Mark 5:43 Cross References - Bishops

43 And he charged them straytly, that no man shoulde knowe of it: and commaunded to geue her meate

Matthew 8:4

4 And Iesus sayth vnto hym: See thou tell no man, but go, [and] shewe thy selfe to the priest, and offer the gift that Moyses commaunded, for a witnes vnto them

Matthew 9:30

30 And their eyes were opened. And Iesus straytly charged them, saying: see that no man knowe [of it.

Matthew 12:16-18

16 And charged them that they shoulde not make him knowen 17 That it might be fulfylled which was spoken by Esaias the prophete, saying 18 Beholde my childe whom I haue chosen, my beloued in whom my soule well delighteth: I wyll put my spirite vpon him, and he shall shewe iudgement to the gentiles

Matthew 17:9

9 And when they came downe from the mountayne, Iesus charged them, saying: shewe the vision to no man, vntyll the sonne of man be rysen agayne from the dead

Mark 1:43

43 And after he had geuen hym a strayte commaundement, he sent hym away foorthwith

Mark 3:12

12 And he straytely charged them, that they shoulde not make hym knowen

Mark 7:36

36 And he commaunded them, that they shoulde tell no man: But the more he forbad them, so much the more a great deale they published it

Luke 5:14

14 But go [sayth he] and shewe thy selfe to the priest, and offer for thy clensyng, accordyng as Moyses commaunded, for a witnesse vnto them

Luke 8:56

56 And the father and the mother of her, were astonyed: But he warned the that they should tel no man what was done

Luke 24:30

30 And it came to passe, as he sate at meate with them, he toke bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gaue to them

Luke 24:42-43

42 And they offered him a peece of a broyled fishe, and of an hony combe 43 And he toke it, and dyd eate before them

John 5:41

41 I receaue not prayse of men

Acts 10:41

41 Not to al the people, but vnto vs witnesses, chosen before of God, euen to vs whiche dyd eate and drynke with hym after he arose from the dead

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.