Joshua 7:11 Cross References - Bishops

11 Israel hath sinned, and they haue transgressed myne appointment which I commaunded them: for they haue taken of the excommunicate thinges, and haue also stolen, and dissembled also, & put them vnto their owne stuffe

Leviticus 5:15

15 If a soule trespasse and sinne thorowe ignoraunce in thinges that are consecrated vnto the Lorde, let hym bryng for his trespasse vnto the Lord, a Ramme without blemishe out of the flockes, valued in money at two sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, that it may be for a trespasse offering

Deuteronomy 17:2

2 If there be founde among you within any of thy gates which the Lorde thy God geueth thee, man or woman that hath wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde thy God, in transgressyng his couenaunt

Joshua 6:17-19

17 And the citie shalbe accursed and al that are therin, vnto the Lorde: onlye Rahab the harlot shal liue, and all that are with her in the house, because she hyd the messengers that we sent 18 And in any wyse be ye ware of the accursed thinges, lest ye make your selues accursed, & take of the accursed thynges, and make the hoast of Israel accursed, and trouble it 19 But all the syluer, golde, vesselles of brasse and iron, shalbe consecrate vnto the Lorde, and all shall come into his treasurie

Joshua 7:1

1 But yet the chyldren of Israel trespassed in ye forbydden thyng: for Achan ye sonne of Charmi, the sonne of Zabdi, ye sonne of Zareth, of the tribe of Iuda, toke of the forbydden thyng: And the wrath of the Lorde waxed hot against the chyldren of Israel

Joshua 7:20-21

20 And Achan auswered Iosuah, & sayd: Of a trueth I haue sinned against the Lorde God of Israel, and thus & thus haue I done 21 I sawe among the spoyles a goodly babilonishe garment, and two hundred sicles of siluer, and a tonge of golde of fiftie sicles wayghte, and I coueted them, and toke them: and beholde they lye hyd in the earth in the middest of my tent, and the siluer is ther vnder

Joshua 23:16

16 When ye haue transgressed the appointmet of the Lord your God which he commaunded you, and haue gone & serued straunge goddes, & bowed your selues to them: then shall the wrath of the Lorde waxe whot vpon you, and ye shall perishe quicklie from of the good lande which he hath geuen you

Judges 2:20

20 And the wrath of the Lorde was moued against Israel, and he sayde: Because this people hath trasgressed myne appoyntment whiche I commaunded their fathers, and haue not hearkened vnto my voyce

2 Kings 5:25-26

25 But he went in and stoode before his maister: And Elisa said vnto him, whece commest thou Gehezi? He saide: Thy seruaunt went no whyther 26 But he saide vnto him: went not myne heart [with thee] when the man turned againe from his charet to meete thee? Is it now a tyme to receaue money, to receaue garmentes, olyue trees, vnieyardes, sheepe, and oxen, men seruauntes, and mayde seruauntes

2 Kings 18:12

12 Because they woulde not hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord their God, but transgressed his appoyntment, and all that Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde commaunded: and would neither heare them, nor do them

Isaiah 24:5

5 The earth also is become vnprofitable vnder the inhabitours therof, which haue transgressed the lawes, chaunged the ordinaunce, broken the euerlastyng couenaunt

Isaiah 50:1-2

1 Thus saith the Lorde: Where is the byll of your mothers deuorcement whom I sent away? or who is the vsurer to whom I solde you? Beholde, for your offences are ye solde, and because of your transgression is your mother forsaken 2 For why woulde no man receaue me when I came? and when I called, no man gaue me aunswere? Is my hande shortened that it myght not helpe? or haue I not power to deliuer? lo, at a worde I drynke vp the sea, & of water fluddes I make drye lande: so that for want of water the fishe corrupt and dye for thirste

Jeremiah 31:32

32 Not after the couenaunt that I made with their fathers, when I toke them by the hande and led them out of the lande of Egypt, which couenaunt they brake, yea euen when I as an husbande had rule ouer them saith the Lorde

Hosea 6:7

7 But euen like as Adam did, so haue they broken my couenaunt, and set me at naught

Habakkuk 2:6

6 Shall not all these take vp a parable against him? and a taunting prouerbe against him, and say: Wo he that increaseth that which is not his? how long? and he that ladeth him selfe with thicke clay

Zechariah 5:4

4 And I wil bring it foorth saith the lord of hoastes, so that it shall enter into the house of the theefe, and into the house of him that falsely sweareth by my name: and shall remayne in his house, and consume it, with the timber & stones therof

Malachi 3:8-9

8 Wyll a man spoyle his Gods? yet ye haue spoyled me: and ye say, Wherein haue we spoyled thee? In tythes and offeringes 9 Ye are cursed with a curse, & me haue ye spoyled, euen this whole nation

Matthew 22:21

21 They say vnto hym, Caesars. Then sayde he vnto them: Geue therfore vnto Caesar, the [thynges] which are Caesars: and vnto God, those [thynges] that are gods

John 12:5-6

5 Why was not this oyntment solde for three hundred pence, and geuen to the poore 6 This he sayde, not that he cared for the poore: but because he was a thiefe, and had the bagge, and bare that which was geuen

Acts 5:1-2

1 But a certayne man, named Ananias, with Saphyra his wyfe, solde a possession 2 And kept away part of the price, his wyfe also beyng of counsell, and brought a certayne part, and layde it downe at the Apostles feete

Acts 5:9

9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempt the spirite of the Lorde? Beholde, the feete of the which haue buried thy husbande, are at the doore, and shall cary thee out

Hebrews 4:13

13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in the syght of hym: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of hym of whom we speake

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.