18 He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitternesse
Job 9:18 Cross References - Bishops
Job 3:20
20 Wherefore is the light geuen to hym that is in miserie? & lyfe vnto them that haue heauy heartes
Job 7:19
19 Why goest thou not fro me, nor lettest me alone, so long till I may swalowe downe my spyttle
Job 27:2
2 As God lyueth whiche hath taken away my iudgement, and the almightie that hath vexed my minde
Psalms 39:13
13 Oh spare me a litle, that I may recouer my strength: before I go hence, and be no more [seene.
Psalms 88:7
7 (88:6) Thyne indignation sore presseth me: and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes. Selah
Psalms 88:15-18
15 (88:14) I am in miserie, I labour euen from my youth with the panges of death: I haue suffered thy terrours, [and] I am styll in doubt
16 (88:15) Thyne indignation hath gone ouer me: and thy terrours haue vndone me
17 (88:16) They came rounde about me dayly lyke water: and compassed me altogether on euery syde
18 (88:17) Thou hast put a way farre from me my frende and neighbour: [thou hast hid] mine acquaintaunce out of sight
Lamentations 3:3
3 Against me is he turned, he turneth his hande dayly against me
Lamentations 3:15
15 He hath filled me with bitternesse, and geuen me wormewood to drinke
Lamentations 3:18-19
Hebrews 12:11
11 No chashsyng for the present seemeth to be ioyous, but greeuous: Neuerthelesse, afterwarde it bryngeth the quiet fruite of ryghteousnesse, vnto the which are exercised therby