19 Therefore Herodias layde wayte for hym, and woulde haue kylled hym: but she coulde not
Mark 6:19 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 39:17-20
17 And she tolde him with these wordes, saying: This Hebrue seruaunt whiche thou hast brought vnto vs, came vnto me to do me shame
18 But assoone as I lyft vp my voyce and cryed, he left his garment with me, and fledde out
19 When his maister hearde the wordes of his wyfe whiche she tolde hym, saying, after this maner dyd thy seruaunt to me: he waxed wroth
20 And Iosephes maister toke hym, and put hym in pryson, euen into the place where the kynges prysoners laye bounde: and there continued he in prison
1 Kings 21:20
20 And Ahab sayde to Elias: Hast thou founde me, O thou myne enemie? He aunswered: I haue founde thee, for thou hast sold thy selfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde
Ecclesiastes 7:9
9 Be not hastyly angrie in thy minde: for wrath resteth in the bosome of fooles