Job 31:13 Cross References - Bishops

13 If I euer thought scorne to do right vnto my seruauntes & maydens, when they had any matter against me

Exodus 21:20-21

20 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde with a rod, & they dye vnder his hande, he shalbe greeuously punished 21 And if he continue a day or two, it shal not be reueged, for he is his money

Exodus 21:26-27

26 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde in the eye, that it perishe, he shall let them go free for the eyes sake 27 Also if he smyte out his seruaunt or his maydes tothe, he shall let them go out free for the tothes sake

Leviticus 25:43

43 Thou shalt not rule ouer hym cruelly, but shalt feare thy God

Leviticus 25:46

46 And ye shall take them as inheritauce for your children after yon, to possesse them for an inheritaunce, they shalbe your bondmen for euer: but ouer your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one ouer another cruelly

Deuteronomy 15:12-15

12 If thy brother an Hebrue sell hym selfe to thee, or an Hebrue woman, and serue thee sixe yeres, in the seuenth yere thou shalt let hym go free from thee 13 And when thou sendest hym out free from thee, thou shalt not let hym go away emptie 14 But shalt geue hym of thy sheepe, of thy corne, and of thy wine, and geue hym of that wherwith the Lorde thy God hath blessed thee 15 And remember that thou wast a seruaunt in the lande of Egypt, and the Lorde thy God deliuered thee thence: and therfore I commaunde thee this thyng to day

Deuteronomy 24:14-15

14 Thou shalt not oppresse an hyred seruaunt that is needie and poore, whether he be of thy brethre, or of the straungers that are in thy lande within thy gates 15 But shalt geue him his hyre the same day, & let not the sunne go downe theron, for he is needie, and therwith sustayneth his life: lest he crye against thee vnto the Lorde, and it be sinne vnto thee

Jeremiah 34:14-17

14 When seuen yeres are out, euery man shall let his bought seruaunt an Hebrue go free, if he haue serued hym sixe yeres: but your fathers obayed me not, and hearkened not vnto me 15 As for you ye were nowe turned, and dyd right before me, in that ye proclaymed euery man to let his neighbour go free, and in that ye made a couenaunt before me in the temple that beareth my name 16 But yet ye turned your selues againe, and blasphemed my name, in this, that euery man hath required his seruaunt and handemayde agayne whom ye had let go quite and free, and compelled them to serue you agayne, and to be bondmen and bondwomen 17 And therfore thus saith the Lord: Ye haue not obayed me, euery man to proclaime freedome vnto his brother and neighbour: wherefore I wyll call you vnto freedome, saith the Lorde, euen vnto the sworde, to the pestilence, and to hunger, and will make you to be plagued in all kyngdomes of the earth

Ephesians 6:9

9 And ye maisters do the same thynges vnto them, puttyng away threatnyng: knowyng that your maister also is in heauen, neither is respecte of person with hym

Colossians 4:1

1 Maisters, do vnto your seruauntes that which is iust & equall, knowyng that ye also haue a maister in heauen

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.