42 Saying: If thou haddest knowen those thynges whiche belong vnto thy peace, euen in this thy day: But nowe are they hyd from thyne eyes
Luke 19:42 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 5:29
29 Oh that there were such an heart in them that they woulde feare me, & kepe all my comaundementes alway, that it myght go well with them, and with their childen for euer
Deuteronomy 32:29
29 O that they were wyse, and vnderstoode this, that they woulde consider their latter ende
Psalms 32:6
6 For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in the time when thou mayest be founde: so that in the great water fluddes they shal not come nye hym
Psalms 81:13
13 O that my people woulde haue hearkened vnto me: O that Israel had walked in my wayes
Psalms 95:7-8
Isaiah 6:9-10
9 And he sayd, Go and tell this people: Heare in deede, yet vnderstande not, ye shall playnely see, and yet perceaue not
10 Harden the heart of this people, stop their eares, and shut their eyes: lest they see with their eyes, heare with their eares, and vnderstande with their heartes, and conuert and be healed
Isaiah 29:10-14
10 For the Lorde hath couered you with a slumbring spirite, and hath closed your eyes: your prophetes also and rulers that shoulde see, them hath he couered
11 And the vision of all the prophetes is become vnto you as the wordes of a booke that is sealed vp, whiche men deliuer to one that is learned, saying, Reade thou in it: and he saith, I can not, for it is sealed
12 And the booke is geuen to him that is not learned, saying, Reade thou in it: and he saith, I am not learned
13 Therfore thus hath the Lorde sayd: Forsomuche as this people when they be in trouble, do honour me with their mouth and with their lippes, but their heart is farre fro me, and the feare whiche they haue vnto me proceedeth of a commaundement that is taught of men
14 Therefore wyll I do marueyles among this people, euen marueylous thinges [I say] and a wonder: For the wysdome of their wyse men shall perishe, and the vnderstanding of their wittie men shall hyde it selfe
Isaiah 44:18
18 Yet men neither consider nor vnderstande, because their eyes be stopped that they can not see, and their heartes that they can not perceaue
Isaiah 48:18
18 O that thou hadst regarded my commaundementes, then had thy wealthynesse ben as the water streame, and thy ryghteousnesse as the waues flowyng in the sea
Isaiah 55:6
6 Seke the Lorde whyle he may be founde, and call vpon hym whyle he is nye
Ezekiel 18:31-32
Ezekiel 33:11
11 Tell them, as truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but much rather that the wicked tourne from his way, and lyue: Turne you, turne you from your wicked wayes, for why wil ye dye O ye of the house of Israel
Matthew 13:14-15
14 And in them is fulfylled the prophesie of Esaias, saying: by hearyng ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstande, and seeyng, ye shall see, & shall not perceaue
15 For this peoples heart is waxed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearyng, and their eyes haue they closed: lest at any tyme they shoulde see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and shoulde vnderstande with their heart, & shoulde conuert, that I myght heale them
Luke 1:77-79
Luke 2:10-14
10 And the Angel sayde vnto them, be not afrayde: For beholde, I bryng you tydynges of great ioy, that shall come to all people
11 For vnto you is borne this daye, in the citie of Dauid, a sauiour, which is Christ the Lorde
12 And take this for a signe: Ye shal finde the childe wrapped in swadling clothes, and layde in a manger
13 And straightway, there was with the Angel, a multitude of heauenly souldiers, praysyng God, and saying
14 Glorie to God on hye, and peace on the earth, and vnto men a good wyll
Luke 10:5-6
Luke 19:44
44 And make thee euen with ye grounde, and thy chyldren which are in thee: and they shall not leaue in thee one stone vpo another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitation
John 12:35-36
35 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Yet a litle while is the light with you. Walke while ye haue light, lest the darknesse come on you: For he that walketh in the darke, wotteth not whither he goeth
36 Whyle ye haue lyght, beleue on the lyght, that ye may be the chyldren of the lyght. These thynges spake Iesus, and departed, & hyd hym selfe from the
John 12:38-41
38 That the saying of Esaias the prophete myght be fulfylled, which he spake: Lorde, who shall beleue our saying? And to whom is the arme of the Lorde declared
39 Therfore coulde they not beleue, because that Esaias sayth agayne
40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they shoulde not see with their eyes, & lest they should vnderstande with their hearte, & should be conuerted, and I should heale them
41 Such thynges sayde Esaias, when he sawe his glory, and spake of hym
Acts 10:36
36 Touchyng the worde which God set vnto the chyldren of Israel, preachyng peace by Iesus Christe (he is Lord ouer all.
Acts 13:46
46 Then Paul and Barnabas wared bolde, and sayde: It was meete that the worde of God shoulde first haue ben spoken to you: but seeyng ye put it from you, and thynke your selues vnworthy of euerlastyng lyfe, loe, we turne to the Gentiles
Acts 28:25-27
25 And when they agreed not among them selues, they departed after that Paul had spoken one worde, [that is to say] well spake the holy ghost by Esaias the prophete, vnto our fathers
26 Saying: Go vnto this people, and say, with your eares shall ye heare, and shall not vnderstande: and with your eyes shall ye see, and not perceaue
27 For the heart of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are dull of hearing, and their eyes haue they closed: lest they shoulde see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and vnderstande with their heartes, and shoulde be conuerted, and I shoulde heale them
Romans 11:7-10
7 What then? Israel hath not obtayned that which he sought: but the election hath obtayned it, the remnaunt hath ben blynded
8 Accordyng as it is written: God hath geuen them the spirite of remorse, eyes that they shoulde not see, and eares that they shoulde not heare, euen vnto this day
9 And Dauid sayth: Let their table be made a snare, and a trappe, and a stumbling stocke, and a recompence vnto the
10 Let their eyes be blinded yt they see not, & bowe thou downe their backe alway
2 Corinthians 3:14-16
14 But their myndes were blynded: For vntyll this day remayneth the same coueryng vntaken away in the reading of the olde testament, which [vayle] is put away in Christe
15 But euen vnto this day when Moyses is read, the vayle is layde vppon their heart
16 Neuerthelesse, when it shall turne to the Lorde, the vayle shalbe taken away
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
2 Corinthians 6:1-2
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 [Euen hym] whose commyng is after the workyng of Satan, in all power & signes, and wonders, of lying
10 And in all deceauablenesse of vnryghteousnesse, in them that peryshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued
11 And therefore God shall sende them strong delusion, that they should beleue lyes
12 That all they myght be dampned whiche beleued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnryghteousnes
Hebrews 3:7
7 Wherfore, as the holy ghost saith: Today yf ye wyll heare his voyce
Hebrews 3:13
13 But exhort ye one another dayly, whyle it is called to day, lest any of you be hardened, through the deceytfulnesse of sinne
Hebrews 3:15
15 So long as it is said: to day yf ye wyll heare his voyce, harden not your heartes, as in the prouokyng
Hebrews 10:26-29
26 For yf we sinne wyllyngly after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the trueth, there remayneth no more sacrifice for sinnes
27 But a fearefull lokyng for of iudgement, and violent fire, whiche shall deuour the aduersaries
28 He that despiseth Moyses lawe, dyeth without mercie vnder two or thre witnesses
29 Of howe muche sorer punyshement (suppose ye) shall he be worthy, whiche treadeth vnder foote the sonne of God? and counteth the blood of the couenaut wherein he was sanctified, an vnholye thyng, and doth despite to the spirite of grace
Hebrews 12:24-26
24 And to Iesus the mediatour of the newe couenaunt, and to the blood of sprinklyng, that speaketh better then that of Abel
25 See that ye despise not hym that speaketh: For yf they escaped not, which refused hym that spake on earth: much more shall we [not escape] yf we turne away from hym that [speaketh] from heauen
26 Whose voyce then shoke the earth, & nowe hath declared, saying: Yet once more wyll I shake, not the earth only, but also heauen