John 12:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 But the hye priestes helde a councell, that they myght put Lazarus to death also

Genesis 4:4-10

4 Habel also brought of the firstlynges of his sheepe, & of the fatte thereof: and the Lorde had respect vnto Habel, and to his oblation 5 But vnto Cain and to his offeryng he had no respect: for the whiche cause Cain was exceedyng wroth, and his countenaunce abated 6 And the Lorde saide vnto Cain: why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenaunce abated 7 If thou do well, shalt thou not receaue? and yf thou doest not well, lyeth not thy sinne at the doores? Also vnto thee shall his desire be, and thou shalt haue dominion ouer hym 8 And Cain talked with Habel his brother: and it came to passe when they were in the fielde, Cain rose vp agaynst Habel his brother, & slewe him 9 And the Lorde said vnto Cain: where is Habel thy brother? Which sayde I wote not: Am I my brothers keper 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers blood cryeth vnto me out of the grounde

Exodus 10:3

3 And so Moyses and Aaron came vnto Pharao, and said vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lord God of the Hebrues: How long wilt thou refuse to submit thy selfe vnto me? Let my people go, that they may serue me

Job 15:25-26

25 For he hath stretched out his hande against God, and armed him selfe against the almightie 26 He runneth proudly vpon him, & with a stiffe necke fighteth he against him

Job 40:8-9

8 Wylt thou disanul my iudgement? or wylt thou condempne me, that thou mayst be righteous 9 Is thy power then lyke the power of God? maketh thy voyce a sounde as his doth

Ecclesiastes 9:3

3 Among all thinges that come to passe vnder the sunne, this is a miserie, that it happeneth vnto all alike: This is the cause also that the heartes of men are full of wickednesse, and madde foolishnesse is in their heartes as long as they liue, vntyll they dye

Daniel 5:21-23

21 He was driuen out from the sonnes of men, his heart was made lyke the beastes, and his dwelling was with the wilde Asses, they fed him with grasse lyke Oxen, and his body was wet with the deawe of the heauen, till he knewe that the most hie God bare rule ouer the kingdome of men, and that he appoynteth ouer it whom so euer he pleaseth 22 And thou his sonne, O Balthasar, hast not submitted thyne heart, though thou knewest all these thinges 23 But hast lift vp thy selfe against the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of his house were brought before thee, that thou and thy princes, with thy wyues and concubines, might drinke wine thereout: and thou hast praysed the gods of siluer and golde, of brasse and iron, of wood and stone, which neither see, heare, nor vnderstand: As for the God in whose hande consisteth thy breath and all thy wayes, thou hast not glorified him

Matthew 2:3-8

3 When Herode the kyng had hearde these thynges, he was troubled, and all [the citie of] Hierusalem with hym 4 And when he hadde gathered all the chiefe Priestes and Scribes of the people together, he demaunded of them where Christe shoulde be borne 5 And they saide vnto him: At Bethlehem in Iurie. For thus it is written by the prophete 6 And thou Bethlehem [in] the lande of Iuda, art not the least among the princes of Iuda. For out of thee shall there come a capitain, that shal gouerne my people Israel 7 Then Herode, when he had priuilye called the wyse men, inquired of the diligently, what tyme the starre appeared 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and sayde: Go, and search diligently for the young childe, and when ye haue founde hym, bryng me worde agayne, that I may come, and worship hym also

Matthew 2:16

16 Then Herode, when he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men, was excedyng wroth, and sent foorth, and slew all the chyldren that were in Bethlehe, and in all the coastes, as many as were two yere olde, or vnder, according to the tyme, which he had diligently searched out, of the wyse men

Luke 16:31

31 He sayde vnto hym: If they heare not Moyses & the prophetes, neither wyll they beleue, though one rose from death agayne

John 11:47-53

47 Then gathered the hye priestes and the pharisees a councell, and sayde: What do we? For this man doth many miracles 48 If we let hym scape thus, all men wyll beleue on him, and the Romaynes shall come, and take away both our rowme and the people 49 And one of them named Caiaphas, beyng the hye priest that same yere, sayde vnto them: Ye perceaue nothyng at all 50 Nor consider, that it is expedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and not that all the people perishe 51 This spake he, not of hym selfe, but beyng hye priest that same yere, he prophesied that Iesus shoulde dye for the people 52 And not for the people only: but that he shoulde gather together in one, the chyldren of God, that were scattered abrode 53 Then from that day foorth, they toke councell together, for to put hym to death

John 11:57

57 The hye priestes and pharisees had geuen a commaundement, that yf any man knewe where he were, he shoulde shewe it, that they myght take hym

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.