13 Which were borne, not of blood, nor of the wyll of the fleshe, nor yet of the wyll of man, but of God
John 1:13 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 25:22
22 And the childre stroue together within her wombe: therfore she said, if [it be] so, why am I thus? wherefore she went to aske the Lorde
Genesis 25:28
28 Isahac loued Esau, because he dyd eate of his venison, but Rebecca loued Iacob
Genesis 27:4
4 And make me well tastyng meates, such as I loue, and bryng it to me, that I may eate, that my soule may blesse thee before that I dye
Genesis 27:33
33 And Isahac was greatly astonied out of measure, and sayde: which [is he] and where [is he] then that hath hunted venison and brought it me, and I haue eaten of al before thou camest? and haue blessed hym, yea & he shalbe blessed
Psalms 110:3
3 Thy people wyll be very wyllyng in the time [of shewing] thy most mightie power with a beautifull holynes: the deawe of thy byrth is to thee from the wombe [as] from the morning
Matthew 3:9
9 And be not of suche mynde, that ye woulde say within your selues, we haue Abraham to [our] father. For I say vnto you, that God is able, of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham
John 3:3
3 Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto hym: Ueryly, veryly, I say vnto thee, except a man be borne agayne, he can not see the kyngdome of God
John 3:5-8
5 Iesus aunswered: Ueryly, veryly, I say vnto thee, except a man be borne of water and of the spirite, he can not enter into the kyngdome of God
6 That which is borne of the fleshe, is fleshe: and that which is borne of the spirite, is spirite
7 Maruayle not thou that I sayde to thee, ye must be borne agayne
8 The wynde bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sounde therof: but canst not tell whence it commeth, and whither it goeth. So is euery one that is borne of the spirite
John 8:33-41
33 They aunswered hym: We be Abrahams seede, and were neuer bonde to any man: howe sayest thou then, ye shalbe made free
34 Iesus aunswered them: Ueryly, veryly I say vnto you, that whosoeuer comitteth sinne, is the seruaunt of sinne
35 And the seruaut abideth not in ye house for euer: but the sonne abydeth euer
36 Yf the sonne therefore shall make you free, then are ye free in deede
37 I know that ye are Abrahams seede, but ye seke [meanes] to kyll me, because my worde hath no place in you
38 I speake that whiche I haue seene with my father: and ye do that whiche ye haue seene with your father
39 They aunswered, and saide vnto him: Abraham is our father. Iesus saith vnto them: Yf ye were Abrahams childre, ye woulde do the workes of Abraham
40 But now ye go about to kyll me, a ma that hath tolde you the trueth, which I haue heard of god: this did not Abraha
41 Ye do the deedes of your father. Then said they to him: We be not borne of fornication, we haue one father, euen God
Romans 9:1-5
1 I say ye trueth in Christ, I lye not, my conscience also bearyng me witnesse by the holy ghost
2 That I haue great heauinesse, & continuall sorowe in my heart
3 For I haue wisshed my selfe to be cursed from Christe, for my brethren, my kynsmen as pertaynyng to ye fleshe
4 Which are the Israelites: To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, & the couenauntes, and the lawe that was geuen, and the seruice of God, and the promises
5 Of whom are the fathers, of whom as concernyng the fleshe, Christe [came,] which is God, in all thynges to be praysed for euer. Amen
Romans 9:7-16
7 Neither are they all chyldren that are the seede of Abraham: But in Isaac shall thy seede be called
8 That is to say: They which are the chyldren of the fleshe, are not the chyldren of God: But they which be the childre of promise, are counted the seede
9 For this is a worde of promise: About this tyme wyll I come, and Sara shall haue a sonne
10 Not only this, but also Rebecca was with chylde by one [euen] by our father Isaac
11 For yer the [chyldren] were borne, when they had neither done good neither bad, (that the purpose of God by election might stande: not by the reason of workes, but by the caller
12 It was sayde vnto her: The elder shall serue the younger
13 As it is written: Iacob haue I loued, but Esau haue I hated
14 What shall we say then? Is there any vnrighteousnes with God? God forbid
15 For he sayth to Moyses: I wyll shewe mercy to whom I shewe mercy: And wyll haue compassion, on whom I haue compassion
16 So then it is not of the wyller, nor of the runner: but of the mercy of God
Romans 10:1-3
1 Brethren, my heartes desire & prayer to God for Israel, is, that they myght be saued
2 For I beare them recorde, that they haue a zeale of God: but not accordyng to knowledge
3 For they beyng ignoraunt of Gods ryghteousnesse, and goyng about to stablyshe their owne righteousnesse, haue not ben obedient vnto the ryghteousness of God
1 Corinthians 3:6
6 I haue planted, Apollo watered: but God gaue the encrease
Philippians 2:13
13 For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of good wyll
Titus 3:5
5 Not of workes which [be] in ryghteousnesse wrought, but accordyng to his mercie, he saued vs by the fountayne of regeneration and renuyng of the holy ghost
James 1:18
18 Of his owne wyll begat he vs with the worde of trueth, that we shoulde be the first fruites of his creatures
1 Peter 1:3
3 Blessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe, which accordyng to his aboundaunt mercie begat vs agayne vnto a lyuely hope, by that that Iesus Christe rose agayne from death
1 Peter 1:23
23 For ye are borne a newe, not of mortal seede: but of immortal, by the worde of God, which lyueth and lasteth for euer
1 Peter 2:2
2 And as newe borne babes, desire ye ye milke of the worde, which is without deceipt: that ye may growe therby [vnto saluatio
1 John 2:28-29
1 John 3:9
9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, sinneth not: for his seede remayneth in him, and he can not sinne, because he is borne of God
1 John 4:7
7 Dearely beloued, let vs loue one another, for loue commeth of God: And euery one that loueth, is borne of God, and knoweth God
1 John 5:1
1 Whosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christe, is borne of God: And euerie one that loueth him which begat, loueth hym also which is begotten of hym
1 John 5:4
4 For all that is borne of God, ouercommeth the worlde. And this is the victorie that ouercommeth ye worlde, [euen] our fayth
1 John 5:18
18 We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God, sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God, kepeth hym selfe, and that wicked toucheth hym not