes then soone, humble thy selfe, and with thy frendes intreate [thy creditour. 4 Let not thyne eyes sleepe, nor thyne eye liddes slumber 5 Saue thy self as a Doe from the hand of the [hunter] and as a byrde from the hande of the fouler

Proverbs 25:8

8 Be not hastie to go to lawe: lest haplye thou knowest not what to do when thy neighbour hath confounded thee

Isaiah 55:6-7

6 Seke the Lorde whyle he may be founde, and call vpon hym whyle he is nye 7 Let the vngodly man forsake his owne wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, and turne agayne vnto the Lorde, so shall he be mercifull vnto hym: and to our God, for he is very redy to forgeue

Luke 12:58-59

58 When thou goest with thine aduersarie to the ruler, as thou art in the waye, geue diligence that thou mayest be deliuered from hym, lest he bryng thee to the iudge, and the iudge deliuer thee to the iayler, and the iayler caste thee into prison 59 I tel thee, thou shalt not depart thence, tyll thou haue made good the vtmost mite

Luke 13:24-25

24 Stryue to enter in at the strayte gate: for many I say vnto you, wyll seke to enter in, and shall not be able 25 When the good man of the house is risen vp, and hath shut to the doore, and ye begyn to stande without, & to knocke at the doore, saying, Lorde, Lorde, open vnto vs: and he shall aunswere, and say vnto you, I knowe you not whence ye are

Luke 14:31-32

31 Or what kyng, goyng to make battell against another kyng, sitteth not downe first, and casteth in his mynde, whether he be able with ten thousande, to meete hym, that commeth agaynst hym with twentie thousande 32 Or els, whyle the other is yet a great way of, he sendeth an imbassage, and desireth conditions of peace

2 Corinthians 6:2

2 For he saith: I haue heard thee in a tyme accepted, and in the day of saluation haue I suckoured thee. Beholde, nowe is that accepted tyme, beholde nowe is that day of saluation

Hebrews 3:7

7 Wherfore, as the holy ghost saith: Today yf ye wyll heare his voyce

Hebrews 3:13

13 But exhort ye one another dayly, whyle it is called to day, lest any of you be hardened, through the deceytfulnesse of sinne

Hebrews 12:17

17 For ye knowe, howe that afterwarde when he woulde haue inherited the blessyng, he was reprobated: For he founde no place of repentaunce, though he sought it with teares

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