1 Beholde, I wyll sende my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the lord whom ye seeke, shal speedyly come to his temple, and the messenger of the couenaunt whom ye desire, beholde he commeth, saith the Lorde of hoastes
2 But who may abyde the day of his comming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is lyke a purging fire, and lyke fullers sope
3 And he shall sit downe to trye and fine the siluer, and he shal purge the children of Leui, and purifie them as golde and siluer: and they shal bring vnto the lorde offeringes in righteousnesse
4 Then shall the offeringes of Iuda and Hierusalem be acceptable vnto the Lorde, as in olde tyme, and as in the yeres afore
5 And I wyl come neare to you in iudgement, and I wyll be a swyft witnesse against the soothsayers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that wrongfully keepe backe the hirelynges wages, and vexe the widowe and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, saith the Lorde of hoastes
6 For I am the Lorde, I chaunge not: and you sonnes of Iacob are not consumed
7 From the dayes of your fathers ye are gone away from myne ordinaunces, and haue not kept [them:] turne you to me, and I wyll turne to you, saith the Lorde of hoastes. And ye saide, Wherein shall we returne
8 Wyll a man spoyle his Gods? yet ye haue spoyled me: and ye say, Wherein haue we spoyled thee? In tythes and offeringes
9 Ye are cursed with a curse, & me haue ye spoyled, euen this whole nation
10 Bryng euery tythe into the store house, that there may be meate in myne house, and prooue me withal, saith the Lorde of hoastes: if I wyl not open the windowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessing without measure
11 And I wyl reprooue the deuourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruite of the grounde, neither shall your vine be barren in the fielde, saith the Lorde of hoastes
12 And al nations shal call you blessed: because you shalbe a pleasaunt lande, saith the Lorde of hoastes
13 Your wordes haue ben stout against me saith the lorde: and you saide, Wherein haue we spoken against thee
14 Ye haue saide: [it is but] vayne to serue God, and what profite [is it] that we haue kept his commaundement, & that we haue walked humbly before the face of the Lorde of hoastes
15 And nowe we call the proude happie: yea the workers of wickednesse are set vp, and also they that tempt God, yea they are deliuered
16 Then they that feared God, saide euery one to his neighbour: and the Lorde considered and hearde, and there was written a booke of remebraunce before him for them that feared the Lorde, and for them that thinke vpon his name
17 And they shalbe to me, saith the Lorde of hoastes, in that day wherein I shall do [iudgement,] a stocke: and I wyl spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne which serueth him
18 Then shall ye returne, and discerne betweene the iust and the wicked, betweene him that serueth God, and him that serueth him not
Malachi 3 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 7:11
11 In the sixe hundreth yere of Noahs lyfe, in the seconde moneth, the seuenteene day of ye moneth, in the same day were all the fountaynes of the great deepe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened
Genesis 15:7
7 And agayne he saide vnto him: I am the Lorde that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to geue thee this lande, & that thou myghtest inherite it
Genesis 15:18
18 In that same day the Lorde made a couenaunt with Abram, saying: vnto thy seede haue I geuen this lande, fro the ryuer of Egypt, euen vnto the great ryuer, the ryuer of Euphrates
Genesis 18:25
25 That be farre from thee that thou shouldest do after this maner, and slaye the ryghteous with the wicked, & that the ryghteous should be as the wicked, that be farre from thee: Shall not the iudge of all the worlde do accordyng to ryght
Genesis 20:11
11 Abraha aunswered: For I thought [thus] surely the feare of God is not in this place, and they shal slaye me for my wyues sake
Genesis 22:12
12 And he sayde: lay not thy hande vpon the chylde, neyther do any thyng vnto hym, for nowe I knowe that thou fearest God, & hast for my sake not spared [yea] thine onlye sonne
Genesis 22:16
16 And sayd: by my selfe haue I sworne, sayeth the Lorde, because thou hast done this thyng, and hast not spared yea thyne onlye sonne
Genesis 42:18
18 And Ioseph said vnto them the thirde day: this do & liue, [for] I feare God
Genesis 48:15-16
15 And he blessed Ioseph, and sayde: God in whose syght my fathers Abraham & Isahac dyd walke, God which hath fedde me al my lyfe long vnto this day
16 And the angell which hath deliuered me from al euyl, blesse these laddes, and let my name be named in them, and the name of my fathers Abraham & Isahac, & that they may growe into a multitude in the middes of the earth
Exodus 1:17
17 Notwithstanding, the mydwifes feared God, and dyd not as the kyng of Egypt commaunded them, but saued the men chyldren
Exodus 3:14-15
14 And God aunswered Moyses: I am that I am. And he said: This shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel, I am, hath sent me vnto you
15 And God spake further vnto Moyses, Thus shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel: The Lorde God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you: This is my name for euer, and this is my memoriall into generation and generation
Exodus 5:2
2 And Pharao sayde: who is the Lorde that I shoulde heare his voyce, and let Israel go? I knowe not the Lorde, neyther wyll I let Israel go
Exodus 18:21
21 Moreouer, thou shalt seeke out among all the people, men of actiuitie [and] such as feare God, true men hating couetousnes, and place [of these] ouer the [people] rulers of thousandes, rulers of hundrethes, rulers of fiftithes, and rulers of tennes
Exodus 19:5
5 Nowe therefore yf ye wyll heare my voyce in deede, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shall be [as] a deare treasure vnto me aboue all nations: for al the earth is myne
Exodus 22:21-24
21 Uexe not a straunger, neither oppresse him: for ye were straungers in the land of Egypt
22 Ye shall trouble no wydowe nor fatherlesse chylde
23 If ye shall euyll entreate them, and they crye out vnto me, I wyll surelye heare theyr crye
24 And then wyl my wrath waxe hotte, and I wyll kyll you with the sworde, & your wyues shalbe widowes, and your chyldren fatherlesse
Exodus 23:20
20 Behold I sende an angell before thee, to kepe thee in the way, and to bryng thee into the place whiche I haue prepared
Leviticus 5:15-16
15 If a soule trespasse and sinne thorowe ignoraunce in thinges that are consecrated vnto the Lorde, let hym bryng for his trespasse vnto the Lord, a Ramme without blemishe out of the flockes, valued in money at two sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, that it may be for a trespasse offering
16 And he shall make amendes for the harme that he hath done in the holy thyng, & let hym put the fift part more thereto, and geue it vnto the priest: And the priest shall make an attonement for hym, with the Ramme that is for the trespasse, and it shalbe forgeuen hym
Leviticus 19:13
13 Thou shalt not do thy neighbour wrong, neither rob hym, neither shall the workmans hyre abyde with thee vntyll the mornyng
Leviticus 20:6
6 If a soule turne hym selfe after suche as worke with spirites, and after soothsayers, to go a whoring after them, I wyll put my face agaynst that soule, and wyll cut hym of fro among his people
Leviticus 20:10
10 And the man that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe, euen he that breaketh wedlocke with his neyghbours wyfe, let be slayne both the adulterer and the adultresse
Leviticus 20:27
27 If there be a man or woman that worketh with a spirit, or that is a soothsayer, let them dye: Men shall ouerwhelme them with stones, their blood be vpon them
Leviticus 26:10
10 And ye shall eate olde store, and cary out olde, because of the newe
Leviticus 26:40-42
40 And they shal confesse their misdeedes and the misdeedes of their fathers, for their trespasse which they haue trespassed agaynst me, and for that also that they haue walked contrary vnto me
41 Therfore, I also wyll walke contrarie vnto them, and wyl bring them into the lande of their enemies: And then at the least way their vncircumcised heartes shalbe tamed, and they shall willingly accept their sinne
42 Then I wyll remember my couenaunt with Iacob, and my couenaunt with Isahac, and my couenaunt with Abraham wyll I remember, and wyll thynke on the lande
Leviticus 27:2-34
2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them: If any man wyl make a singuler vowe of a person vnto the Lorde, by thy estimation
3 Then thy estimation shalbe [thus]: Of the male from twentie yeres olde vnto sixtie, shalbe by thy estimation fiftie sicles of siluer, after the sicle of the sanctuarie
4 And if it be a female, then thy valuation shalbe thirtie sicles
5 And from fiue yeres to twentie, thy valuation shalbe of the male twentie sicles, and of the female ten sicles
6 And from a moneth vnto fiue yeres, thy estimation shalbe of the male at fiue sicles of siluer, and the female at three sicles of siluer
7 And from sixtie yeres olde and aboue, if he be a male, then thy price shalbe fifteene sicles, and for the female ten sicles
8 But if he be poorer then thou hast esteemed hym, he shall present hym selfe before the priest, and the priest shall value hym: accordyng as the hande of hym that vowed is able to get, euen so shall the priest value hym
9 If it be a beast of which men bryng an offeryng vnto the Lorde, all that any man geueth of such vnto the Lord, shalbe holy
10 He shall not alter it, nor chaunge it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good: And if he chaunge beast for beast, then both the same beast and it also wherwith it was chaunged, shalbe holy
11 If it be any maner of vncleane beast, of which men do not offer a sacrifice vnto the Lorde, he shall set the beast before the priest
12 And the priest shall value it, whether it be good or bad: and as the priest setteth it, so shall it be
13 But if he wyll bye it agayne, he shall geue the fift part more aboue that it was set at
14 If any man dedicate his house to be holy vnto the Lorde, the priest shall set it, whether it be good or bad: and as the priest hath set it, so shall it stande
15 And when he that sanctified it wyll redeeme his house, let hym geue the fift part of the money that it was iudged at therto, and it shalbe his
16 If a man halowe a peece of his inherited lande vnto the Lorde, thou shalt value it accordyng to the seede therof: An Homer of barly seede shalbe set at fiftie sicles of siluer
17 If he halowe his fielde immediatly fro the yere of Iubilee, it shalbe worth accordyng as thou doest esteeme it
18 But and if he halowe his fielde after the Iubilee, the priest shall recken vnto hym the money, accordyng to the number of the yeres that remayne, vnto the yeres of Iublilee folowyng, and it shalbe abated by thy estimation
19 If he that consecrated the fielde wyll redeeme it agayne, let hym put the fift part of the price that thou didst value it at therunto, and it shalbe his
20 And if he wyll not redeeme the fielde, but selleth the fielde to another man: he [that vowed] may redeeme it no more
21 But when the fielde goeth out in the yere of Iubilee, and it shalbe holy vnto the Lord, euen as a fielde seperate from common vses, and it shalbe the priestes possession
22 If a man sanctifie vnto the Lorde a fielde which he hath bought, and is not of the grounde of his inheritaunce
23 The priest shal recken vnto him what it is worth vnto the yere of Iubilee, and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same day, as a thyng consecrate vnto the Lorde
24 And in the yere of Iubilee, the fielde shall returne vnto him of whom it was bought, to hym whose inheritaunce of lande it was
25 And all thy valuation shalbe according to the sicle of the sanctuarie: One sicle contayneth twentie gerahs
26 But the first borne of the beastes that is the Lordes first borne, may no man sanctifie, whether it be oxe or sheepe, for it is the Lordes alredie
27 If it be an vncleane beast, he shall redeeme it as thou shalt set it at, and geue the fift part more therto: Or if it be not redeemed, it shalbe solde accordyng to thy estimation
28 Notwithstandyng, nothyng seperate from the common vse that a man doth seperate vnto the Lorde of all that he hath, whether it be man or beast, or lande of his inheritaunce, may be solde or redeemed: for euery thyng seperate from the common vse, is most holy vnto the Lorde
29 Nothing seperate from the common vse, whiche shalbe seperate from man, shalbe redeemed, but dye the death
30 Euery tithe of the lande also, both of the seede of the lande, and of the fruite of the trees, is the Lordes, and is sanctified vnto the Lorde
Leviticus 27:30
30 Euery tithe of the lande also, both of the seede of the lande, and of the fruite of the trees, is the Lordes, and is sanctified vnto the Lorde
31 And if a man wyll redeeme ought of his tithes, let hym adde the fift part thereto
32 And euery tythe of oxe and of sheepe, and of euery beast that goeth vnder the rod, euen euery tenth shalbe holy vnto the Lorde
33 He shall not looke if it be good or bad, nor chaunge it: els if he chaunge it, both it and that it was chaunged withall, shalbe halowed, and may not be redeemed
34 These are the commaundementes whiche the Lorde commaunded by Moyses vnto the chyldren of Israel in mount Sinai
Numbers 14:22-23
22 But all those men whiche haue seene my glory, and my miracles whiche I did in Egypt and in the wildernesse, and haue tempted me nowe this ten tymes, and haue not hearkened vnto my voyce
23 Shall not see the lande whiche I sware vnto their fathers, neither shall any of them that prouoked me see it
Numbers 18:21-32
21 Beholde, I haue geuen the children of Leui all the tenth in Israel to inherite, for the seruice which they serue in the tabernacle of the congregation
Numbers 18:21
21 Beholde, I haue geuen the children of Leui all the tenth in Israel to inherite, for the seruice which they serue in the tabernacle of the congregation
22 Neither must the children of Israel hencefoorth come nie ye tabernacle of the congregation, lest they beare sinne, & die
23 But the Leuites shal do ye seruice in the tabernacle of the congregation, & beare their sinne: It shalbe a lawe for euer in your generations, that among ye childre of Israel they possesse no inheritaunce
24 But the tithes of the childre of Israel which they pay as an heaue offeryng vnto the Lord, I haue geuen ye Leuites to inherite: and therfore I haue sayde vnto them, Among the children of Israel ye shall possesse no inheritaunce
25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying
26 Speake vnto the Leuites, and say vnto them: When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I haue geuen you of the for your inheritaunce, ye shal take an heaue offering of ye same for the Lorde, euen the tenth part of that tithe
27 And this your heaue offeryng shalbe reckened vnto you, euen as though it were of the corne of the barne, or as the fulnesse of the wine presse
28 Of this maner ye shall therfore offer an heaue offeryng vnto the Lorde, of all your tithes which ye receaue of the children of Israel, and ye shall geue therof the Lordes heaue offeryng to Aaron the priest
29 Of all your giftes ye shall offer all the Lordes heaue offeryng, euen all the fat of the same, [to wit] the holy thynges therof
30 Therfore thou shalt say vnto them: when ye haue taken away the fat of it from it, it shalbe counted vnto the Leuites, as if it were ye increase of the corne floore, or the increase of the winepresse
31 And ye shall eate it in all places, both ye and your householdes, for it is your rewarde for your seruice in the tabernacle of the congregation
32 And ye shall beare no sinne by the reason of it, when ye haue offered from it the fat of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy thynges of the children of Israel, lest ye dye
Numbers 23:19
19 God is not a man that he should lye, neither the sonne of a ma that he should repent: should he say & not do? or should he speake, and not make it good
Deuteronomy 4:6-7
6 Kepe them therfore and do them, for that is your wisdome and vnderstandyng in the syght of the people, that they may heare all these ordinaunces, and say: Surely it is a wise and vnderstandyng people, it is a great nation
7 For what other nation is so great that gods come so nye vnto, as the Lorde our God is nye vnto vs in all thinges as oft as we call vnto hym
Deuteronomy 4:29-31
29 If from thence thou shalt seke the Lorde thy God, thou shalt finde hym, if thou seke hym with all thy heart, and with all thy soule
30 When thou art in tribulation, & when all these thynges that be here spoken of, are come vpon thee, euen in the latter dayes yf thou turne to the Lorde thy God, & shalt be obedient vnto his voyce
31 (For the Lorde thy God is a mercifull God) he wyll not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the appoyntment of thy fathers, which he sware vnto them
Deuteronomy 5:11
11 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne: for the Lorde wyll not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne
Deuteronomy 5:17-21
17 Thou shalt not slay
18 Thou shalt not commit adulterie
19 Thou shalt not steale
20 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agaynst thy neyghbour
21 Thou shalt not lust after thy neyghbours wyfe, thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours house, his fielde, his seruaunt, or his mayde, his oxe, his asse, or ought that thy neyghbour hath
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
6 And these wordes which I commaunde thee this day, shalbe in thine heart
7 And thou shalt shewe them vnto thy children, and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thine house, and as thou walkest by the way, & when thou lyest downe, and when thou risest vp
8 And thou shalt binde them for a signe vpon thine hande, and they shalbe as frontlettes betweene thine eyes
Deuteronomy 7:6
6 For thou art an holy people vnto the Lorde thy God, the Lorde thy God hath chosen thee, to be a speciall people vnto hym selfe, aboue all nations that are vpon the earth
Deuteronomy 8:7-10
7 For the Lorde thy God bryngeth thee into a good lande, a lande in the whiche are riuers of water, and fountaines and deapthes that spring out of valleys and hylles
8 A lande wherin is wheate and barlie, vineyardes, fightrees, & pomgranates, a lande wherein is oyle oliue and honie
9 A lande wherin thou shalt eate bread without scarcenes, neither shalt thou lacke any thyng: a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hylles thou shalt digge brasse
10 When thou hast eaten therfore & filled thy selfe, thou shalt blesse the Lorde thy God for the good lande whiche he hath geuen thee
Deuteronomy 9:7-21
7 Remember & forget not, howe thou prouokedst the Lorde thy God in the wildernesse, since the day that thou diddest depart out of the lande of Egypt, vntyll ye came vnto this place, ye haue rebelled agaynst the Lorde
8 Also in Horeb ye prouoked the Lord to anger, so that the Lorde was wroth with you, euen to haue destroyed you
9 When I was gone vp into the mount, to receaue the tables of stone, the tables of the couenaunt which the Lord made with you, and I abode in the mount fourtie dayes & fourtie nightes, whe I neither did eate bread nor drinke water
10 And the Lorde deliuered me two tables of stone, written with the finger of God, and in them was contayned all the wordes whiche the Lorde saide vnto you in the mount out of ye middes of fire, in the day when ye came together
11 And when the fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes were ended, the Lorde gaue me the two tables of stone, the tables of the couenaunt
12 And the Lord sayde vnto me: Arise, and get thee downe quickly from hence, for thy people which thou hast brought out of Egypt, haue marred all: They are turned at once out of the waye which I commaunded them, and haue made them a moulten image
13 Furthermore, the Lorde spake vnto me, saying: I haue seene this people, and beholde it is a stifnecked people
14 Let me alone, that I may destroy them, & put out the name of them from vnder heauen, and I wyll make of thee a mightie nation, & greater then they be
15 And I turned me, and came downe from the hyll, euen from the hyll that burnt with fire, and the two tables of the couenaunt were in my handes
16 And I loked, and beholde ye had sinned against the Lorde your God, and had made you a moulten calfe, and had turned at once out of the way whiche the Lorde had commaunded you
17 And I toke the two tables, and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before your eyes
18 And I fell downe flat before the Lord euen as at the first time, & fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes I did neither eate bread nor drinke water, because of all your sinnes which ye sinned, in doyng wyckedly in the sight of the Lorde in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrath
19 (For I was afrayde, that for the wrath and fiercenes wherwith the Lord was moued agaynst you, he would haue destroyed you) But the Lorde heard me at that tyme also
20 The Lorde was very angry with Aaron also, euen to haue destroyed hym: and I made intercession for Aaron also the same tyme
21 And I toke your sinne, the calfe which ye had made, and burnt hym with fire, and stamped hym, and grounde hym very small, euen to dust: and I cast the dust therof into the brooke that descended out of the mount
Deuteronomy 11:12
12 This lande doth the Lorde thy God care for, and the eyes of the Lorde thy God are alwayes vpon it, from the beginning of the yere, vnto the ende of the yere
Deuteronomy 11:14
14 I also wyll geue rayne vnto your lande in due season, the first rayne and the latter, that thou mayest gather in thy corne, thy wine, and thyne oyle
Deuteronomy 14:2
2 For thou art an holye people vnto the Lorde thy God, and the Lorde hath chosen thee to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe, aboue all the nations that are vpon the earth
Deuteronomy 24:14-15
14 Thou shalt not oppresse an hyred seruaunt that is needie and poore, whether he be of thy brethre, or of the straungers that are in thy lande within thy gates
15 But shalt geue him his hyre the same day, & let not the sunne go downe theron, for he is needie, and therwith sustayneth his life: lest he crye against thee vnto the Lorde, and it be sinne vnto thee
Deuteronomy 24:17
17 Thou shalt not peruert the ryght of the strauger, nor of the fatherlesse, nor take a wydowes rayment to pledge
Deuteronomy 26:17-18
17 Thou hast set vp the Lord this day to be thy God, & to walke in his wayes, and to kepe his ordinaunces, his commaundementes, and his lawes, and to hearken vnto his voyce
18 And the Lorde hath set thee vp this day, to be a seuerall people vnto hym, as he hath promised thee, and that thou kepe his commaundementes
Deuteronomy 27:19
19 Cursed be he that hindreth the ryght of the straunger, fatherlesse, and widdowe: & all the people shall say, Amen
Deuteronomy 28:12
12 The Lorde shall open vnto thee his good treasure, euen the heauen to geue rayne vnto thy land in due season, & to blesse all thy labours of thy hande: And thou shalt lende vnto many nations, but shalt not borowe thy selfe
Deuteronomy 28:15-19
15 But and if thou wilt not hearken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe and to do all his commaundementes and his ordinaunces whiche I commaunde thee this day, all these curses shal come vpon thee and ouertake thee
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the citie, and cursed in the fielde
17 Cursed shalbe thy basket & thy store
18 Cursed shalbe the fruite of thy body, and the fruite of thy lande, and the increase of thy kine, and the flockes of thy sheepe
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou goest in, and cursed when thou goest out
Deuteronomy 30:1-4
1 When all these wordes are come vpon thee, the blessyng and the curse whiche I haue set before thee, thou shalt turne vnto thine heart, among all the nations whyther the Lorde thy God hath dryuen thee
2 And come agayne vnto the Lorde thy God, and hearken vnto his voyce in all these thynges that I commaunde thee this day, thou, and thy children, with all thine heart, and all thy soule
3 And the Lorde thy God wyll turne thy captiuitie and haue compassion vpon thee, and wyll turne and fetche thee agayne from all the nations among which the Lord thy God had scattered thee
4 Though thou wast cast vnto the extreme partes of heauen: euen from thence wyll the Lorde thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee
Deuteronomy 31:20
20 For I wyll bryng them into the lande which I sware vnto their fathers, that floweth with mylke and honye: and they shall eate, and fyll them selues, and waxe fat, and turne vnto strauge gods, and serue them, and blaspheme me, and breake my couenaunt
Deuteronomy 31:27-29
27 For I knowe thy rebellion and thy stiffe necke: whyle I am yet alyue with you this day, ye haue ben disobedient vnto the Lorde, and howe much more after my death
28 Gather vnto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speake these wordes in their eares, and call heauen and earth to recorde against them
29 For I am sure, that after my death ye will vtterly be corrupt, and turne from the way which I haue commaunded you: and tribulation wyll come vpon you in the latter dayes, because ye shall haue wrought wickednesse in the syght of the Lorde, to prouoke hym through the workes of your handes
Joshua 7:11
11 Israel hath sinned, and they haue transgressed myne appointment which I commaunded them: for they haue taken of the excommunicate thinges, and haue also stolen, and dissembled also, & put them vnto their owne stuffe
12 And therfore is it that the children of Israel can not stande before their enemies, but shal turne their backes before their enemies, because they be excommunicate: Neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the excommunicate from among you
13 Up [therfore] and sanctifie the people, and say: Sanctifie your selues against to morowe, for so sayde the Lorde God of Israel, there is a dampned thyng among you, O Israel: and therfore ye cannot stande against your enemies, vntyll ye haue put the dampned thing from among you
Joshua 22:20
20 Dyd not Achan the sonne of Zareth trespasse greeuouslie in the accursed thyng, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and this man alone perished not in his wickednes
Joshua 24:15
15 And yf it seeme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you this day who you wil serue, whether ye goddes which your fathers serued (that were on the other side of the fludde) either ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: As for me and my house, we wil serue the Lorde
1 Samuel 15:29
29 The strength of Israel wyl not beguyle, nor repent: for he is not a man that shoulde repent
1 Samuel 23:16-18
16 And Ionathan Sauls sonne arose and went to Dauid into the wood, and comforted his hande in God
17 And sayd vnto him: Feare not, for the hand of Saul my father shall not finde thee, & thou shalt be king ouer Israel, and I shall be next vnto thee: and that doeth Saul my father knowe
18 And they made a bond both of them together before the Lorde: And Dauid taried still in the wood, and Ionathan went to his house
2 Samuel 7:1
1 Afterward when the king sate in his house, & the Lord had geuen him rest round about from all his enemies
1 Kings 8:47-49
47 Yet if they turne againe vnto their heartes in the lande of them that caryed them away captiues, & returne and pray vnto thee in the lande of their enemies, saying, we haue sinned, we haue done wickely, and haue committed vngodlynesse
48 And so turne agayne vnto thee with all their heart and all their soule in the lande of their enemies which led them away captiue, and pray vnto thee, [toward] the way of their land which thou gauest vnto their fathers, and [toward] the citie which thou hast chosen, and [toward] the house which I haue built for thy name
49 Then heare thou their prayer and supplication in heauen thy dwellyng place, and iudge their cause
1 Kings 17:13-16
13 And Elias saide vnto her, Feare not, go, and do as thou hast saide: but make me thereof a litle cake first of all, & bring it vnto me, and afterward make for thee and thy sonne
14 For thus saith the Lord God of Israel: The meale in the barrel shall not be wasted, neither shal the oyle in the cruse be minished, vntil the Lorde haue sent rayne vpon the earth
15 And she went, and did as Elias sayde: And she, and he, and her house, did eate a good space
16 And the meale wasted not out of the barrell, neither was the oyle spent out of the cruse, according to the word of the Lorde which he spake by the hande of Elias
1 Kings 18:3
3 And Ahab called Obadia, which was the gouernour of his house: (and Obadia feared God greatly
1 Kings 18:12
12 And assoone as I am gone from thee, the spirite of the Lorde shall carrie thee into some place that I do not knowe, and so when I come and tell Ahab, and he can not finde thee, he shall slay me: But I thy seruaunt feare the Lorde from my youth vp
2 Kings 7:2
2 Then a certayne lorde (on whose hand the king leaned) aunswered the man of God, and sayde: Beholde, if the Lorde would make windowes in heaue, might this saying come to passe? He sayde: Behold, thou shalt see it with thyne eyes, but shalt not eate therof
2 Kings 7:19
19 Whervnto that lorde aunswered the man of God, and sayde: Yea and if the Lorde made windowes in heauen, might it come to passe? And he sayd: Beholde, thou shalt see it with thyne eyes, and shalt not eate thereof
1 Chronicles 15:26
26 And when God helped the Leuites that bare the arke of the appoyntment of the Lorde, they offered seuen oxen, and seuen rammes
1 Chronicles 16:1-3
1 So they brought in the arke of God, and set it in the middest of the tent that Dauid pitched for it: And they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offringes before God
2 And when Dauid had made an end of offring the burnt offringes and peace offringes, he blessed the people in the name of the Lorde
3 And he dealt to all Israel both man and woman, a cracknel of bread, and a good peece of fleshe, and a flacket of wine
1 Chronicles 21:26
26 And Dauid buylt there an aulter vnto the Lorde, and offred burnt offringes and peace offringes, and called vpon the Lorde, and he hearde him from heauen in fire vpon the aulter of burnt offring
1 Chronicles 26:20
20 And of the Leuites, Ahiah had the ouersight of the treasures of the house of God, & of the treasures of the dedicate thinges
1 Chronicles 29:20-22
20 And Dauid saide to all the congregation: Now blesse the Lorde your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lorde God of their fathers, and bowed downe their heades, and worshipped the Lorde and the king
21 And they offered offringes vnto the Lorde: And on the morowe after the saide day, they offred burnt offringes vnto the Lorde, euen a thousand young oxen, a thousand rammes, and a thousand sheepe, with their drinke offrings: Many sacrifices offred they for all Israel
22 And did eate & drinke before the Lord the same day with great gladnesse: And they made Solomon the sonne of Dauid king the second time, and annoynted him prince before the Lorde, and Zadoc to be the hie priest
2 Chronicles 1:6
6 And Solomon gat vp there before the Lord, to the brasen aulter that was before the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered a thousand burnt sacrifices vpon it
2 Chronicles 6:7
7 And when it was in the heart of Dauid my father to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel
2 Chronicles 7:1-3
1 And when Solomon had made an ende of praying, there came downe fire from heauen, and consumed the burnt offring and the sacrifices: & the house was filled with the glorie of the Lorde
2 And the priestes coulde not go into the house of the Lorde, because the glorie of the Lord had filled the lordes house
3 And when al the children of Israel saw howe the fire and the glorie of the Lord came downe vpon the house, they fell downe flat vpon their faces to the earth vpon the pauement, and worshipped and confessed vnto the lord, That he is gracious, and that his mercie lasteth euer
2 Chronicles 7:10-12
10 And the three and twentie day of the seuenth moneth he let the people depart into their tentes glad and mery in heart, for the goodnesse that the Lorde had shewed to Dauid and to Solomon, and to Israel his people
11 And so Solomon finished the house of the Lorde, and the kinges house: and all that came in his heart to make in the house of the Lorde, & in his owne house, went prosperously forwarde
12 And the Lorde appeared to Solomon by night, and sayd to him: I haue heard thy petition, and haue chosen this place for my selfe to be an house of sacrifice
2 Chronicles 8:12-14
12 Then Solomon offred burnt offringes vnto the Lorde on the aulter of the Lorde, whiche he had buylt before the porche
13 Doyng euery thing in his due time, and offering according to the commaundemet of Moyses, in the Sabbathes, new moones, and solempne feastes, three times in the yere, [that is to say] in the feast of sweete bread, in the feast of weekes, and in the feast of tabernacles
14 And Solomon set the sortes of priestes to their offices as Dauid his father had ordered them, and the Leuites in their watches, for to prayse and minister before the priestes day by day, and the porters by course at euery gate: for so had Dauid the man of God commaunded
2 Chronicles 29:31-36
31 And Hezekia aunswered, and saide: Now ye haue consecrated your handes to the Lorde: go to therefore, and bryng the sacrifices and thanke offeringes into the house of the Lorde. And the congregation brought in the sacrifices & thank offeringes, and burnt offringes, as many as were of a free liberall heart
32 And the number of the burnt offringes which the congregation brought, was threescore and ten oxen, an hundred rammes, & two hundred sheepe: which were all for the burnt offering of the Lorde
33 And there were dedicated sixe hundred oxen, and three thousand sheepe
34 And the priestes were to fewe to flay al the burnt offringes: but their brethren the Leuites did helpe them, till they had ended the worke, & vntil the priestes were sanctified: For the Leuites were purer hearted to be sanctified, then the priestes
35 And therto ye burnt offringes were many, with the fat of the peaceoffringes, & the drinke offringes, that belong to the burnt offring: And so the seruice parteyning to the house of the Lorde, was finished
36 And Hezekia reioyced, and all the people, that God had made the folke so readie, & that the thing was so soone done
2 Chronicles 30:21-27
21 And the children of Israel that were present at Hierusalem, held the feast of sweete bread seuen dayes, with great gladnes: and the Leuites & the priestes praysed the Lorde day by day, singing with loude instrumentes vnto the lord
22 And Hezekia spake comfortablie vnto all the Leuites that had good knowledge [to sing] vnto the Lorde: and they did eate throughout that feast seuen dayes long, and offered peace offringes, and thanked the Lorde God of their fathers
23 And the whole assemblie toke counsel to do so other seuen dayes: & they helde those seuen dayes with gladnesse
24 For Hezekia king of Iuda, did geue to the congregation a thousand young oxen, and seuen thousand sheepe: And the lordes gaue out to the congregation a thousand oxen, & ten thousand sheepe, and a great number of the priestes were sanctified
25 And all the congregation of Iuda, with the priestes & Leuites, and all the congregation that came out of Israel, & the straungers that came out of the lande of Israel, & that dwelt in Iuda, reioyced
26 And there was great gladnesse in Hierusalem: For since the time of Solomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israel, there was no such [ioy] in Hierusalem
27 And the priestes and the Leuites arose, and blessed the people: and their voyce was heard [of the Lorde,] and their prayer came vp vnto heauen his holy dwelling place
2 Chronicles 31:4-19
4 And he bade the people that dwelt in Hierusalem, to geue a parte to the priestes and Leuites, that they might substancially applie them selues to the lawe of the Lorde
5 And assoone as the kinges commaundement came abrode, the children of Israel brought aboudance of first fruites, of corne, wine, oyle, hony, and of all maner of fruites of the fielde, & the tythes of all maner of thinges brought they in plenteously
6 And the children of Israel and Iuda that dwelt in the cities of Iuda, they also brought in the tithes of oxen and sheepe, & other holy tithes which were consecrate vnto the Lorde their God, they did offer and brought them all by heapes
7 In the third moneth, they began to lay the heapes in maner of a foundation, and finished them in the seuenth moneth
8 And when Hezekia and the lordes came and sawe the heapes, they blessed the Lorde, and his people Israel
9 And Hezekia questioned with the priestes and the Leuites concerning the heapes
10 And Azaria the chiefe priest of the house of Zador, aunswered him and saide: Since the people began to bryng the heaue offringes into the house of the Lorde, we also haue had inough to eate, there remayned so much: for the Lorde hath blessed his people, and this heape is left
11 And Hezekia bade prepare the chambers in the house of the Lord: And they did prepare them
12 And caried in the first fruites, the tithes, and the dedicate thinges faithfully: ouer which Chonaniahu the Leuite had the rule, and Semei his brother next to him
13 And Iehiel, Azariahu, Nahath, Asael, Ierimoth, Iosabad, Eliel, Iesmachiahu, Mahath, and Banaiahu, were ouerseres ordayned by Chonaniahu, & Semei his brother was an officer of Hezekia the king, & Azariahu was the ruler of the house of God
14 And Core the sonne of Imna the Leuite, and porter of the east doore, had the ouersight of the thinges that were offered of a free wyll vnto God, & were geuen in maner seuerally vnto the lord, and ouer the thinges most holy
15 And vnder his hand were Eden, Miniamin, Iesua, Semeiahu, Amariahu, and Sechaniahu in the cities of the priestes [appoynted] of their fidelitie to geue to their brethren their portions, aswell to the small as to the great
16 Beside their generation, beyng males, from three yeres old and vpwarde, euen vnto euery one that entereth into the house of the Lord, they should geue day by day, for their ministration, and for their geuing attendaunce, and for their diuers waytinges by course
17 Both to the generation of the priestes and Leuites throughout the housholde of their fathers, from twentie yeres and aboue, to wayte when their courses came
18 And to the families of all their babes, wynes, sonnes and daughters through all the congregation: For vpon the fidelitie of them were the holy thinges bestowed
19 And to the children of Aaron the priestes whiche were in the fieldes and suburbes of their cities, citie by citie, the men whose names were expressed afore, shoulde geue portions, euen to all the males among the priestes, and to all the Leuites, according to their number
20 And of this maner did Hezekia throughout all Iuda: & wrought it that is good, and right and true before the Lorde his God
21 And in al the workes that he began, for seruice of the house of God, for the lawe, & for the commaundementes, he sought his God: and that did he with all his heart, and prospered
2 Chronicles 32:14-19
14 Which of all the gods of those nations that my fathers destroyed, could deliuer his people out of my hande? And shall your God be able to deliuer you out of my hande
15 Wherfore nowe let not Hezekia deceaue you, nor persuade you of this fassion, nor yet beleue him: For as no god among all nations and kingdomes, was able to rid his people out of my hand and out of the hand of my fathers: Howe much lesse shall your gods be able to kepe you out of my hande
16 And yet mo thinges did his seruauntes speake against the Lorde God, and against his seruaunt Hezekia
17 And Sennacherib also wrote a letter to rayle on the Lord God of Israel, and spake against him, saying: As the gods of the nations of [other] landes haue not ben able to deliuer their people out of my hande: euen so shal not the God of Hezekia deliuer his people out of my hande
18 And they cried with a loude voyce in the Iewes speach vnto the people of Hierusalem that were on the wall, to feare them, and to make them faynt hearted, and that they might so take the citie
19 And they spake against the God of Hierusalem, as against the gods of the nations of the earth, [whiche were] the workes of the handes of men
2 Chronicles 32:23
23 And many brought offeringes vnto the Lorde to Hierusalem, and presentes to Hezekia king of Iuda: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thence foorth
Nehemiah 1:8-9
8 I beseche thee call to remembraunce the worde that thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moyses, and saydest, Ye will transgresse, and I will scatter you abrode among the nations
9 But if ye turne vnto me, and kepe my commaundementes, & do them: though ye were cast out vnto the vttermost part of heauen, yet wil I gather you from thence, and will bring you vnto the place that I haue chosen, to set my name there
Nehemiah 5:15
15 For the olde captaynes that were before me, had ben chargeable vnto the people, and had taken of them bread & wine, beside fouretie sicles of siluer, yea and their seruauntes had oppressed the people: But so did not I, and that because of the feare of God
Nehemiah 9:7-8
7 Thou art, O Lorde, the God that hast chosen Abraham, and broughtest him out of Ur in Chaldea, and calledst him Abraham
8 And foundest his heart faithfull before thee, & madest a couenaunt with him, to geue vnto his seede the lande of the Chanaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Iebusites, and Gergesites, and hast made good thy wordes: for thou art righteous
Nehemiah 9:16-17
16 But they and our fathers were proud and hardnecked, so that they folowed not thy commaundementes
17 And woulde not obey, neither were mindeful of the wonders that thou diddest for the: but hardened their neckes, and had in their heades to returne to their bondage by their rebellion: But thou O God of mercies, gracious, and full of compassion, of long suffering, and of great mercie, yet forsookest them not
Nehemiah 9:26
26 Neuerthelesse, they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behinde their backes, & slue their prophetes, which exhorted them earnestly that they might bring them againe vnto thee, and did great blasphemies
Nehemiah 9:28-30
28 But when they came to rest, they turned backe againe to do euill before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hande of their enemies, so that they had the dominion ouer them: And when they conuerted, & cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from heauen, and many times hast thou deliuered them according to thy great mercie
29 And testifiedst vnto them, that thou mightest bring them againe vnto thy lawe: Notwithstanding, they were proude, and hearkened not vnto thy commaundementes, but sinned in thy lawes, which if a man do, he shall lyue in them: and turned the shoulder away, and were stiffenecked, and would not heare
30 Yet many yeres diddest thou forbeare them, and testifiedst vnto them through thy spirite, euen by the hand of thy prophetes, and yet would they not heare: therefore gauest thou them into the hand of the nations of the landes
Nehemiah 10:33-39
33 To the shewe bread, to the dayly meate offering, to the dayly burnt offering, of the Sabbathes, of the new Moones, and feaste dayes, and to the thinges that were sanctified, & to the offringes of attonement, to reconsile Israel withal, and to all the busines in the house of our God
34 And we cast the lot among the priestes, Leuites, and the people, for the offering of the wood, to be brought vnto the house of our God from yere to yere, after the houses of our fathers, that it might be brent at times appoynted vpon the aulter of the Lorde God, as it is written in the lawe
35 And to bring the first fruites of our land, and the firstlinges of our fruites of all trees yere by yere vnto the house of the Lorde
36 And the first borne of our sonnes, and of our cattel, (as it is written in the law) and the firstlinges of our oxen and of our sheepe, whiche we shoulde bring to the house of our God vnto the priestes that minister in the house of our God
37 And that we shoulde bring the first fruites of our dough and our heaue offeringes, and the fruites of all maner of trees, of wine also and of oyle, vnto the priestes to the chestes of the house of our God, and the tythes of our lande vnto the Leuites, that the Leuites might haue the tythes in all the cities of our ministration
38 And the priest the sonne of Aaron shalbe with the Leuites when the Leuites take tythes: so that the Leuites shall bring vp the tythes of their tythes vnto the house of our God, to the store houses and to the treasure houses
39 For the children of Israel and the children of Leui shall bring vp the heaue offeringes of the corne, wine, and oyle, vnto the store houses, there as are the vessels of the sanctuarie and the priestes that minister, and the porters and singers, and we will not forsake the house of our God
Nehemiah 12:44
44 At the same time were the men appoynted ouer the treasure houses, wherin were the heaue offeringes, the firstlinges, and the tythes, that they shoulde gather them out of the fieldes about the cities, to distribute them vnto the priestes and Leuites according to the lawe: for Iuda was glad of the priestes and Leuites that serued
Nehemiah 12:47
47 In the time of Zorobabel and Nehemia, did all they of Israel geue portions vnto the singers and porters euery day his portion: and they gaue tythes vnto the Leuites, & the Leuites gaue tythes againe vnto the children of Aaron
Nehemiah 13:4-14
4 And before this had the priest Eliasib the ouersight of the treasurie of the house of our God, and he was kynsman vnto Tobia
5 And had made hym a great chamber, and there had they afore time layed the offringes, frankencence, vessels, and the tythes of corne, wine, and oyle according to the commaundementes geuen to the Leuites, singers and porters, and the heaue offringes of the priestes
Nehemiah 13:5
5 And had made hym a great chamber, and there had they afore time layed the offringes, frankencence, vessels, and the tythes of corne, wine, and oyle according to the commaundementes geuen to the Leuites, singers and porters, and the heaue offringes of the priestes
6 But in all this time was not I at Hierusalem: for in the two and thirtie yere of Artaxerxes king of Babylon, came I vnto the king, & after certayne dayes obtayned I licence of the king to come to Hierusalem
7 And I gat knowledge of the euyll that Eliasib dyd for Tobia, in that he had made hym a chamber in the court of the house of God
8 And it greeued me sore: therefore I cast foorth all the vessels of the house of Tobia out of the chamber
9 And commaunded them to clense the chambers, and thyther brought I againe the vessels of the house of God, with the meate offring, and the incense
10 And I perceaued that the portions of the Leuites had not ben geuen them, and that euery one was fled to his land, euen the Leuites and singers that executed the worke
Nehemiah 13:10-13
10 And I perceaued that the portions of the Leuites had not ben geuen them, and that euery one was fled to his land, euen the Leuites and singers that executed the worke
11 Then reproued I the rulers, and sayd: Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place
Nehemiah 13:11-13
Nehemiah 13:12-13
12 Then brought all Iuda the tythes of corne, and wine, and oyle, vnto the treasure
13 And I made treasures ouer the treasure, euen Selemiah the priest, and Zadoc the scribe, and of the Leuites, Phadaia: and vnder their hand was Hanan the sonne of Zacur, the sonne of Mathania: for they were counted faythful, and their office was to distribute [the portions] vnto their brethren
Nehemiah 13:13-13
13 And I made treasures ouer the treasure, euen Selemiah the priest, and Zadoc the scribe, and of the Leuites, Phadaia: and vnder their hand was Hanan the sonne of Zacur, the sonne of Mathania: for they were counted faythful, and their office was to distribute [the portions] vnto their brethren
14 Thinke vpon me O my God herein, and wype not out my mercie that I haue shewed on the house of my God, and on the offices therof
Nehemiah 13:22
22 And I said vnto the Leuites, that they should clense them selues, and that they shoulde come and kepe the gates, to halowe the Sabboth day: Thinke vpon me O my God concerning this also, and spare me, according to thy great mercie
Esther 2:23
23 And when inquisition was made, it was founde so, and they were both hanged on tree: and it was written in the Chronicles before the king
Esther 4:5-17
5 Then called Esther Hathach one of the kinges chamberlaines which stoode before her, and gaue him a commaundement vnto Mardocheus, to know what it was wherefore he did so
6 So Hathach went foorth to Mardocheus, vnto the streete of the citie which was before the kinges gate
7 And Mardocheus tolde him of al that had come vnto him, & of ye summe of siluer that Haman had promised to waye downe into the kinges treasurie, because of the Iewes if he would destroy them
8 And he gaue him the copie of the kinges commaundement that was deuised at Susan to destroy them, that he might shewe it vnto Esther, and to speake to her, and charge her that she should go in vnto the king, & make her prayer and supplication vnto him for her people
9 And when Hathach came in, he tolde Esther the wordes of Mardocheus
10 And againe Esther spake vnto Hathach and commauded him to say vnto Mardocheus
11 All the kinges seruauntes, & the people in the prouinces of the king knowe, that whosoeuer commeth within the courte vnto the king, whether it be man or woman, which is not called, the comaundement is, that the same shall dye, except the king holde out the golden septer vnto him, for then he shall lyue: As for me, I haue not ben called to come in vnto the king now this thirtie dayes
12 And they certified Mardocheus of Esthers wordes
13 And Mardocheus bad say againe vnto Esther: Thinke not with thy selfe that thou shalt escape in the kinges house more then all the Iewes
14 For if thou holdest thy peace at this time, then shall the Iewes haue helpe and deliueraunce out of an other place, and thou and thy fathers house shalbe destroyed: And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdome for this causes sake
15 Esther bad them geue Mardocheus this aunswere
16 Go thou thy way, and gather together all the Iewes that are founde at Susan, and fast ye for me, that ye eate not and drinke not in three dayes neither day nor night, I and my maydens wyll fast likewyse: and so wyll I go in to the king, which thing yet is contrary to the commaundement: and if I perishe, I perishe
17 So Mardocheus went his way, and did according to al that Esther had commaunded him
Esther 5:10
10 Neuerthelesse, Haman refrained him selfe, and when he came home he sent and called for his friendes and Zares his wyfe
Esther 6:1
1 The same night coulde not the king sleepe, and he commaunded to bring the chronicles and stories: and they were read before the king
Job 6:29
29 Turne I pray you, be indifferent iudges: turne agayne, and ye shall see myne vngiltinesse
Job 12:6
6 The houses of robbers are in wealth and prosperitie, and they that maliciouslie meddle against God dwell without care, in those thinges that God hath geuen richely with his hande
Job 17:10
10 As for al you, turne you and get you hence [I pray you] seeing I can not finde one wyse man among you
Job 19:23-25
Job 21:7-15
7 Wherefore do wicked men liue, come to their olde age, and increase in richesse
8 Their children lyue in their sight, and their generation before their eyes
9 Their houses are safe from all feare, and the rod of God is not vpon them
10 Their bullocke gendreth and that not out of time, their cowe calueth and is not vnfruitfull
11 They sende foorth their children by flockes, & their sonnes [leade the] daunce
12 They beare with them tabrets and harpes, and reioyce in the sounde of the organs
13 They spend their dayes in wealthines, but sodainely they go downe to the graue
14 They say also vnto God: Go from vs, we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes
15 Who is the almightie that we should serue him? And what profite should we haue if we should pray vnto him
Job 21:30
30 That the wicked is kept vnto the day of destruction, and the vngodly shalbe brought foorth to the day of wrath
Job 22:17
17 Whiche sayd vnto God, Go from vs: and asked what the almightie coulde do for them
Job 22:23
23 For if thou wilt turne to the almightie, thou shalt be buyld vp, and put all vnrighteousnes from thy dwelling
Job 28:28
28 And vnto man he sayd: To feare the Lorde is wysdome, and to forsake euyll is vnderstanding
Job 34:7-8
Job 35:3
3 For thou sayest: what aduauntage wyll it be vnto thee, and what profite shall I haue of my sinne
Job 40:8
8 Wylt thou disanul my iudgement? or wylt thou condempne me, that thou mayst be righteous
Psalms 2:7
7 I wyll declare the decree, God sayde vnto me: thou art my sonne, this day I haue begotten thee
Psalms 4:5
5 Offer the sacrifice of righteousnesse: and put your trust in God
Psalms 10:3
Psalms 10:11
11 He sayeth in his heart, tushe, the Lord hath forgotten: he hydeth away his face, and he wyll neuer see it
Psalms 16:3
3 But all my delyght is [to do good] vnto the saintes that are in the earth: and vnto such as excell in vertue
Psalms 20:7
7 Some [put their trust] in chariotes, and some in horses: but we wyll remember the name of God our Lorde
Psalms 29:2
2 Geue to God glory [due] vnto his name: worship God with holy honour
Psalms 33:18
18 (33:17) Beholde, the eye of God is vpon them that feare hym: and vpon them that wayteth after his mercy
Psalms 34:15
15 The eyes of God [are] ouer the righteous: and his eares [are open] vnto their prayers
Psalms 36:1
1 The wickednes of the vngodly speaketh in the middest of my heart: that there is no feare of the Lorde before his eyes
Psalms 37:3
3 Put thou thy trust in God, and be doing good: dwell in the land, and feede in trueth
Psalms 49:18
18 (49:17) For whyle he lyued he counted him selfe an happy man: and so long as thou doest well vnto thy selfe, men wyll speake good of thee
Psalms 50:3-7
3 Our Lorde commeth, and he wyll not kepe scilence: there goeth before hym a consumyng fire, and a mightie tempest is sturred rounde about hym
4 He calleth from aboue the heauen and the earth: that he may iudge his people
5 Gather my saintes together vnto me: those that haue made a couenaunt with me with sacrifice
6 And the heauens shall declare his ryghteousnesse: for God is iudge hym selfe. Selah
7 Heare O my people, and I wil speake: I my selfe wyll testifie vnto thee O Israel, I am the Lorde, euen thy Lorde
Psalms 50:14
14 Offer vnto God prayse: and pay thy vowes vnto the most hyghest
Psalms 50:23
23 Who so offereth vnto me thankes and prayse, he honoureth me: and to hym that ordereth his conuersation ryght, I wyll shewe the saluation of God
Psalms 51:19
19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousnes, with burnt offeringes and oblations: then wyll they offer young bullockes vpon thyne aulter
Psalms 56:8
8 Thou hast numbred my flittinges, thou hast put my teares in thy bottell: [are] not these thinges [noted] in thy booke
Psalms 58:10-11
Psalms 66:10
10 (66:9) For thou O Lord hast proued vs: thou hast tryed vs, like as siluer is tryed
Psalms 66:16
16 (66:14) O come hither, & hearken: and I wil tell all you that feare the Lorde, what he hath done for my soule
Psalms 69:30-31
Psalms 72:17
17 His name shall endure for euer, his name shalbe spread abrode to the world so long as the sunne shall shyne: all nations shalbe blessed in hym, and shall call hym blessed
Psalms 73:8-13
8 They make other dissolute, they speake oppression with iniurie: they talke proudely and presumptuously
9 For they stretch foorth their mouth vnto the heauen: and their tongue goeth through the worlde
10 Therfore [God] his people turneth thither: and there is drawen vnto them waters in a full [cuppe.
11 And they say, howe shoulde God perceaue it? is there knowledge in the most hyghest
12 Lo these vngodly and fortunate in the worlde: do possesse riches
Psalms 73:12
Psalms 73:15-17
Psalms 78:8-10
8 And that they be not as their forefathers [were] a rebellious and a mutable generation: a generation that directed not their heart aright, and whose spirite cleaued not stedfastly vnto God
9 [Like as] the children of Ephraim, which beyng harnessed & carying bowes: turned their backes in the day of battayle
10 They kept not the couenaunt of God: and they woulde not walke in his law
Psalms 78:18
18 And they temped god in their heartes: in requiring meate for their lust
Psalms 78:38
38 Yea many a tyme he dyd much for to represse his anger: and neuer woulde suffer his whole rage to breake out
Psalms 78:41
41 They turned backe and tempted the Lorde: and prescribed boundes to the most holy [God] of Israel
Psalms 78:56
Psalms 81:8
8 [Then I sayd] heare O my people: and I wyll geue thee a charge O Israel in protesting vnto thee
Psalms 94:19
19 In the multitude of my cogitations from the bottome of my heart: thy comfortes dyd recreate my soule
Psalms 95:9
9 When your fathers tempted me, proued me: [yea after] they had seene my worke
Psalms 96:13
13 For he commeth, for he commeth to iudge the earth: he will iudge the world accordyng to iustice, and the people accordyng to his trueth
Psalms 98:9
9 (98:10) For he commeth to iudge the earth: he wyll iudge the worlde accordyng to iustice, & the people accordyng to equitie
Psalms 102:26
26 (102:23) They shall perishe, but thou wylt remayne styll: they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment, and as a vesture thou wylt chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged
Psalms 103:8-13
8 God is full of compassion and pitie: loth to be angry, and exceedyng great in mercie
9 He vseth not to continue in chydyng: neither reserueth he [his anger] for euer
10 He dealeth not with vs accordyng to our sinnes: nor rewardeth vs according to our wickednesse
11 For accordyng to the hyghnesse of heauen aboue the earth: his mercie preuayleth to them that feare hym
12 [Loke] howe farre distaunt the east is from the west: so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs
13 Yea lyke as a father pitieth [his owne] children: euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym
Psalms 103:17
17 But the mercifull goodnesse of God endureth for euer and euer, vpon them that feare hym: and his righteousnesse vpon childers children
Psalms 104:33
33 I wyll syng vnto God as long as I liue: I will sing psalmes vnto my Lord so long as I shall be
Psalms 105:7-10
7 (105:6b) he is God our Lord, his iudgementes are in all the earth
8 (105:7a) He hath ben mindfull alwayes of his couenaunt (for he promised a worde to a thousande generations:
9 (105:7b) euen of his couenaunt that he made with Abraham, and of his othe vnto Isaac
10 (105:8) And he appointed the same vnto Iacob for a law: and to Israel for an euerlasting couenaunt
Psalms 106:14
14 And they were taken with a great lust in the wyldernesse: and they tempted God in the desert
Psalms 107:21-22
Psalms 110:1
Psalms 111:10-112:1
10 The beginning of wysdome is the feare of God: all they haue a good vnderstanding that do his commaundements, the praise of it endureth for euer
Psalms 116:17
17 (116:16) I wyll offer vnto thee the sacrifice of thankesgeuyng: and I wyll call vpon the name of God
Psalms 119:63
63 (119:7) I am a companion of all them that feare thee: and kepe thy commaundementes
Psalms 135:4
4 For the Lorde hath chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe: and Israel for his owne possession
Psalms 139:4
4 For there is not a word in my tongue: but beholde thou O Lorde knowest it altogether
Psalms 141:1-2
Psalms 147:11
11 God delyghteth in them that feare him: [and] in them that put their trust in his mercie
Proverbs 3:9-10
Proverbs 8:13
13 The feare of the Lorde abhorreth wickednes, pryde, disdayne, and the euil way, and a mouth that speaketh wicked thinges I vtterly abhorre
Proverbs 12:12
12 The desire of the vngodly is a net of euyls: but the roote of the ryghteous bryngeth foorth fruite
Proverbs 13:20
20 He that goeth in the companie of wise men, shalbe wise: but who so is a companion of fooles, shalbe afflicted
Proverbs 16:6
6 With mercie and faythfulnesse sinnes be forgeuen: and by the feare of the Lorde euyll is eschewed
Proverbs 17:3
3 As siluer is tryed in the fire, and golde in the furnace: so doth the Lorde proue the heartes
Proverbs 22:22-23
Proverbs 23:10-11
Proverbs 25:4
4 Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shalbe a vessell for the siner
Ecclesiastes 9:1-2
1 For all these thinges purposed I in my mynde to seeke out: The righteous & wise, yea & their seruauntes also are in the hand of God, and there is no man that knoweth eyther loue or hate, but all thinges are before them
2 It happeneth vnto one as vnto another, it goeth with the righteous as with the vngodly, with the good and cleane, as with the vncleane, with hym that offereth, as with him that offereth not: like as it goeth with the vertuous, so goeth it also with the sinner: as it happeneth vnto the pariured, so happeneth it also to hym that is afrayde to be forsworne
Ecclesiastes 11:3
3 When the cloudes are full, they powre out raine vpon the earth. And when the tree falleth, whether it be towarde the south or north, in what place soeuer it fall, there it lieth
Song of Songs 2:16
16 My loue is mine, & I am his, whiche feedeth among the lillies vntill the day breake, and till the shadowes be gone
Isaiah 1:18
18 And then go to, saith the Lorde, let vs talke together: though your sinnes be as red as scarlet, they shalbe as whyte as snowe: and though they were lyke purple, they shalbe as whyte as wooll
Isaiah 1:25
25 And I shall lay my hande vpon thee, and purely purge away thy drosse, and take away all thy tinne
26 And set thy iudges agayne as they were sometyme, and thy senatours as they were from the begynnyng: and then thou shalt be called the ryghteous citie, the faythfull citie
27 Sion shalbe redeemed with equitie, and her conuertes with righteousnesse
Isaiah 3:10-11
Isaiah 4:4
4 After that the Lorde hath washt away the filthinesse of the daughters of Sion, and hath purged the blood out from Hierusalem in the spirite of iudgement and in the spirite of fire
Isaiah 5:19
19 Which vse to speake on this maner, Let hym make speede and hasten his worke, that we may see it: let the counsayle of the holy one of Israel come and drawe nye, that we may knowe it
Isaiah 7:14
14 Therefore the Lorde hym selfe shall geue you a token: Beholde, a virgin shall conceaue and beare a sonne, and shall call his name Emmanuel
Isaiah 9:6
6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace
Isaiah 26:3
3 By an assured purpose wylt thou preserue perfect peace, because they put their trust in thee
Isaiah 26:8
8 Yea in the way of thy iudgementes, O Lord, haue we put our trust in thee: thy name also and the remembraunce of thee, is the thing that our soule longeth for
Isaiah 26:20-21
20 Come my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doores about thee, hide thy selfe for a litle whyle, vntill the indignation be ouerpast
21 For beholde, the Lorde is comming out of his place, to visite the wickednesse of suche as dwell vpon earth: the earth also shall disclose her bloods, and shall no more hide them that are slayne in her
Isaiah 28:14-15
14 Wherfore heare the word of the Lord ye mockers, ye that haue rule of this people whiche is at Hierusalem
15 Because ye haue sayd, We haue made a couenaunt with death, and with hell are we at agreement: and though there go foorth a sore plague, it shall not come vnto vs, for we haue made falsehood our refuge, and vnder vanitie are we hid
Isaiah 37:23
23 But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied and blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, and exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel
Isaiah 40:3-5
3 A voyce crieth in wildernesse: Prepare the way of the Lorde, make strayght the path of our God in the desert
4 All valleys shalbe exalted, and euery mountayne and hyll layde lowe: what so is croked shalbe made strayght, and the rough shalbe made playne
5 For the glorie of the Lorde shall appeare, for all fleshe shall at once see that the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it
Isaiah 40:28-31
28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not hearde that the euerlasting God, the Lorde whiche made all the corners of the earth, is neither weerie nor fainte? and that his wysdome can not be comprehended
29 It is he that geueth strength vnto the weerie, and power vnto the faint
30 Children are weerie and faint, and the strongest men fall
31 But vnto them that haue their trust in the Lorde, shall strength be increased: Egles winges shall growe vpon them, when they runne they shall not fall, and when they go they shall not be weerie
Isaiah 41:13
13 For I the Lorde thy God wyll strengthen thy right hande, euen I that say vnto thee, Feare not, I wyll helpe thee
Isaiah 42:5-8
5 For thus saith God the Lorde vnto hym, euen he that made the heauens and spread them abroade, and set foorth the earth with her increase, whiche geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, and spirite to them that dwell therein
6 I the Lorde haue called thee in righteousnesse, and wyll holde thee by the hande, and wyll also defende thee, and geue thee for a couenaunt of the people, to be the light of the gentiles
7 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blinde, let out the prisoners from their bondes, and them that sit in darknesse out of the dungeon house
8 Euen I am the Lord, and this is my name: and my glory wyll I geue to none other, neither mine honour to grauen images
Isaiah 43:11-12
Isaiah 43:28
28 Therefore I profaned [or slue] the princes of the sanctuarie, I dyd curse Iacob, and gaue Israel into reproofe
Isaiah 44:6
6 Thus hath the Lorde spoken, euen the kyng of Israel, and his redeemer the Lorde of hoastes: I am the first and the last, and besides me there is no God
Isaiah 45:5-8
5 I am the Lord, and there is none other, for without me there is no God: I haue prepared thee or euer thou knewest me
6 Therfore they shall knowe from the rising of the sunne, vnto the goyng downe of the same, that all is nothing without me: for I am the Lorde, and there is els none
7 It is I that created light and darknesse, I make peace and trouble: yea euen I the Lorde do all these thinges
8 Ye heauens from aboue drop downe, and let the cloudes rayne righteousnesse: the earth open it selfe, let saluation and righteousnesse growe foorth, let it bryng them foorth together: I the Lorde haue created him
Isaiah 48:10
10 Beholde I haue purged thee, yet not as siluer, I haue chosen thee in the fire of affliction
Isaiah 50:10
10 Therfore who so feareth the Lorde among you, let hym heare the voyce of his seruaunt: Who so walketh in darknesse and no lyght shyneth vpon hym, let hym put his trust in the name of the Lorde, and holde hym by his God
Isaiah 55:6-7
Isaiah 56:7
7 Them will I bring to my holy mountayne, & make them ioyfull in my house of prayer: their burnt offerynges and sacrifices shalbe accepted vpon myne aulter: for my house shalbe called an house of prayer for all people
Isaiah 58:3
3 Wherefore fast we [say they] and thou seest it not? we put our liues to straitnesse, and thou regardest it not
Isaiah 61:6
6 But ye shalbe named the priestes of the Lorde, and men shall call you the seruauntes of our God: ye shall enioy the goodes of the gentiles, and triumph in their substaunce
Isaiah 61:9
9 Their seede also and their generation shalbe knowen among the gentiles, and among the people: all they that see them, shall knowe that they are the hye blessed seede of the Lorde
Isaiah 62:3-4
3 Thou shalt be a crowne in the hande of the Lorde, and a glorious garlande in the hande of thy God
4 From this tyme foorth thou shalt neuer be called the forsaken, and thy lande shall no more be called the wildernesse: but thou shalt be called, My pleasure is in her, and thy lande shalbe called, The maried woman: for the Lorde loueth thee, and thy land shalbe ioyned in mariage
Isaiah 62:4-4
4 From this tyme foorth thou shalt neuer be called the forsaken, and thy lande shall no more be called the wildernesse: but thou shalt be called, My pleasure is in her, and thy lande shalbe called, The maried woman: for the Lorde loueth thee, and thy land shalbe ioyned in mariage
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles, he was also troubled with them, and the angell that went foorth from his presence deliuered them: of very loue and kindnesse that he had vnto them, he redeemed them, he hath borne them and caried them vp euer since the worlde began
Isaiah 65:2
2 For thus long haue I euer holden out mine handes to an vnfaythfull people that go not the right way, but after their owne imagination
Isaiah 65:6
6 Beholde, it is written before my face, and shall not be forgotten, but recompenced: I shall rewarde it them into their bosome
Isaiah 66:19-21
19 Unto them shall I geue a token, and sende certayne of the that be deliuered among the gentiles, into Cilicia, Affrica, and Lydia, where men can handle bowes, into Italie, and also Greeke lande: The Isles farre of that haue not hearde speake of me, and haue not seene my glorie, shall preache my prayse among the gentiles
20 And shall bryng all your brethren for an offeryng vnto the Lorde out of all the people, vpon horses, charettes, and horslitters, vpon mules and cartes, to Hierusalem my holy hil saith the Lord: lyke as the children of Israel bryng the offeryng in cleane vessels to the house of the Lorde
21 And I shal take out certayne of them for to be priestes and Leuites, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 2:2-3
2 Go thy way, crye in the eares of Hierusalem, and say, Thus saith the Lorde: I remember thee, the kindnesse of thy youth, and the loue of thy despousyng, in that thou folowedst me through the wildernesse in an vntylled lande
3 Israel was an halowed thyng vnto the Lorde, and was his first fruites: All they that deuour Israel shall offende, misfortune shall fall vpon them, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 2:22
22 [Yea and that so sore] that though thou washe thee with Nitrus, and make thy selfe to sauour with that sweete smellyng hearbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wickednesse, saith the Lorde thy God
Jeremiah 3:12-14
12 And therfore go preach these wordes towarde the north, and say, Thou disobedient Israel, turne agayne saith the Lorde, and I wyll not bring my wrath vpon you: for I am mercifull saith the Lorde, and I wyll not alway beare displeasure agaynst thee
13 But on this condition, that thou know thy great blasphemie, namely that thou hast vnfaithfully forsaken the Lord thy God, and hast made thy selfe partaker of straunge gods vnder all greene trees, and hast had no wyll to heare my voyce, saith the Lorde
14 O ye disobedient childre, turne againe saith the Lorde, and I wyll be maryed with you: for I wyll take one out of the citie, and two out of one generation from among you, and bryng you into Sion
Jeremiah 3:22
22 O ye disobedient children, turne againe, & so shall I heale your backturnynges. Lo we come vnto thee, for thou art the Lorde our God
Jeremiah 6:28-30
28 For they are all stubborne apostates and fallen away, walking deceiptfully, they are cleane brasse and iron, for they hurt and destroy euery man
29 The bellowes are brent in the fire, the leade is not moulten, the melter melteth in vayne, for the euill is not taken away from them
30 Therefore do they call them naughtie siluer, because the Lorde hath cast them out
Jeremiah 7:9-10
9 For when ye haue stollen, murthered, committed adultrie and periurie, when ye haue offered vnto Baal, folowing straunge and vnknowen gods: shall ye be vnpunished
10 Yet then come ye and stande before me in this house (whiche hath my name geuen vnto it) and say, tushe, we are absolued quite, though we haue done all these abhominations
Jeremiah 7:10
10 Yet then come ye and stande before me in this house (whiche hath my name geuen vnto it) and say, tushe, we are absolued quite, though we haue done all these abhominations
Jeremiah 7:26
26 Yet woulde they not hearken nor offer me their eares, but were obstinate, and worse then their fathers
Jeremiah 8:12
12 Fye for shame, howe abhominable thinges do they? and yet they be not ashamed, yea they knowe of no shame: Wherefore in the tyme of their visitation they shal fal among the dead bodies, and be ouerthrowne, saith the Lorde
13 Moreouer, I wyll consume them in deede (saith the Lorde) so that there shall not be one grape vpon the vine, neither one figge vpon the figge tree, and the leaues shalbe pluckt of: and the thing that I haue geuen them, shalbe taken from them
Jeremiah 12:1-2
1 O Lorde thou art more righteous, then that I shoulde dispute with thee: neuerthelesse, let me talke with thee in thynges reasonable. Howe happeneth it that the way of the vngodly is so prosperous? and that it goeth so well with them which without any shame offend and liue in wickednesse
2 Thou plantest them, they take roote, they growe, and bryng foorth fruite: they boast much of thee, yet art thou farre from their raynes
Jeremiah 12:15
15 And when I haue rooted them out, I will be at one with them agayne, and I wyll haue mercie vpon them, and bryng them agayne euery man to his owne heritage, and into his lande
Jeremiah 22:13-17
13 Wo worth hym that buyldeth his house with vnrighteousnesse, and his parlours with the good that he hath gotten by violence, which neuer recompenceth his neighbours labour, nor payeth hym his hyre
14 Who thinketh in hym selfe, I wyll buylde me a wyde house and gorgious parlours, who causeth windowes to be hewen therin, and the seelinges and ioystes maketh he of Cedar, and painteth them with Sinoper
15 Thinkest thou to raigne nowe that thou hast inclosed thy selfe with Cedar? Did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper well, as long as he dealt with equitie and righteousnesse
16 Yea, when he helped the oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well: From whence came this, but onlye because he knewe me, saith the Lorde
17 Neuerthelesse, as for thyne eyes and thyne heart they loke vpon couetousnesse, to shed innocent blood, to do wrong and violence
Jeremiah 29:23
23 Because they sinned shamefully in Israel, for they haue not only defiled their neighbours wiues, but also preached lying wordes in my name, which I haue not commaunded them: This I testifie and assure, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 30:18-20
18 For thus saith the Lorde, Beholde I wyll bryng agayne the captiuitie of Iacobs tentes, and defende his dwellyng place: the citie shalbe builded in her olde estate, and the houses shall haue their ryght foundation
19 And out of them shal go thankesgeuing and the voyce of ioy: I wyll multiplie them, and they shal not be fewe, I shall endue them with honour, and no man shall subdue them
20 Their children shalbe as aforetyme, and their congregation shall continue in my syght: and all those that vexe them wyll I visite
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Upon this complaynt I thought thus by my selfe: Is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe with whom I haue had all my mirth and pastime? For since the tyme that I first comuned with hym, I haue hym euer in remembraunce: therfore my heart driueth me vnto hym, gladly and louyngly wyll I haue mercie vpon him, saith the Lorde
Jeremiah 31:23-24
23 For thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel: It wyl come therto, that when I haue brought Iuda out of captiuitie, these wordes shalbe hearde in the lande and in his cities, The Lord blesse thee O thou dwellyng place of ryghteousnesse, O thou holy hyll
24 And there shall dwell Iuda and all her cities, the sheepheardes and husbandmen
Jeremiah 31:33
33 But this shalbe the couenaunt that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes saith the Lorde: I wyll plant my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, and write it in their heartes, and wyll be their God, and they shalbe my people
Jeremiah 32:27
27 Beholde, I am the Lorde God of all fleshe: is there any thing then to harde for me
Jeremiah 32:38-39
Jeremiah 33:9
9 And this shall get me a name, a prayse and honour among all the people of the earth, whiche shall heare all the good that I wyll shewe vnto them, yea they shalbe afraide and astonied at all the good deedes and benefites that I wyll do for them
Jeremiah 33:18-22
18 Neither shall the priestes and leuites want one to offer alway before me burnt offeringes, to kindle the meate offeringes, and to prepare the sacrifices
19 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremie, after this maner
20 Thus saith the Lorde: May the couenaunt whiche I haue made with day and night be broken, that there shoulde not be day and night in due season
21 Then may my couenaunt also be broken whiche I made with Dauid my seruaunt, and so he not to haue a sonne to raigne in his throne: so shall also the Priestes and Leuites neuer fayle, but serue me
22 For like as the starres of heauen may not be numbred, neither the sande of the sea measured: so wyll I multiplie the seede of Dauid my seruaunt, and the Leuites my ministers
Lamentations 3:22-23
Ezekiel 9:4
4 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym, Go through the citie, euen through Hierusalem, & set a marke vpon the foreheades of them that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominations that be done therin
Ezekiel 16:8
8 Nowe when I went by thee and looked vpon thee, beholde, thy tyme was come, yea [euen] the time to woo thee: then spread I my clothes ouer thee to couer thy dishonestie, yea I made an othe vnto thee, and contracted my selfe with thee (saith the Lorde God) and so thou becamest myne owne
Ezekiel 18:30-32
30 Therefore I wyll iudge you, euery man according to his wayes, O ye house of Israel saith the Lorde: returne and bryng your selues agayne from all your wickednesse, so iniquitie shall not be your destruction
31 Cast away from you all your transgressions wherby ye haue transgressed, and make you a newe heart and a newe spirite: for why wyll ye dye O ye house of Israel
32 Seing I haue no pleasure in the death of hym that dyeth, saith the Lord God: bryng agayne your selues then, and ye shall lyue
Ezekiel 20:8
8 But they rebelled against me, and woulde not hearken vnto me, they dyd not cast away euery man the abhominations of his eyes, neither dyd they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said I woulde powre out mine indignation ouer them, and accomplishe my wrath vpon them, yea euen in the middest of the lande of Egypt
Ezekiel 20:13
13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wildernesse, they woulde not walke in my statutes, they haue cast away my iudgementes, which whoso doth shall lyue in them, and my Sabbath dayes haue they greatly polluted: then I sayde, I woulde powre out mine indignation vpon them, and consume them in the wildernesse
Ezekiel 20:21
21 Notwithstandyng, their sonnes rebelled agaynst me also, they walked not in my statutes, they kept not my iudgementes to fulfyll them, which he that doth shall liue in them, they prophaned my Sabbath dayes: and I sayde, I woulde powre out mine indignation ouer them, and accomplishe my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse
Ezekiel 20:28
28 For after I had brought them into the lande, for the which I lifted vp my hande to geue it vnto them, when they sawe euery hie hil, & all thicke trees, they offered there their sacrifices, & there they presented their offering of anger, there also they made their sweete sauours, and powred out their wine offerynges
Ezekiel 20:40-41
40 For vpon my holy hyll, euen vpon the hye hyll of Israel saith the Lord God, shall all the house of Israel, and all that is in the lande worship me: and in the same place wyll I fauour them, & there wyll I require your heaue offerynges, and the firstlinges of your oblations, with all your holy thinges
41 I wyll accept your sweete sauour, when I bryng you from the nations, & gather you together out of the landes wherin ye haue ben scattered, that I may be halowed in you before the heathen
Ezekiel 22:6-12
6 Beholde the rulers of Israel, euery one in thee [was redy] to his power to shed blood
7 In thee haue they dispised father and mother, in thee haue they oppressed the straunger, in thee haue they vexed the widowe and the fatherlesse
8 Thou hast dispised my holy thynges, and defiled my Sabbathes
9 Tale tellers are there in thee to shed blood, in thee are such as eate vpon the hylles, and in thee they commit abhomination
10 In thee they discouered their fathers shame, in thee they haue humbled her that was set apart for pollution
11 Euery man hath dealt shamefully with his neighbours wife, and abhominably defiled his daughter in lawe, in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers daughter
12 Yea giftes haue ben receaued in thee to shed blood, thou hast taken vsurie and encrease, thou hast oppressed thy neighbours by extortion, and forgotten me, saith the Lorde God
Ezekiel 22:14
14 Is thy heart able to endure? or may thy handes be strenghthened in the dayes that I shal haue to do with thee? Euen I the Lorde that speake it, wyll bryng it also to passe
Ezekiel 22:18-22
18 Thou sonne of man, the house of Israel is vnto me as drosse: all they are brasse, tinne, iron, and lead in the middest of the furnace, euen drosse of siluer are they
19 Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Forasmuch as ye all are turned into drosse, therfore beholde I wyll bryng you together vnto Hierusalem
20 Lyke as they gather siluer, brasse, iron, tinne, and lead, into the middest of the furnace, and the fire is blowne there vnder to melt them: euen so wyll I gather you in mine anger & in my wrath, and let you remayne [there] and cause you to melt
21 I wyll bryng you together, and blowe the fire of my wrath vpon you, and ye shalbe molten in the middest therof
22 Lyke as the siluer is molten in the furnace, so shall ye also be molten therin, that ye may knowe howe that I the Lord haue powred my wrath vpon you
Ezekiel 34:20-22
20 Therefore thus saith the Lorde God vnto them: Beholde I [euen] I wyll iudge betweene the fat cattaile and the leane cattaile
21 Forsomuch as with side and shoulder ye haue shoued, and with your hornes haue pushed all the weake, till ye haue scattered them abroade
22 I wyll saue my sheepe, so that they shal no more be spoyled, yea I wil iudge betweene cattaile and cattaile
Ezekiel 36:27-28
Ezekiel 43:26-27
Ezekiel 44:15-16
15 But the priestes, the Leuites, the sonnes of Sadoc that kept the charge of my sanctuarie when the children of Israel straied from me, shal come to me to do me seruice, to stand before me, and to offer me the fat and the blood, saith the Lorde God
16 They shall go into my sanctuarie, and apropche vnto my table to do me seruice, and they shall kepe my charge
Daniel 2:17-18
Daniel 3:17-26
17 Beholde, our God whom we serue, is able to deliuer vs from the hot firie fornace: and he wil deliuer vs out of thy hande O king
18 And though he will not, yet shalt thou knowe O king, that we will not serue thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set vp
19 Then was Nabuchodonozor full of indignation, so that the countenaunce of his face chaunged vpon Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego: therefore he charged and commaunded that they should heate the fornace, one seuen times more then it was wont to be heat
20 And he charged the most valiaunt men of warre that were in his armie, to bind Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the hot firie fornace
21 So these men were bounde in their coates, hosen, head attire, with their other garmentes, and cast into the mids of the hot firie fornace
22 Therefore, because the kinges commaundement was straite, & the fornace was exceeding hot, the men that put in Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, the flamble of the fire destroyed them
23 And these three men Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, fel downe in the mids of the hot firie fornace bounde
24 { (3:91) Then Nabuchodonozor the king was astonied, & rose vp in all haste: he spake vnto his counsel, and sayd, Dyd not we cast three men bounde into the mids of the fire? They aunswered and sayde vnto the king: It is true, O king}
25 { (3:92) He aunswered & sayde: Lo, I see foure men loose, walking in the mids of ye fire, and they haue no hurt: and the fourme of the fourth is like the sonne of God}
26 { (3:93) Upon this went Nabuchodonozor vnto the mouth of the hot firie fornace, he spake also, and sayd: O Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego, ye seruauntes of the hye God, go foorth, and come hyther. And so Sidrach, Misach, & Abednego came foorth of the mids of the fire}
Daniel 4:30
30 And the king spake, & sayd: Is not this great Babylon that I haue buylt for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie
Daniel 4:37
37 Now therfore I Nabuchodonozor prayse, and extol, & magnifie the king of heauen, whose workes are all trueth, & his wayes iudgement, and those that walke in pryde he is able to abase
Daniel 5:20-28
20 But because his heart was loftie, and his minde strengthened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they toke his glory from him
21 He was driuen out from the sonnes of men, his heart was made lyke the beastes, and his dwelling was with the wilde Asses, they fed him with grasse lyke Oxen, and his body was wet with the deawe of the heauen, till he knewe that the most hie God bare rule ouer the kingdome of men, and that he appoynteth ouer it whom so euer he pleaseth
22 And thou his sonne, O Balthasar, hast not submitted thyne heart, though thou knewest all these thinges
23 But hast lift vp thy selfe against the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of his house were brought before thee, that thou and thy princes, with thy wyues and concubines, might drinke wine thereout: and thou hast praysed the gods of siluer and golde, of brasse and iron, of wood and stone, which neither see, heare, nor vnderstand: As for the God in whose hande consisteth thy breath and all thy wayes, thou hast not glorified him
24 Then was the knockles of the hand sent from him, and hath written this writing
25 And this the writing that he hath writte: MENE MENE, THECEL, VPHARSIN
26 Now the interpretation of the thing is this: MENE, God hath numbred thy kingdome, and brought it to an ende
27 THECEL, thou art wayed in the balauce, and art founde wanting
28 PHERES, thy kingdome is deuided, and geuen to the Medes, and Perses
Daniel 6:16
16 Then the king commaunded, and they brought Daniel, and they cast him into the lions denne. Nowe the king spake vnto Daniel, & saide: Thy God whom thou alway seruest, euen he wyll deliuer thee
Daniel 7:10
10 There issued foorth a firie streame, and went out from before him: a thousand thousandes ministred vnto him, and ten thousand thousandes stoode before him: the iudgement was set, & the bookes opened
Daniel 8:9
9 And out of one of them came foorth a litle horne, which waxed very great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasaunt lande
Daniel 11:41
41 He shall enter also into the pleasaunt land, and many countreys shalbe ouerthrowen: but these shall escape out of his hande [euen] Edom and Moab, and the chiefe of the chyldren of Ammon
Daniel 12:1-3
1 And at that tyme shal Michael stande vp, the great prince, which standeth for the chyldren of thy people: for there shalbe a tyme of trouble, suche as neuer was since there began to be a nation, vnto that same tyme: and at that tyme thy people shalbe deliuered euery one that shalbe found written in the booke
2 And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth, shal awake, some to euerlasting life, & some to shame & perpetuall contempt
3 They that be wyse, shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament: and they that turne many to righteousnesse, as the starres for euer and euer
Daniel 12:10
10 Many shalbe purified, made white, and tryed: but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shal haue vnderstanding, but the wyse shall vnderstande
Hosea 11:9
9 I wyll not execute the fiercenesse of my wrath, I wyl not returne to destroy Ephraim: for I am God and not man, the holy one in the middest of thee, and I wyll not enter into the citie
Hosea 12:3-5
3 He toke his brother by the heele when he was yet in his mothers wombe, and in his strength he wrestled with God
4 He stroue with the angel and gat the victorie, he wept and prayed to him: he founde him at Bethel, and there he spake with vs
5 Yea the Lorde God of hoastes, euen the Lorde himselfe remembred him
Hosea 14:1
Joel 1:4
4 That which the caterpiller hath left the grashopper hath eaten, and what the grashopper left hath the canker worme eaten, and what the canker worme left the locust hath deuoured
Joel 1:7
7 He hath destroyed my vine, & barked my figge tree, he hath pilled it and cast it from him, and hath left bowes therof whyte
Joel 1:12
12 The wine is dryed vp, and the figge tree is decayed, the pomgranate tree, and the paulme, & the apple tree, [euen] all the trees of the fielde are withered vp: for ioy is withered away from the sonnes of men
Joel 2:12
12 But nowe saith ye Lord, turne you vnto me with all your heartes, with fasting, with weepyng, and with mournyng
Joel 2:14
14 Who knoweth whether the Lorde wyll returne and take compassion, and wyll leaue behinde him a blessing, [euen] meate offeryng and drynke offeryng vnto the Lorde your God
Joel 2:20
20 And I wyll remoue farre of from you the northen [armie] and I wyll driue him into a lande barren and desolate, with his face towardes the east sea, and his hinder partes towardes the vttermost sea: and his stinch shall arise, and his corruption shall ascende, because he hath exalted him selfe to do this
Joel 2:22
22 Be not afrayde ye beastes of the fielde, for the fruitfull places of the desert are greene: for the tree beares her fruite, the figge tree and the vine yeelde their strength
Amos 4:9
9 I haue smitten you with blasting and mildeaw, your great gardens, and your vineyardes, and your figge trees, & your oliue trees, dyd the palmer worme denoure: yet haue ye not returned vnto me sayth the Lorde
Amos 5:18-20
18 Wo vnto you that desire the day of the Lorde, what haue ye to do with it? the day of the Lorde is darkenes, and not light
19 As if a man dyd flee from a lion, and a beare meete him, & went into the house, and leaned his hand vnto the wal, and a serpent bite hym
20 Shall not the day of the Lorde be darkenesse, and not light? euen darkenesse and no light in it
Amos 7:1-3
1 Thus hath the Lorde God shewed vnto me, & beholde, he fourmed grashoppers in the beginning of the shooting vp of ye latter growth, and lo it was in the latter growth, after the kinges mowing
2 And when they hath made an end of eating the grasse of the lande, then I sayde, O Lorde God, spare I beseche thee: who shall rayse vp Iacob? for he is smal
3 So the Lorde repented for this: it shall not be, sayth the Lorde
Micah 1:2
2 Heare all ye people, marke this well O earth and all that therein is: yea let the Lorde God him selfe be witnesse against you, [euen] the Lorde from his holy temple
Habakkuk 1:13-17
13 Thou art of pure eyes, and canst not see euyl, thou canst not behold wickednesse: wherfore [then] doest thou loke vpo the transgressours, and holdest thy tongue, when the wicked deuoureth the man that is more righteous then he
14 And makest men as the fishe of the sea, and as the creeping thinges that haue no ruler ouer them
15 They take vp all with the angle, they catche it in their net, and gather it in their yarne: wherof they reioyce and are glad
16 Therfore they sacrifice vnto their net, and burne incense vnto their yarne: because by them their portion is fat, and their meate plenteous
17 Shall they therfore stretche out their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations
Habakkuk 3:17
17 For the figgetree shall not floorish, neither shall fruite be in the vines: the labour of the oliue shall fayle, & the fieldes shall yelde no meate: the sheepe shalbe cut of from the folde, and there shalbe no bullocke in the stalles
Zephaniah 1:12
12 At the same time will I searche Hierusalem with lanternes, and visite them that continue in their dregges, and say in their heartes, Tush, the Lorde will do neither good nor euyll
Zephaniah 2:2
2 Before the decree go foorth that God hath concluded [and ye be] as chaffe that passeth in a day, & before the fearfull wrath of the Lorde come vpon you, & before the day of the Lordes sore displeasure come vpon you
Zephaniah 3:19-20
19 And behold, in that time will I destroy all those that vexe thee, I will helpe the lame, and gather vp the castaway: yea I will get them prayse and honour in al landes, where they haue ben put to shame
20 At the same time will I bring you againe, & at the same time will I gather you: I will get you a name and a good report among all people of the earth, when I turne backe your captiuitie before your eyes, sayth the Lorde
Haggai 1:6-11
6 Ye haue sowen much, but ye bryng litle in: ye eate, but ye haue not inough: ye drinke, but ye are not filled: ye cloth you, but ye be not warme: and he that earneth wages, putteth the wages into a broken bagge
7 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoastes, Consider your owne wayes in your heartes
8 Get you vp to the mountayne, and fetche wood, and buyld this house, & I wil take pleasure in it, and I wilbe glorified, sayth the Lorde
9 Ye loked for much, and lo it came to litle, and when ye brought it home, I dyd blowe vpon it: and why, sayth the Lord of hoastes? because of my house that is waste, and you run euery man into his his owne house
10 Therfore vpon you the heauen is stayed from deawe, & the earth is stayed from yeelding her increase
11 And I haue called for a drought vpon the land, and vpon the mountaynes, and vpon the corne, & vpon the wine, and vpon the oyle, and vpon al that the ground bringeth foorth, vpon men, & vpon cattel, and vpon all the labour of the handes
Haggai 2:7-9
7 And I will moue all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with glorie, sayth the Lorde of hoastes
8 The siluer is myne, and the golde is myne, sayth the Lorde of hoastes
9 The glorie of the seconde house, shalbe greater then the glorie of the first, sayth the Lorde of hoastes: and in this place will I geue peace, sayth the Lorde of hoastes
Haggai 2:14-17
14 Then Haggeus aunswered, and sayde: So is this people, and so is this nation before me sayth the Lord, and so is al the worke of their handes: & that which they offer there is vncleane
15 And nowe consider I pray you in your mindes from this day, and vpward, before there was layed one stone vpon an other in the house of the Lorde
16 Before these thinges [were done] when one came to a heape of twentie [measures] there were but ten: so who came to the wyne presse for to drawe out fiftie [vessels of wyne] out of the presse, there were but twentie
17 I smote you with blasting, and with mildeawe, and with hayle, in all the worke of your handes, and you turned not vnto me, sayth the Lorde
Haggai 2:17
17 I smote you with blasting, and with mildeawe, and with hayle, in all the worke of your handes, and you turned not vnto me, sayth the Lorde
Haggai 2:19
19 Is the seede yet in the barne? as yet the vines, and the figge tree, and the pomegranate, & the oliue tree hath not brought foorth: from this day will I blesse [you.
Zechariah 1:3
3 And say thou vnto them, thus sayth the Lorde of hoastes: Turne you vnto me saith the Lord of hoastes, & I wil turne vnto you, sayth the Lord of hoastes
Zechariah 1:6
6 But did not my wordes and statutes whiche I commaunded by my seruauntes the prophetes take hold of your forefathers? and they returned, & sayde: Like as the Lorde of hoastes determined to do vnto vs according to our owne wayes and imaginations, euen so hath he dealt with vs
Zechariah 5:3-4
3 Then saide he vnto me, This is the curse that goeth foorth ouer the whole earth: for al theeues shalbe iudged after this booke, & al pariured persons shalbe iudged according to the same
4 And I wil bring it foorth saith the lord of hoastes, so that it shall enter into the house of the theefe, and into the house of him that falsely sweareth by my name: and shall remayne in his house, and consume it, with the timber & stones therof
Zechariah 7:3-6
3 And that they shoulde speake vnto the priestes which were in the house of the Lorde of hoastes, and to the prophetes, saying: should I wepe in the fifth moneth, & abstayne as I haue done nowe certaine yeres
4 Then came the worde of the Lorde of hoastes vnto me, saying
5 Speake vnto al the people of the land, and to the priestes, & say: When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth & seuenth moneth now this threescore & ten yeres, did ye fast vnto me
6 When ye did eate also & drincke, did ye not eate & drincke for your owne selues
Zechariah 8:3
3 Thus saith the Lord: I wyl returne vnto Sion, & wyll dwell in the middest of Hierusalem: so that Hierusalem shalbe called, A faithful and true citie, the hil of the Lorde of hoastes, an holy hill
Zechariah 8:12
12 For the seede shal prosper, the vine shal geue her fruite, the grounde shall geue her encrease, and the heauens shal geue their deawe, and I shall cause the remnaunt of this people to haue all these in possession
Zechariah 8:23
23 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes: In that time shall ten men (out of al maner of language of the Gentiles) take one Iewe by the hemme of his garment, and say, We wyll go with you: for we haue heard that God is among you
Zechariah 13:9
9 And the same third part wyl I bring through the fire, & wyl cleanse them as the siluer is cleansed, yea and trye them lyke as golde is tryed: then shal they call vpon my name and I wyll heare them, I wyll say it is my people, and they shall say, Lorde my God
Zechariah 14:20-21
20 At that time shall the ryding geare of the horses be holy vnto the Lorde: the kettels in the lordes house shalbe lyke the basons before the aulter
21 Yea, all the kettels in Hierusalem and Iuda shalbe holy vnto the Lorde of hoastes: and al they that slay offringes, shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: And at that time there shalbe no mo Chanaanites in the house of the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 1:4
4 Though Edom say, We are impouerished, but we wil returne and builde the desolate places: yet saith the Lorde of hoastes, They shal builde, but I wil destroy: & they shal cal them, The border of wickednes, & the people with whom the Lorde is angry for euer
Malachi 1:6-11
6 A sonne honoureth his father, and a seruaunt his maister: If then I be a father, where is myne honour? if I be a maister, where is my feare? Saith the Lorde God of hoastes to you O ye pristes that despise my name, and ye say, Wherein haue we despised thy name
Malachi 1:6
6 A sonne honoureth his father, and a seruaunt his maister: If then I be a father, where is myne honour? if I be a maister, where is my feare? Saith the Lorde God of hoastes to you O ye pristes that despise my name, and ye say, Wherein haue we despised thy name
Malachi 1:6-8
6 A sonne honoureth his father, and a seruaunt his maister: If then I be a father, where is myne honour? if I be a maister, where is my feare? Saith the Lorde God of hoastes to you O ye pristes that despise my name, and ye say, Wherein haue we despised thy name
7 Ye offer vpon myne aulter vncleane bread, and say, Wherein haue we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the Lorde is not to be regarded
Malachi 1:7-8
7 Ye offer vpon myne aulter vncleane bread, and say, Wherein haue we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the Lorde is not to be regarded
8 When ye bring the blinde for sacrifice, [you say] it is not euil: and when ye bring the lame and sicke, [you say] it is not euil: offer it nowe to thy prince, wyll he be content with thee, or accept thy person, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 1:8
8 When ye bring the blinde for sacrifice, [you say] it is not euil: and when ye bring the lame and sicke, [you say] it is not euil: offer it nowe to thy prince, wyll he be content with thee, or accept thy person, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 1:8-8
8 When ye bring the blinde for sacrifice, [you say] it is not euil: and when ye bring the lame and sicke, [you say] it is not euil: offer it nowe to thy prince, wyll he be content with thee, or accept thy person, saith the Lorde of hoastes
9 And now I pray you, pray before God, that he may haue mercie vpon vs: (this [euill] hath ben done by your meanes) wyll he regarde your persons, saith the Lorde of hoastes
10 Who is there euen among you that would shutte the doores, and kindle not fire on myne aulter in vaine? I haue no pleasure in you, saith the Lorde of hoastes, neither wyll I accept an offering at your hande
11 From the rysing of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same my name is great among the gentiles, and in euery place incense shalbe offred to my name, & a pure offering: for my name is great among the very heathen, saith the Lord of hoastes
Malachi 1:13
13 And ye saide, beholde [it is] a weerynesse, and you haue snuffed at it saith the Lorde of hoastes, and ye haue offered the stolne, and the lame, and the sicke, ye haue offered an offering: shoulde I accept this of your handes, saith the lorde
Malachi 2:1-8
Malachi 2:2
2 If ye wyl not heare it nor regard it, to geue the glory to my name, saith the Lorde of hoastes, I wyll sende a curse vpon you, and wyll curse your blessinges, yea I haue cursed them alredie, because ye do not consider it in your heart
3 Beholde, I wyll corrupt your seede, and cast doung on your faces, [euen] the doung of your solempne feastes, & you shalbe like vnto it
4 And you shall know that I haue sent this comaundement vnto you, that my couenaunt which I haue made with Leui might stand, saith the Lorde of hoastes
5 My couenaunt was with him, of lyfe and peace, and I gaue them him [for] the feare wherwith he feared me and was afrayde before my name
6 The lawe of trueth was in his mouth, and there was no iniquitie found in his lippes, he walked with me in peace and in equitie, and he turned many from their iniquitie
7 For the priestes lippes shall kepe knowledge, and they shall seeke the lawe at his mouth: because he is the messenger of the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 2:7-8
Malachi 2:14
14 Yet ye say, wherin? Because the Lord hath ben witnesse betweene thee and thy wyfe of thy youth, against whom thou hast transgressed, yet is she thyne owne companion, and the wyfe of thy couenaunt
Malachi 2:17
17 Ye haue weeryed the Lord with your wordes, and you haue sayde, Wherein haue we weeried him? Whylest you say, Euery one that doth euil, is good in the sight of the Lorde, and he is pleased in them: or where is the God of iudgement
Malachi 3:5
5 And I wyl come neare to you in iudgement, and I wyll be a swyft witnesse against the soothsayers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that wrongfully keepe backe the hirelynges wages, and vexe the widowe and the fatherlesse, and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, saith the Lorde of hoastes
Malachi 3:8
8 Wyll a man spoyle his Gods? yet ye haue spoyled me: and ye say, Wherein haue we spoyled thee? In tythes and offeringes
Malachi 3:13
13 Your wordes haue ben stout against me saith the lorde: and you saide, Wherein haue we spoken against thee
14 Ye haue saide: [it is but] vayne to serue God, and what profite [is it] that we haue kept his commaundement, & that we haue walked humbly before the face of the Lorde of hoastes
15 And nowe we call the proude happie: yea the workers of wickednesse are set vp, and also they that tempt God, yea they are deliuered
Malachi 4:1
1 For marke, the day commeth burning like an ouen: and all the proude, and all that worke wickednesse shalbe stubble, and the day that is for to come shall burne them, saith the Lorde of hoastes, and shall leaue them neither roote, nor braunche
2 But to you that feare my name shall that sunne of righteousnesse aryse, and health shalbe vnder his winges: and ye shall go foorth and skippe lyke fatte calues
Malachi 4:5
5 Beholde, I wyll send you Elias the prophete, before the comming of the great and fearefull day of the Lorde
Matthew 3:1-3
1 In those dayes, came Iohn the Baptist, preachyng in the wyldernesse of Iurie, and saying
2 Repent, for the kingdome of heauen is at hande
3 For this is he, of whom it is spoken by the prophete Esayas, saying. The voyce of one crying in the wyldernesse: prepare ye the way of the Lorde, make his pathes strayght
Matthew 3:7-12
7 But when he sawe many of the Pharisees, and Saducees come to his baptisme, he sayde vnto them. O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the anger to come
8 Bryng foorth therefore fruites meete for repentaunce
9 And be not of suche mynde, that ye woulde say within your selues, we haue Abraham to [our] father. For I say vnto you, that God is able, of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham
10 Euen now is the axe also put vnto the roote of the trees: therefore, euery tree which bryngeth not foorth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire
11 I baptize you in water vnto repentaunce: But he that shall come after me, is mightier then I, whose shoes I am not worthy to beare, he shall baptize you with the holy ghost, and with fire
12 Whose fanne is in his hande, and he wyll purge his floore, and gather his wheate into [his] garner: but wyl burne vp the chaffe with vnquencheable fire
Matthew 4:6-7
6 And saith vnto hym: If thou be the sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe. For it is written: He shall geue his Angels charge ouer thee, & with their handes they shall lyft thee vp, lest at any tyme thou dashe thy foote agaynst a stone
7 And Iesus sayde to hym. It is written agayne: Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God
Matthew 6:33
33 But rather, seke ye first the kyngdome of God, and his ryghteousnesse, and all these thynges shalbe ministred vnto you
Matthew 11:10-11
10 For this is he of whom it is written: Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee
11 Ueryly I say vnto you, among them that are borne of women, arose not a greater then Iohn the Baptist: Notwithstandyng, he that is lesse in the kingdome of heauen, is greater then he
Matthew 12:35-37
35 A good man, out of the good treasure of the heart, bryngeth foorth good thynges: And an euyll man, out of euyll treasure, bryngeth foorth euyll thynges
36 But I say vnto you, of euery idell worde that men shall speake, they shall geue accompt therof, in the day of iudgment
37 For of thy wordes, thou shalt be iustified: and of thy wordes, thou shalt be condemned
Matthew 17:10-13
10 And his disciples asked hym, saying: Why then say the scribes, that Elias must first come
11 Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto them: Elias truely shall first come, and restore all thynges
12 But I say vnto you, that Elias is come alredy, and they knewe hym not, but haue done vnto hym, whatsoeuer they lusted
13 Lykewyse, shall also the sonne of man suffer of them. Then the disciples vnderstode, that he spake vnto them of Iohn Baptist
Matthew 18:19-20
Matthew 21:31-44
31 Whether of them twayne did the wyl of the father? And they saide vnto him, the first. Iesus sayth vnto them: Ueryly I saye vnto you, that publicanes & harlottes go into the kingdome of God, before you
32 For Iohn came vnto you by the way of righteousnes, & ye beleued hym not: but publicanes & harlottes beleued him. And ye, when ye had sene [it] were not moued afterwarde with repentaunce, that ye myght haue beleued hym
33 Hearken another similitude. There was a certayne man, an householder, which made a vineyarde, & hedged it rounde about, and made a wynepresse in it, and buylt a towre, and let it out to husbande men: and went into a strange countrey
34 And when the time of the fruite drewe neare, he sent his seruauntes to the husbande men, that they might receaue the fruites of it
35 And the husbande men caught his seruauntes, and beatte one, killed another, and stoned another
36 Agayne, he sent other seruauntes, mo then the first: and they dyd vnto them lykewyse
37 But laste of all, he sent vnto them his owne sonne, saying: they wyll stande in awe of my sonne
38 But when the husband men sawe the sonne, they sayde among them selues: this is the heire, come, let vs kyll hym, and let vs enioy his inheritaunce
39 And they caught hym, and thrust him out of the vineyarde, and slewe [hym]
40 When the Lorde therfore of the vineyarde commeth, what wyll he do vnto those husbande men
41 They sayde vnto hym: He wyll miserably destroy those wicked [men] & wyll let out his vineyard vnto other husband men, which shall delyuer him the fruite in due seasons
42 Iesus sayth vnto them. Did ye neuer reade in the Scriptures: The stone which the buylders refused, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lordes doing, and it is marueylous in our eyes
43 Therefore saye I vnto you, the kyngdome of God shalbe taken from you, & geuen to a nation bryngyng foorth the fruites therof
44 And whosoeuer falleth on this stone, shalbe broken in peeces: but on whomsoeuer it falleth, it shal all to grynd him
Matthew 22:21
21 They say vnto hym, Caesars. Then sayde he vnto them: Geue therfore vnto Caesar, the [thynges] which are Caesars: and vnto God, those [thynges] that are gods
Matthew 23:13-35
13 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: for ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men: ye neither go in your selues, neither suffer ye them that come, to enter in
14 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: for ye deuoure widdowes houses, and that vnder a pretence of long prayer: therfore ye shall receaue the greater dampnation
15 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: for ye compasse sea and lande, to make one proselite: & when he is become one, ye make hym two folde more the chylde of hell, then ye your selues [are]
16 Wo be vnto you ye blynde guides: for ye say, whosoeuer doth sweare by the temple, it is nothyng: but whosoeuer sweareth by the golde of the temple, he is a detter
17 Ye fooles and blynde. For whether is greater, the golde, or the temple that sanctifieth the golde
18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aulter, it is nothyng: but whosoeuer sweareth by the gyft that is vpon it, he is a detter
19 Ye fooles and blynde, for whether is greater, the gyft: or the aulter that sanctifieth the gyft
20 Who so therfore sweareth by the aulter, sweareth by it, and by all thynges theron
21 And who so sweareth by the temple, sweareth by it, and by hym that dwelleth therin
22 And he that sweareth by heauen, sweareth by the seate of God, and by hym that sitteth theron
23 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye tythe mynt, and annise, and cummyn: and haue left the wayghtier matters of the lawe, iudgement, mercy, and fayth. These ought ye to haue done, and not to leaue the other vndone
24 Ye blynde guides, which strayne out a gnat, and swalowe a Camel
25 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites: for ye make cleane the vtter syde of the cup, & of the platter: but within they are full of brybery & excesse
26 Thou blynde Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outsyde of them may be cleane also
27 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites: for ye are lyke vnto paynted sepulchres, which in dede appeare beautifull outwarde, but are within full of dead [mens] bones, and of all fylthynes
Matthew 23:27
27 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites: for ye are lyke vnto paynted sepulchres, which in dede appeare beautifull outwarde, but are within full of dead [mens] bones, and of all fylthynes
28 Euen so, ye also, outwardly appeare ryghteous vnto men: But within, ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie
29 Wo vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites: ye builde the tombes of the Prophetes, and garnishe the sepulchres of the ryghteous
30 And say, yf we had ben in the dayes of our fathers, we woulde not haue ben parteners with them in the blood of the prophetes
31 And so ye be witnesses vnto your selues, that ye are the chyldren of them which kylled the prophetes
32 Fulfyll ye lykewyse, the measure of your fathers
33 Ye serpentes, ye generation of vipers, howe wyll ye escape the dampnation of hell
34 Wherfore, beholde I sende vnto you prophetes, and wyse men, and Scribes, and [some] of them ye shall kyll and crucifie: and [some] of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from citie to citie
35 That vpon you may come all the ryghteous blood, which hath ben shed vpon the earth, from the blood of ryghteous Abel, vnto the blood of Zacharias, sonne of Barachias, whom ye slewe betwene the temple & the aulter
Matthew 25:10
10 And whyle they went to bye, the brydegome came: and they that were redy, went in with hym, to ye maryage, and the gate was shut vp
Matthew 25:34
34 Then shall the king say vnto them on his right hande: Come ye blessed of my father, inherite the kyngdome, prepared for you from the foundation of the worlde
Matthew 25:46
46 And these shall go into euerlastyng payne: the ryghteous into lyfe eternall
Mark 1:2-3
Mark 9:3
3 And his rayment dyd shyne, & became very whyte, euen as snowe: so whyte, as no fuller can make vpon the earth
Mark 12:17
17 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto them: Geue to Caesar [the thynges] that belong to Caesar: and to God, [the thynges] which pertayne to God. And they marueyled at hym
Luke 1:16-17
Luke 1:48
48 For he hath loked on the lowe degree of his handmayden: For loe, now from hencefoorth shal all generations call me blessed
Luke 1:76
76 And thou childe shalt be called the prophete of the hyghest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lorde, to prepare his wayes
Luke 2:11
11 For vnto you is borne this daye, in the citie of Dauid, a sauiour, which is Christ the Lorde
Luke 2:21-32
21 And when the eygth day was come, that the chylde shoulde be circumcised, his name was called Iesus, whiche was so named of the Angel, before he was conceaued in the wombe
22 And when the dayes of her purification, after the lawe of Moyses, were accomplished, they brought hym to Hierusalem, to present him to the Lord
23 (As it is written in the lawe of ye Lord: Euery man chylde that firste openeth the wombe, shalbe called holy to ye lord
24 And to offer, as it is sayde in the lawe of the Lorde, a payre of turtle doues, or two young pigions
25 And beholde, there was a man in Hierusalem, whose name was Simeon: and the same man was iust and godlye, and loked for the consolation of Israel, and the holy ghost was vpon hym
26 And a reuelation was geuen hym of the holy ghost, not to see death, before he had seene the Lordes Christe
27 And he came by inspiration into the temple: And when the father & mother brought in the chylde Iesus, to do for hym after the custome of the lawe
28 Then toke he hym vp in his armes, & praysed God, and sayde
29 Lord nowe lettest thou thy seruaut depart in peace, accordyng to thy promise
30 For mine eyes haue seene thy saluatio
31 Whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all people
32 A light to be reuealed to the gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel
Luke 2:34
34 And Simeon blessed them, & saide vnto Marie his mother: beholde, this chylde is set to be the fall & vprysyng agayne of many in Israel, & for a signe which is spoken agaynst
Luke 2:38
38 And she, commyng at the same instant vpon them, confessed lykewise the Lorde, and spake of hym, to all them that loked for redemptio in Hierusalem
Luke 2:46
46 And it came to passe, that after three dayes, they founde hym in the temple, sittyng in the myddes of the doctours, hearyng them, and posyng them
Luke 3:3-6
3 And he came into all the coastes about Iordane, preachyng the baptisme of repentaunce, for the remission of sinnes
4 As it is writte in ye booke of the wordes of Esaias the prophete, saying: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernesse, prepare ye the way of ye Lorde, make his pathes strayght
5 Euery valley shalbe fylled, and euery mountayne & hyll shalbe brought lowe: And thynges that be croked, shalbe made strayght, and the rough wayes shalbe made playne
6 And all flesshe, shall see the saluation of God
Luke 3:9
9 Nowe also is the axe layed vnto the roote of the trees: Euery tree therfore which bryngeth not foorth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire
Luke 3:16
16 Iohn aunswered, and said vnto them all, In deede I baptize you with water: but one stronger then I commeth, whose shoes latched I am not worthy to vnlose, he shall baptize you with the holy ghost, and with fire
17 Which hath his fanne in his hande, & wyll purge his floore, & wyll gather the wheate into his barne: but ye chaffe wyl burne vp, with fire that neuer shalbe quenched
Luke 5:6-7
Luke 7:19-20
Luke 7:23
23 And happy is he, that is not offended at me
Luke 7:26-28
26 But what went ye foorth to see? A prophete? Yea, I say to you, and more then a prophete
27 This is he, of whom it is written: Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee
28 For I say vnto you, among womens chyldren, is there not a greater prophete then Iohn Baptist. Neuerthesse, he that is lesse in the kyngdome of God, is greater then he
Luke 11:37-47
37 And as he spake, a certaine pharisee besought hym to dyne with hym: and Iesus went in, & sate downe to meate
38 When the pharisee sawe it, he marueyled that he had not first wasshed before dynner
39 And the Lorde said vnto him: Now do ye pharisees make cleane the outsyde of the cuppe, and the platter, but the inward part is full of your rauenyng and wickednesse
40 Ye fooles, dyd not he that made that whiche is without, make that which is within also
41 But rather geue almes of those thynges which are within, and beholde all thynges are cleane vnto you
42 But wo vnto you pharisees: for ye tithe mint & rue, and al maner hearbes, and passe ouer iudgement, and the loue of God: These ought ye to haue done, and yet not to leaue the other vndone
43 Wo vnto you pharisees: for ye loue the vppermost seates in ye synagogues, and greetynges in the markettes
44 Wo vnto you scribes and pharisees, ye hypocrites: for ye are as graues which appeare not, and the men that walke ouer them, are not ware of them
45 Then aunswered one of the lawyers, and sayde vnto him: Maister, thus saying, thou puttest vs to rebuke also
46 And he sayde, Wo vnto you also ye lawyers: for ye lade me with burthens greeuous to be borne, and ye your selues touche not ye burthens with one of your fyngers
47 Wo vnto you, ye buylde the sepulchres of the prophetes, and your fathers kylled them
48 Truely, ye beare witnesse that ye alowe the deedes of your fathers: for they kylled them, and ye buylde their sepulchres
49 Therfore saide the wisedome of God, I wyl sende them prophetes and apostles, and some of them they shall slaye and persecute
50 That the blood of all the prophetes, which is shedde, from the foundation of the worlde, may be required of this generation
51 From the blood of Abel, vnto ye blood of Zacharie, whiche perished betwene the aulter & the temple: Ueryly I saye vnto you, it shalbe required of this nation
52 Wo vnto you lawyers: for ye haue taken away the keye of knowledge, ye entred not in your selues, and them that came in, ye forbad
53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawyers & the pharisees began to vrge hym vehemently, and to prouoke hym to speake many thynges
54 Laying wayte for hym, and sekyng to catche somethyng out of his mouth, wherby they myght accuse hym
Luke 12:16-17
Luke 15:16
16 And he woulde fayne haue fylled his belly with the coddes that the swyne dyd eate: and no man gaue vnto hym
Luke 19:47
47 And he taught dayly in the temple. But the hye priestes and the scribes, & the chiefe of the people, went about to destroy hym
Luke 20:25
25 And he sayde vnto them: Geue then vnto Caesar, the thynges which belong vnto Caesar, and to God the thynges that perteyne vnto God
Luke 21:36
36 Watche ye therfore, and pray continually, that ye may be accompted worthy to escape all these thinges yt shall come, & that ye may stand before ye sonne of man
Luke 23:40
40 But the other aunswered, and rebuked hym, saying: Fearest thou not God, seing thou art in the same dampnation
Luke 24:14-31
14 And they talked together of all these thynges that were done
15 And it came to passe, that whyle they communed together & reasoned, Iesus him selfe drewe neare, and went with them
16 But their eyes were holden, that they shoulde not knowe him
17 And he sayde vnto them: What maner of communications are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke, and are sad
18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleophas, aunswered, and sayde to him: Art thou only a straunger in Hierusalem, & hast not knowen the thinges which are come to passe there, in these dayes
19 He sayde vnto them: what thynges? And they sayde vnto him: Of Iesus of Nazareth, whiche was a prophete, mightie in deede and worde before God and all the people
20 And howe the hye priestes, and our rulers deliuered him to be condempned to death, and haue crucified him
21 But we trusted that it had ben he which shoulde haue redeemed Israel: And as touchyng all these thynges, to day is euen the thirde day, that they were done
22 Yea, and certayne women also of our companie made vs astonied, which came early vnto the sepulchre
23 And founde not his body, and came, saying that they had seene a vision of angels, which sayde that he was alyue
24 And certayne of them which were with vs, went to the sepulchre, & founde it euen so as the women had sayde: but hym they sawe not
25 And he sayde vnto them: O fooles and slowe of heart, to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoken
26 Ought not Christe to haue suffered these thinges, & to enter into his glory
27 And he began at Moyses, and all the prophetes, and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were writen of hym
28 And they drewe nye vnto the towne which they went vnto, and he made as though he would haue gone further
29 And they constrayned hym, saying: abyde with vs, for it draweth towarde nyght, and the day is farre passed. And he went in to tary with them
30 And it came to passe, as he sate at meate with them, he toke bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gaue to them
31 And their eyes were opened, and they knewe him: and he vanished out of their syght
John 1:6-7
John 1:15-23
15 Iohn beareth witnesse of hym, and cryeth, saying: This was he of whom I spake, he that commeth after me, is preferred before me, for he was before me
16 And of his fulnesse haue all we receaued, and grace for grace
17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses: but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christe
18 No man hath seene God at any tyme: The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym
19 And this is the recorde of Iohn: When the Iewes sent priestes and leuites from Hierusalem, to aske hym: What art thou
20 And he confessed and denyed not, and sayde playnely, I am not that Christe
21 And they asked hym: What then? art thou Elias? And he sayth, I am not. Art thou that prophete? And he aunswered, no
22 Then sayde they vnto hym: What art thou? that we may geue an aunswere to them that sent vs: What sayest thou of thy selfe
23 He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernesse, make strayght the way of the Lorde, as sayde the prophete Esaias
John 1:33-34
John 1:40-47
40 One of the two which hearde Iohn speake, & folowed hym, was Andrewe, Simon Peters brother
41 The same founde his brother Simon first, and sayth vnto hym: We haue founde Messias, which is by interpretation, the annoynted
42 And brought hym to Iesus. And Iesus behelde hym, and sayde: Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona, thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone
43 The day folowyng, Iesus woulde go into Galilee, & founde Philip, and sayth vnto hym, folowe me
44 Philip was of Bethsaida, the citie of Andrewe and Peter
45 Philip founde Nathanael, and sayth vnto hym: We haue founde hym, of whom Moyses in the lawe, and the prophetes, dyd write: Iesus of Nazareth, the sonne of Ioseph
46 And Nathanael sayde vnto hym: Can there any good thyng come out of Nazareth? Philip sayth vnto him: come and see
47 Iesus sawe Nathanael commyng to hym, & sayeth of hym: Beholde a ryght Israelite, in whom is no guile
John 2:14-16
14 And founde sittyng in the temple, those that solde oxen, and sheepe, and doues, and chaungers of money
15 And when he had made [as it were] a scourge of small cordes, he droue them all out of the temple, with the sheepe, & oxen, and powred out the chaungers money, and ouerthrewe the tables
16 And saide vnto them that solde doues: Haue these thinges hence, and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundize
John 3:28-30
28 Ye your selues are witnesses, howe that I sayde I am not Christe, but am sent before hym
29 He that hath ye bride, is the bridegrome. But the friende of the brydegrome, which standeth & heareth him, reioyceth greatly because of ye brydegromes voyce. This my ioy therfore is fulfylled
30 He must increace, but I must decreace
John 4:23-24
John 6:42-44
42 And they saide: Is not this Iesus, ye sonne of Ioseph, whose father and mother we knowe? Howe is it then that he sayth, I came downe from heauen
43 Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto them: Murmure not among your selues
44 No man can come to me, except the father, whiche hath sent me, drawe hym: And I wyll rayse hym vp at the last day
John 8:41-48
41 Ye do the deedes of your father. Then said they to him: We be not borne of fornication, we haue one father, euen God
42 Iesus saide vnto them: Yf God were your father, truely ye woulde loue me: For I proceaded foorth, and came from God: neither came I of my selfe, but he sent me
43 Why do ye not knowe my speache? euen because ye cannot heare my word
44 Ye are of your father the deuyll, and the lustes of your father wyll ye do. He was a murtherer from the begynnyng, and abode not in the trueth: because there is no trueth in hym. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his owne: For he is a lyer, and the father of the same thyng
45 And because I tel you the trueth, therfore ye beleue me not
46 Which of you rebuketh me of sinne? Yf I say the trueth, why do not ye beleue me
47 He that is of god, heareth gods wordes. Ye therfore heare the not, because ye are not of God
48 Then aunswered the Iewes, & saide vnto hym: Say we not well that thou art a Samaritane, and hast the deuyl
John 8:55
55 And yet ye haue not knowen him, but I knowe hym: And if I say I knowe hym not, I shalbe a lyer lyke vnto you. But I knowe hym, & kepe his saying
John 9:39-41
39 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde, that they which see not, myght see: and that they which see, myght be made blynde
40 And some of the pharisees which were with hym, hearde these wordes, & sayde vnto hym: Are we blynde also
41 Iesus sayde vnto them, Yf ye were blynde, ye shoulde haue no sinne: But nowe ye say, we see, therfore your sinne remayneth
John 10:27-30
27 My sheepe heare my voyce, and I knowe them, and they folowe me
28 And I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shal neuer perishe, neither shal any man plucke them out of my hande
29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all: and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hande
30 I and my father are one
John 12:20-22
John 12:26
26 If any man minister vnto me, let hym folowe me: And where I am, there shall also my minister be. If any man minister vnto me, hym wyll my father honour
John 15:22-24
22 Yf I had not come and spoken vnto them, they shoulde haue had no sinne: but nowe haue they nothyng to cloke their sinne withall
23 He that hateth me, hateth my father also
24 Yf I had not done among them, the workes which none other man dyd, they shoulde haue had no sinne. But nowe haue they both seene, and hated not only me, but also my father
John 17:9-10
John 17:24
24 Father, I wyll that they which thou hast geuen me, be with me where I am, that they may see my glorie which thou hast geuen me. For thou louedst me, before the foundation of the world
John 21:6-11
6 And he saith vnto them: Cast out the net on the ryght syde of the shippe, and ye shall fynde. They cast out therefore, and anone they were not able to drawe it for the multitude of fisshes
7 Then sayde the disciple, whom Iesus loued, vnto Peter: It is the Lord. Whe Simon Peter hearde that it was the Lorde, he gyrde his coate vnto him (for he was naked) and sprang into the sea
8 The other disciples came by shippe, (for they were not farre from lande, but as it were two hundred cubites) And they drewe the net with fisshes
9 Assoone then as they were come to lande, they sawe whot coales, and fisshe layde theron, and bread
10 Iesus saith vnto them: Bryng of the fisshe which ye haue nowe caught
11 Simon Peter went vp, and drewe the net to the lande, full of great fisshes, an hundred and fiftie and three: And for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken
Acts 1:13
13 And when they were come in, they went vp into a parlour, where abode both Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and Andrewe, Philip and Thomas, Barthelmewe and Matthewe, Iames the sonne of Alpheus, & Simo Zelotes, and Iudas the brother of Iames
Acts 2:1
1 And when the day of Pentecost was, they were all with one accorde in one place
Acts 4:23-33
23 Then assoone as they were let go, they came to their felowes, and shewed all that the hye priestes and elders had sayde vnto them
24 And when they hearde that, they lyft vp their voyces to God with one accorde, and sayde: Lorde, thou art God, which hast made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is
25 Which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid, hast sayde: Why dyd the Heathen rage, & the people imagine vayne thynges
26 The kynges of the earth stoode vp, and the rulers came together, agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst his Christe
27 And of a trueth, agaynst thy holye chylde Iesus, who thou hast anoynted, both Herode and also Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together
28 For to do whatsoeuer thy hande & thy counsel determined before to be done
29 And nowe Lorde, beholde their threatnynges, & graunt vnto thy seruauntes, that with all boldensse they may speake thy worde
30 So that thou stretch foorth thyne hande, that healyng, and signes, and wonders, be done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus
31 And assoone as they had prayed, the place moued where they were assembled together, and they were all fylled with the holy ghost, and they spake the worde of God boldely
32 And the multitude of them that beleued, were of one heart, and of one soule: Neither sayde any of them, that ought of ye thynges which he possessed, was his owne: but they had all thinges common
33 And with great power gaue the Apostles witnesse of the resurrection of the Lorde Iesu: And great grace was with them all
Acts 5:9
9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempt the spirite of the Lorde? Beholde, the feete of the which haue buried thy husbande, are at the doore, and shall cary thee out
Acts 7:38
38 This is he that was in the Churche in ye wyldernesse with the angel, which spake to hym in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers: This man receaued the worde of lyfe to geue vnto vs
Acts 7:51-52
51 Ye styfnecked and of vncircumcised heartes and eares, ye haue alwayes resisted the holy ghost: as your fathers dyd, so do ye
52 Which of the prophetes haue not your fathers persecuted? And they haue slayne them which shewed before of the commyng of that iuste, of whom ye are nowe the betrayers and murtherers
Acts 7:52-52
52 Which of the prophetes haue not your fathers persecuted? And they haue slayne them which shewed before of the commyng of that iuste, of whom ye are nowe the betrayers and murtherers
53 Whiche also haue receaued the lawe, by the disposition of angels, and haue not kept it
54 When they hearde these thynges, their heartes claue a sunder, and they gnasshed on hym with their teeth
Acts 9:31
31 Then had the Churches rest throughout all Iurie, and Galilee, and Samaria, and were edified, and walked in the feare of the Lorde, & multiplied by the comfort of the holy ghost
Acts 10:2
2 A deuoute man, & one yt feared God, with all his housholde, which gaue much almes to the people, and prayed God alway
Acts 12:21
21 And vpon a day appoynted, Herode arayed hym in royall apparell, and set hym in his seate, and made an oration vnto them
Acts 13:24-25
Acts 16:17
17 The same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, saying: These men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shewe vnto vs the way of saluation
Acts 19:4
4 Then sayde Paul: Iohn veryly baptized with the baptisme of repentaunce, saying vnto the people, that they should beleue on hym which shoulde come after hym, that is, on Christe Iesus
Acts 27:23
23 For there stoode by me this nyght, the Angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serue
Romans 1:9
9 For God is my witnesse, whom I serue with my spirite in the Gospell of his sonne, that without ceassyng I make mention of you
Romans 2:5-6
Romans 2:22
22 Thou that sayest a man shoulde not commit adulterie, breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest idoles, and yet robbest God of his honour
Romans 3:8
8 And not rather (as men speake euyll of vs, and as some affirme that we say) let vs do euyll, that good may come therof? Whose dampnation is iuste
Romans 5:10
10 For, yf when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne: much more, seyng we are reconciled, we shalbe saued by his lyfe
Romans 7:9
9 I once lyued without lawe: But when the commaundement came, sinne reuyued
Romans 8:28-32
28 For we knowe yt all thinges worke for the best, vnto them that loue God, to them which also are called of purpose
29 For those which he knewe before, he also dyd predestinate, that they shoulde be lyke fashioned vnto the shape of his sonne, that he myght be ye first begotten among many brethren
30 Moreouer, whom he dyd predestinate, the also he called. And whom he called, them also he iustified: And whom he iustified, them he also glorified
31 What shall we then say to these thynges? If God be on our syde, who can be agaynst vs
32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but gaue hym for vs all: Howe shall he not with hym also geue vs all thynges
Romans 8:32
32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but gaue hym for vs all: Howe shall he not with hym also geue vs all thynges
Romans 9:20
20 But O man, what art thou which disputest with God? Shall the worke say to the workeman, why hast thou made me on this fashion
Romans 9:31-33
31 But Israel, which folowed the lawe of ryghteousnesse, hath not attayned to the lawe of ryghteousnesse
32 Wherfore? Because [they sought it] not by fayth: but [as it were] by the workes of the lawe. For they haue stumbled at the stumblyng stone
33 As it is written: Beholde, I put in Sion a stumblyng stone, and a rocke of offence: And whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded
Romans 10:3
3 For they beyng ignoraunt of Gods ryghteousnesse, and goyng about to stablyshe their owne righteousnesse, haue not ben obedient vnto the ryghteousness of God
Romans 10:21
21 But agaynst Israel he sayeth: All day long haue I stretched foorth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynst me
Romans 11:5-10
5 Euen so at this tyme, there is a remnaunt, according to the election of grace
6 If it be of grace, then is it not nowe of workes: For the grace is no more grace. But yf it be of workes, then is it nowe no grace: For then worke is no more worke
7 What then? Israel hath not obtayned that which he sought: but the election hath obtayned it, the remnaunt hath ben blynded
8 Accordyng as it is written: God hath geuen them the spirite of remorse, eyes that they shoulde not see, and eares that they shoulde not heare, euen vnto this day
9 And Dauid sayth: Let their table be made a snare, and a trappe, and a stumbling stocke, and a recompence vnto the
10 Let their eyes be blinded yt they see not, & bowe thou downe their backe alway
Romans 11:28-29
Romans 12:1
1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercifulnesse of God, that ye geue vp your bodyes a quicke sacrifice, holy, acceptable vnto God, [whiche is] your reasonable seruice
Romans 13:7
7 Geue to euery man therfore his dutie, tribute to whom tribute, custome to whom custome, feare to whom feare, honour to whom honour [belongeth.
Romans 15:16
16 That I should be the minister of Iesus Christe, to the gentiles, and shoulde minister the Gospell of God, that the offeryng of the gentiles might be acceptable, and sanctified by the holy ghost
1 Corinthians 3:13-15
13 Euery mans worke shal appeare. The day shall declare it, because it shalbe reuealed by the fire: And the fire shall trie euery mans worke what it is
14 If any mans worke that he hath built vpon abyde, he shall receaue a reward
15 If any mans worke burne, he shall suffer losse, but he shalbe safe hym selfe: neuertheles, yet as it were through fire
1 Corinthians 3:22-23
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Knowe ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God? Be not deceaued: neither fornicatours, nor idolatours, nor adulterers, nor weaklinges, nor abusers of them selues with mankinde
10 Nor theeues, nor couetous, nor drunckardes, nor cursed speakers, nor pyllers, shall inherite the kingdome of God
1 Corinthians 6:20
20 For ye are dearely bought: therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirite, which are Gods
1 Corinthians 10:9
9 Neither let vs tempt Christe, as some of them tempted, and were destroyed of serpentes
1 Corinthians 15:23
23 But euery man in his owne order. The first fruites [is] Christe, afterward, they that are Christes at his commyng
2 Corinthians 6:18
18 And wyll be a father vnto you, and ye shalbe my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lorde almightie
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
6 This yet [I say] he which soweth litle, shall reape litle: and he that soweth in geuyng largely and freely, shall reape plenteouslie
7 Let euery man do, accordyng as he hath purposed in his heart, not grudgyngly, or of necessitie: For God loueth a chearefull geuer
8 God is able to make you riche in all grace, that ye in all thynges hauyng sufficient vnto the vtmost, may be riche vnto all maner of good workes
Galatians 5:19-21
19 The deedes of the flesshe are manifest, which are these, adulterie, fornication, vncleannesse, wantonnesse
20 Worshippyng of images, witchcrafte, hatred, variaunce, zeale, wrath, strife, seditions, sectes
21 Enuyinges, murthers, drunkennesse, gluttonies, and such lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which do suche thinges, shall not inherite the kingdome of God
Galatians 5:24
24 They truely that are Christes, haue crucified the flesshe, with the affections and lustes
Ephesians 5:19
19 Speaking vnto your selues in psalmes and hymnes, and spirituall songues, syngyng and makyng melodie to the Lorde in your heartes
Ephesians 5:26-27
Philippians 1:6
6 And beyng perswaded of this same thyng, that he which hath begun good worke in you, wyll perfourme it vntyll the day of Iesus Christe
Philippians 2:17
17 Yea, and though I be offered vp vpo the offeryng and seruice of your fayth, I reioyce, and reioyce with you all
Philippians 4:18
18 But I haue receaued al, & haue plentie. I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus the thynges [which were sent] from you, an odoure of a sweete smel, a sacrifice acceptable, plesaunt to God
1 Thessalonians 1:9
9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entryng in we had vnto you, and howe ye turned to God from images, to serue the lyuyng and true God
1 Thessalonians 4:6
6 That no man oppresse and defraude his brother in [any] matter, because that the Lorde is the auenger of all suche: as we also haue forewarned you, and testified
1 Thessalonians 5:11
11 Wherefore comfort your selues together, and edifie euery one another, euen as ye do
1 Thessalonians 5:14
14 We exhort you brethren, warne them that are vnruly, comfort the feeble mynded, lyft vp the weake, be pacient towarde all men
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
5 [Which is] a token of the ryghteous iudgment of God, that ye may be counted woorthy of the kyngdome of God, for which ye also suffer
6 For it is a ryghteous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you
7 And to you whiche are troubled, reste with vs, in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen, with the Angels of his power
8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe
9 Which shalbe punisshed with euerlastyng dampnation, from the presence of the Lorde, & fro the glorie of his power
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saintes, and to be made marueylous in all them that beleue (because our testimonie toward you was beleued) in that day
2 Thessalonians 2:4
4 [Whiche is] an aduersarie, and is exalted aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he as God, sitteth in the temple of God, shewing hym selfe that he is God
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 But we are bounde to geue thankes alway to God for you, brethren beloued of the Lorde, because that God hath fro the begynnyng chosen you to saluation in sanctifiyng of the spirite, & [in] fayth of the trueth
14 Wherevnto he called you by our Gospell, to the obteyning of the glorie of our Lorde Iesus Christe
2 Timothy 4:6
6 For I am nowe redie to be offered, & the tyme of my dissolution is at hande
Titus 2:14
14 Which gaue hym selfe for vs, that he myght redeeme vs from all vnryghteousnesse, and pourge vs a peculier people vnto hym selfe, zelous of good workes
Hebrews 3:9
9 Where your fathers tempted me, proued me, and sawe my workes 40 yeres
Hebrews 3:13
13 But exhort ye one another dayly, whyle it is called to day, lest any of you be hardened, through the deceytfulnesse of sinne
Hebrews 4:12-13
12 For the worde of God is quicke, and myghtie in operation, and sharper then any two edged sword, and entreth thorowe, euen vnto the deuydyng a sunder of the soule & the spirite, and of the ioyntes & the marie, and is a discerner of the thoughtes and of the intentes of the heart
13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in the syght of hym: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of hym of whom we speake
Hebrews 6:18
18 That by two immutable thynges, in whiche it was vnpossible for God to lye, we myght haue a strong consolation, which haue fledde to holde fast the hope layde before vs
Hebrews 10:24
24 And let vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and good workes
Hebrews 10:28-29
28 He that despiseth Moyses lawe, dyeth without mercie vnder two or thre witnesses
29 Of howe muche sorer punyshement (suppose ye) shall he be worthy, whiche treadeth vnder foote the sonne of God? and counteth the blood of the couenaut wherein he was sanctified, an vnholye thyng, and doth despite to the spirite of grace
30 For we knowe hym that hath sayde, vengeaunce [belongeth] vnto me, I wyl render saith the Lorde: And agayne, the Lorde shall iudge his people
31 It is a fearefull thyng to fall into the handes of the lyuyng God
Hebrews 12:10
10 For they veryly, for a fewe dayes, chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but he, for our profite, that we myght be partakers of his holynesse
Hebrews 12:15
15 Takyng heede that no man fall away from the grace of God, lest any roote of bitternesse spryngyng vp, trouble you, and therby many be defyled
Hebrews 12:25
25 See that ye despise not hym that speaketh: For yf they escaped not, which refused hym that spake on earth: much more shall we [not escape] yf we turne away from hym that [speaketh] from heauen
Hebrews 13:4
4 Wedlocke is honorable among all men, and the bed vndefiled: But whoremongers and adulterers God wyll iudge
Hebrews 13:8
8 Iesus Christe yesterday and to day, and the same for euer
Hebrews 13:15-16
James 1:17
17 Euery good geuyng, and euery perfect gyft is from aboue, and cometh downe from the father of lyghtes, with who is no variablenes, neither shadow of turnyng
James 4:8
James 5:4
4 Beholde, the hire of labourers, which haue reaped downe your fieldes, which hire is of you kept backe by fraude, cryeth: and the cryes of them which haue reaped, are entred into the eares of the Lorde Sabaoth
James 5:8-9
James 5:12
12 But aboue all thynges my brethren, sweare not, neither by heauen, neither by earth, neither any other othe: Let your yea, be yea, and your nay nay, lest you fall into condempnation
1 Peter 1:7
7 That the triall of your fayth, beyng much more precious then golde that perisheth, though it be tried with fyre, myght be founde vnto laude, glorie, and honour, at the appearyng of Iesus Christe
1 Peter 1:13-16
13 Wherfore girde vp the loynes of your mynde, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the reuelation of Iesus Christe
14 As obedient chyldren, not fashionyng your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignoraunce
15 But as he which called you is holy, euen so be ye holy also in all maner of conuersation
16 Because it is written, be ye holy, for I am holy
1 Peter 2:5
5 And ye as lyuely stones, be you made a spirituall house, an holy priesthood, for to offer vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable to God by Iesus Christe
1 Peter 2:7-8
7 Unto you therfore which beleue, he is precious: but vnto them whiche beleue not, the stone which the buylders refused, the same is made the head of the corner
8 And a stone that men stumble at, and a rocke wherat they be offended, whiche stumble at the worde, and beyng disobedient, vnto the whiche thing they were euen ordeyned
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royall priesthood, an holy nation, a peculier people: that ye should shewe foorth the vertues of hym that called you out of darknesse into his marueylous lyght
1 Peter 4:12-13
1 Peter 5:5
5 Likewise ye younger, submit your selues vnto the elder: Submit your selues euery man one to another, decke your selues inwardly in lowlynes of mynde: For God resisteth the proude, and geueth grace to the humble
1 John 3:1-3
1 Beholde what loue the father hath shewed on vs, that we shoulde be called the sonnes of god: For this cause the worlde knoweth you not, because it knoweth not hym
2 Dearely beloued, nowe are we the sonnes of God, and yet it doth not appeare what we shalbe: But we knowe that when he shall appeare, we shalbe lyke hym, for we shall see hym as he is
3 And euery man that hath this hope in hym, purgeth hym selfe, euen as he also is pure
Jude 1:14-15
14 Enoch the seuenth from Adam, prophesied before of such, saying: Beholde, the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saintes
15 To geue iudgement agaynst all men, and to rebuke all that are vngodly among them, of all their vngodly deedes, which they haue vngodly committed, and of all their cruel speakynges, which vngodly sinners haue spoken agaynst hym
Revelation 1:5-7
Revelation 1:6
6 And made vs kynges and priestes vnto God his father, be glorie and dominion for euermore. Amen
7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and all eyes shall see hym, and they also which pearsed hym: And all kinredes of the earth shall wayle before hym. Euen so. Amen
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endyng, sayth the Lorde almyghtie, which is, and which was, and which is to come
Revelation 2:23
23 And I wyll kyll her chyldren with death, & all the Churches shall knowe, that I am he which searcheth the raynes and heartes: And I wyll geue vnto euery one of you, accordyng vnto his workes
Revelation 3:18
18 I counsel thee to bye of me gold tryed in the fyre, that thou mayest be riche, and whyte rayment, that thou mayest be clothed, that thy fylthie nakednesse do not appeare, and annoynt thyne eyes with eye salue, that thou mayest see
Revelation 5:10
10 And hast made vs vnto our God kinges and priestes, and we shall raigne on the earth
Revelation 6:17
17 For the great day of his wrath is come: and who is able to endure
Revelation 7:14
14 And he sayde vnto hym, Lorde thou wotest. And he sayde to me: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and haue wasshed their long robes, and made them whyte by the blood of the lambe
Revelation 15:4
4 Who shall not feare thee O Lorde, and glorifie thy name? for thou only art holy: And all gentiles shal come and worship before thee, for thy iudgemetes are made manifest
Revelation 19:8
8 And to her was graunted that she should be arayed with pure and goodly raynes: For the raynes is the ryghteousnes of saintes
Revelation 20:12
12 And I sawe the dead both great and small stand before God, and the bookes were opened: and another booke was opened, which is [the booke] of lyfe, and the dead were iudged of those thynges whiche were written in the bookes, accordyng to their deedes
Revelation 20:12-15
12 And I sawe the dead both great and small stand before God, and the bookes were opened: and another booke was opened, which is [the booke] of lyfe, and the dead were iudged of those thynges whiche were written in the bookes, accordyng to their deedes
13 And the sea gaue vp her dead whiche were in her, and death and hell delyuered vp the dead whiche were in them: and they were iudged euery man accordyng to his deedes
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fyre. This is the seconde death
15 And whosoeuer was not founde written in the booke of lyfe, was cast into the lake of fire
Revelation 21:8
8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuing, and the abhominable, and murtherers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, & all lyers, shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brymstone: which is the seconde death
Revelation 22:13
13 I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the ende, the first and the last
Revelation 22:15
15 For without shalbe dogges, and inchaunters, and whoremongers, and murtherers, and idolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges