Joshua 3:13 Cross References - Bishops

13 And assoone as the soles of the feete of the priestes that beare the arke of the Lorde the gouernour of all the worlde, treade in the waters of Iordane, the waters of Iordane shalbe deuided: and the waters that come from aboue shall stande still vpon an heape

Exodus 14:19-22

19 And the angell of God which went before the hoast of Israel, remoued and went behynde them: and the pyller of the cloude went from before their face, and stoode behynde them 20 And came betweene the tentes of the Egyptians, and the tentes of Israel, and it was a cloude and darknesse, and gaue lyght by nyght: and all the nyght long the one came not at the other 21 And Moyses stretched out his hande ouer the sea, & the Lorde caused the sea to go backe by a very strong east wynde all that nyght, and made the sea drye [lande] and the waters were deuided 22 And the children of Israel went into the middest of the sea vppon the drye [grounde,] and the waters were a wall vnto them on their ryght hande and on their left hande

Exodus 15:8

8 Through the wynde of thy nosethrils the water gathered together, ye fluddes stoode styll as an heape, and the deepe water congeled together in the heart of the sea

Joshua 3:11

11 Beholde, the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde of all the world, goeth before you into Iordane

Joshua 3:15-16

15 And assoone as they that bare ye arke came vnto Iordane, and the feete of the priestes that bare the arke were dypped in the brym of the water (For Iordane vseth to fyll all his banckes all the time of haruest 16 The waters also that came downe fro aboue, did rise vp vpon an heape and departed farre from ye citie of Ada, that was beside Zarthan: And the waters that were beneath towarde ye sea of the wildernes, euen the salt sea, fayled and were cut of: and the people went right ouer against Iericho

Psalms 33:7

7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon an heape: and layeth vp the deepe as treasures

Psalms 78:13

13 He deuided the sea and let them go thorowe: he made the waters to stande as on an heape

Psalms 114:3-5

3 The sea sawe that and fled: Iordane was driuen backe 4 The mountaynes skypped lyke rammes: and the litle hilles like young lambes 5 What ayleth thee O thou sea that thou fleddest? and thou Iordane that thou wast driuen backe

Habakkuk 3:15

15 Thou diddest walke in the sea with thyne horses, vpon the heape of great waters

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.