12 But nowe saith ye Lord, turne you vnto me with all your heartes, with fasting, with weepyng, and with mournyng
Joel 2:12 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 4:29-30
29 If from thence thou shalt seke the Lorde thy God, thou shalt finde hym, if thou seke hym with all thy heart, and with all thy soule
30 When thou art in tribulation, & when all these thynges that be here spoken of, are come vpon thee, euen in the latter dayes yf thou turne to the Lorde thy God, & shalt be obedient vnto his voyce
Judges 20:26
26 Then al the children of Israel, and all the people, went vp and came vnto the house of God, and wept, and sate there before the Lord, and fasted the same day vnto euen, and offered burnt offerynges and peace offerynges before the Lorde
1 Samuel 7:3
3 And Samnel spake vnto al the house of Israel, saying: If ye be come agayne vnto the Lorde with all your heartes, then put away the straunge gods and Astaroth from among you, and prepare your heartes vnto the Lord, and serue him onely: For he shall ryd you out of the hand of the Philistines
1 Samuel 7:6
6 And they gathered together to Mispah, and drewe water, and poured it out before the Lorde, and fasted the same day, and sayd there: We haue sinned against the Lorde. And Samuel iudged the children of Israel in Mispah
1 Kings 8:47-49
47 Yet if they turne againe vnto their heartes in the lande of them that caryed them away captiues, & returne and pray vnto thee in the lande of their enemies, saying, we haue sinned, we haue done wickely, and haue committed vngodlynesse
48 And so turne agayne vnto thee with all their heart and all their soule in the lande of their enemies which led them away captiue, and pray vnto thee, [toward] the way of their land which thou gauest vnto their fathers, and [toward] the citie which thou hast chosen, and [toward] the house which I haue built for thy name
49 Then heare thou their prayer and supplication in heauen thy dwellyng place, and iudge their cause
2 Chronicles 6:38-39
38 And turne againe to thee with all their heart and all their soule in the lande of their captiuitie where they kepe them in bondage, and so pray towarde their land whiche thou gauest vnto their fathers, euen toward the citie which thou hast chosen, & toward the house whiche I haue buylt for my name
39 Then heare thou from heauen, euen from thy dwelling place, their supplication and their prayer, and iudge their cause, and be mercifull vnto thy people which haue sinned against thee
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
13 If I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne, or if I commaund the locustes to deuour the lande, or if I sende pestilence among my people
14 And if they that are of my people, among whom my name is called vpon, do humble them selues, and make intercession, and seke my presence, and turne from their wicked wayes: then will I heare from heauen, and be mercifull to their sinne, and will heale their lande
2 Chronicles 20:3-4
Nehemiah 9:1-2
1 In the twentie and fourth day of this moneth, came the children of Israel together againe, with fasting, and sackeclothes, and earth vpon them
2 And they that were of the seede of Israel, were separated from all the straunge children, and stoode & knowledged their sinnes, & the wickednes of their fathers
Isaiah 22:12
12 And in that day dyd the Lorde God of hoastes call men vnto weepyng and mournyng, to baldnesse and girdyng about with sackcloth
Isaiah 55:6-7
Jeremiah 4:1
1 O Israel, yf thou wylt turne thee, then turne vnto me, saith ye Lord: and yf thou wylt put away thine abhominations out of my sight, thou shalt not be moued
Jeremiah 29:12-13
Lamentations 3:40-41
Hosea 6:1
1 Come, let vs turne agayne to the Lorde: for he hath smitten vs, and he shall heale vs, he hath wounded vs, and he shall binde vs vp agayne
Hosea 12:6
6 Therfore turne to thy God, kepe mercie and iudgement, and hope styll in thy God
Hosea 14:1
1 O Israel, returne vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast fallen through thine owne wickednesse
Jonah 3:5-8
5 And the men of Niniue beleued God, and proclaymed a fast, and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them to the leaste of them
6 And worde came vnto the king of Niniue: which arose from his throne, and put of his robe, and couered him selfe with sackcloth, & sate downe in asshes
7 And he caused a cryer to crye, and say through the citie by the counsell of the king & his nobles, Let neither man nor beast, bullocke nor sheepe, taste ought at all, neither feede, nor drinke water
8 And let both man & beast put on sackcloth, and crye mightyly vnto God: yea let euery man turne from his euill way, and from the wickednesse that is in his handes
Zechariah 1:3-4
3 And say thou vnto them, thus sayth the Lorde of hoastes: Turne you vnto me saith the Lord of hoastes, & I wil turne vnto you, sayth the Lord of hoastes
4 Be ye not like your forefathers, vnto whom prophetes cryed, saying, thus sayth the Lorde of hoastes, Turne you from your euyl wayes, and from your wicked imaginations: But they woulde not heare nor regarde me, sayth the Lorde
Zechariah 7:3
3 And that they shoulde speake vnto the priestes which were in the house of the Lorde of hoastes, and to the prophetes, saying: should I wepe in the fifth moneth, & abstayne as I haue done nowe certaine yeres
Zechariah 7:5
5 Speake vnto al the people of the land, and to the priestes, & say: When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth & seuenth moneth now this threescore & ten yeres, did ye fast vnto me
Zechariah 12:10-14
10 Moreouer, vpon the house of Dauid & vpon the citezins of Hierusalem wyll I poure out the spirite of grace & compassion, so that they shall loke vpon me whom they haue pearsed, and they shal lamet for him as men mourne for their onely begotten sonne: yea, and be sory for him, as men are sory for their first childe
11 Then shal there be a great mourning at Hierusalem, like as the lamentation at Adadremmon in the fielde of Mageddon
12 And the lande shal bewaile, euery kindred by them selues alone: the kindred of the house of Dauid by them selues, and their wyues by them selues: the kindred of the house of Nathan them selues, and their wyues by them selues
13 The kindred of the house of Leui them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues: the kindred of the house of Semei them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues
14 In lyke maner, all the other generations euery one by them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues
Acts 26:20
20 But shewed first vnto them of Damascus, & at Hierusalem, and throughout all the coastes of Iurie, and then to the gentiles, that they shoulde repent, and turne to God, and do such workes as become them that repent