Luke 8:43 Cross References - Bishops

43 And a woman, hauyng an issue of blood twelue yeres, which had spent all her substaunce vpon phisitions, neither coulde be holpen of any

Leviticus 15:25-33

25 Also if a woman haue an issue of her blood many dayes, out of the tyme of her seperation, or if it runne beyond her seperation, let all the dayes of the issue of her vncleanenesse, be euen as ye dayes of her seperation, [for] she is vncleane 26 Euery bedde whereon she lyeth as long as her issue lasteth, shalbe vnto her as the bedde of her seperation: and whatsoeuer she sitteth vpon shalbe vncleane, as the vncleanenesse of her seperation 27 And whosoeuer toucheth any of these shalbe vncleane, and shall washe his clothes, and bathe hym selfe in water, and be vncleane vntyll the euen 28 But if she be cleansed of her issue, she shall count her seuen dayes: and after that, she shalbe cleane 29 And in the eyght day, she shall take vnto her two turtles, or two young pigeons, and bryng them vnto the priest, before the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation 30 And the priest shall offer the one for a sinne offeryng, and the other for a burnt offeryng, and make an attonement for her before the Lord, as concernyng the issue of her vncleanenesse 31 Thus shall ye syft the chyldren of Israel from their vncleanenesse, that they dye not in their vncleanenesse: if they defyle my tabernacle that is among the 32 This is the lawe of hym that hath an issue, and of hym whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe, and is defyled therin 33 Also of her that for her seperation is put apart, & of whosoeuer hath a runnyng issue, whether it be man or woman, and of hym that lyeth with her which is vncleane

2 Chronicles 16:12

12 And Asa in the thirtie and ninth yere of his raigne fell sicke in his feete, and that his disease continued very long: And in his sickenesse he sought not the lord, but phisitions

Job 13:4

4 As for you, ye are workmaisters of lyes, and vnprofitable phisitians altogether

Psalms 108:12

12 Geue vs ayde against trouble: for the sauing helpe of man is but vayne

Isaiah 2:22

22 Ceasse therfore from man in whose nosethrilles there is breath: for wherin is he to be accompted of

Isaiah 55:1-3

1 Come to the waters all ye that be thirstie, and ye that haue no money, come, bye, that ye may haue to eate: Come, bye wine and mylke without any money or money worth 2 Wherfore do ye lay out any money for the thyng that feedeth not, and spende your labour about the thyng that satisfieth you not? But hearken rather vnto me, and ye shal eate of the best, and your soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnesse 3 Encline your eares and come vnto me, take heede [I say] and your soule shall lyue: For I wyll make an euerlastyng couenaunt with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid

Matthew 9:20-22

20 ( And beholde, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelue yeres, came behynde hym, and touched the hemme of his vesture 21 For she sayde within her selfe: If I may touche but euen his vesture only, I shalbe safe 22 But Iesus turned hym about, and when he sawe her, he saide: Daughter be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee safe. And the woman was made whole from that same houre.

Mark 5:25-26

25 And there was a certayne woman, which had ben diseased of an issue of blood twelue yeres 26 And had suffred many thynges, of many phisitions, and had spent all that she had, and felt none amendemet at all, but rather the worse

Mark 9:18

18 And whensoeuer he taketh hym, he teareth hym, & he fometh, and gnasheth with his teeth, & pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast hym out, and they coulde not

Mark 9:21-22

21 And he asketh his father, howe longe it is a go sence this came vnto hym? And he sayde, of a chylde 22 And oft tymes it hath cast hym into the fire, and into the water, to destroye hym: But yf thou canst do any thyng, haue mercy on vs, and helpe vs

Luke 8:27

27 And when he went out to lande, there met hym out of the citie a certayne man, which had deuyls long tyme, and ware no clothes, neither abode in [any] house: but in graues

Luke 13:11

11 And beholde, there was a woman, which had a spirite of infirmitie eyghteene yeres, and was bowed together, and coulde in no wyse lyft vp her head

Luke 13:16

16 And ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bounde, lo eyghteene yeres, be loosed from this bonde on the Sabboth day

John 5:5-6

5 And a certaine man was there, which had ben diseased thirtie & eyght yeres 6 When Iesus sawe hym lye, & knewe that he nowe long tyme had ben diseased, he sayth vnto hym: Wylt thou be made whole

John 9:1

1 And as Iesus passed by, he saw a man whiche was blynde fro his birth

John 9:21

21 But by what meanes he now seeth, we can not tell: Or who hath opened his eyes, can not we tell. He is olde inough, aske him, let him aunswere for himselfe

Acts 3:2

2 And a certayne man, that was lame from his mothers wombe, was brought, whom they layde dayly at the gate of the temple which is called beawtifull, to aske almes of them that entred into the temple

Acts 4:22

22 For the man was about fourtie yere olde, on whom this miracle of healyng was shewed

Acts 14:8-10

8 And there sate a certayne man at Lystra, weake in his feete, beyng a creple from his mothers wombe, and neuer had walked 9 The same hearde Paul speake: which beholdyng hym, and perceauyng that he had sayth to be whole 10 Sayde with a loude voyce: stande vpryght on thy feete. And he start vp, and walked

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.