49 And foorthwith, he came to Iesus, and sayde, hayle maister: and kyssed hym
Matthew 26:49 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 27:26
26 And his father Isahac said vnto him: Come neare, and kysse me, my sonne
1 Samuel 10:1
1 And the Samuel toke a vessell of oyle, and powred it vpon his head, and kissed him, and sayd: Hath not the Lord annoynted thee, to be captaine ouer his inheritaunce
2 Samuel 20:9
9 And Ioab saide to Amasa: Art thou in health my brother? And Ioab toke Amasa by ye beard with the right hand, to kisse him
Proverbs 27:6
6 Faythfull are the woundes of a louer: but the kysses of an enemie are cruell
Matthew 26:25
25 Then Iudas, which betrayed [hym] aunswered and sayde: Maister, is it I? He sayde vnto hym, thou hast sayde
Matthew 27:29-30
Mark 14:45-46
Mark 15:18
18 And began to salute hym: Hayle kyng of the Iewes
Luke 7:45
45 Thou gauest me no kysse: but she, sence the tyme I came in, hath not ceassed to kysse my feete
John 19:3
3 And sayde, Hayle king of the Iewes: And they stroke hym with roddes
1 Thessalonians 5:26
26 Greete all the brethren in an holy kysse