15 Crye out agaynst her rounde about, she shall yelde her selfe, her foundations shall fall, and her walles shall come downe, for it shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lorde, yea vengeaunce shalbe taken of her: and as she hath done, so deale ye with her
Jeremiah 50:15 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 32:35
35 Uengeaunce is myne, and I wyll rewarde, their feete shall slyde in due tyme: For the day of their destruction is at hande, and the thynges that shall come vpon them, make haste
Deuteronomy 32:41
41 If I whet the edge of my sworde, and mine hande take holde to do iustice, I wyl recompence vengeaunce on mine enemies, and wyll rewarde them that hate me
Deuteronomy 32:43
43 Prayse ye heathen his people, for he wyll auenge the blood of his seruautes, and will auenge him of his aduersaries, and wyll be mercifull vnto his lande, and to his people
Joshua 6:5
5 And when they make a long blast with the rammes horne, and ye heare the sounde of the horne, all the people shall shout with a great shout: And then shall the wall of the citie fall downe, and the people shall assende vp, euery man strayght before hym
Joshua 6:20
20 And the people showted, and blewe with trumpettes: And when the people heard the sound of the trumpe, they showted with a great showt, and the wall fell downe flat, so that the people went vp into ye citie, euery man straight before hym, and toke the citie
Judges 1:6-7
6 But Adonibezek fled, and they folowed after hym, caught hym, and cut of his thombes and his great toes
7 And Adonibezek sayde, Three score and ten kinges hauing their thombes & great toes cut of, gathered their meate vnder my table: As I haue done, so God hath done to me agayne. And they brought him to Hierusalem, and there he died
1 Samuel 15:33
33 And Samuel sayde: As thy sworde hath made women chyldlesse, so shall thy mother be chyldlesse aboue other women. And Samuel hewed Agag in peeces before the Lorde in Gilgal
1 Chronicles 29:24
24 And all the lordes and men of power, and all the sonnes of king Dauid, submitted them selues, & were vnder king Solomon
2 Chronicles 30:8
8 And now be not ye stiffe necked lyke as were your fathers: but yeelde your selues vnto the Lord, and enter into his holy place which he hath sanctified for euer, and serue the Lord your God, and the fiercenesse of his wrath shall turne away from you
Psalms 94:1
1 O God the Lord of [all] auengeaunce: the Lorde of [all] auengeaunce shewe thy [glorious maiestie.
Psalms 137:8-9
Psalms 149:7
7 That they may take auengement of the heathen: and correction of the nations
Isaiah 59:17
17 He put righteousnesse vpon hym for a brestplate, he set the helmet of health vpon his head: He put on wrath in the steade of clothing, and toke ielousie about him for a cloke
Isaiah 61:2
2 That I might declare the acceptable yere of the Lorde, and the day of the vengeaunce of our God: that I might comfort all them that are in heauinesse
Isaiah 63:4
4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart, and the yere when my people shalbe deliuered is come
Jeremiah 46:10
10 But this day of the Lorde God of hoastes, is a day of vengeaunce, that he may auenge him of his enemies: The sworde shall deuour, it shalbe satisfied and bathed in their blood, for the Lord God of hoastes shall haue a slayne offering towarde the north, by the water of Euphrates
Jeremiah 50:14
14 Go foorth in your aray agaynst Babylon rounde about all ye that can handle bowes, shoote at her, spare no arrowes: for she hath sinned agaynst the Lorde
Jeremiah 50:28-29
28 [Me thynke] I heare [alredy] a crye of them that be fled and escaped out of the lande of Babylon, which shewe in Sion the vengeaunce of the Lorde our God, the vengeaunce of his temple, [yea a voyce of them that crye agaynst Babylon
29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babylon, pitch your tentes rounde about her, that none escape, recompence her as she hath deserued, and accordyng as she hath done, so deale with her agayne: for she hath set vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde, agaynst the holy one of Israel
Jeremiah 51:6
6 Flee away from Babylon, euery man saue his lyfe, that ye be not rooted out with her wickednesse: for the tyme of the Lordes vengeaunce is come, yea he shall rewarde her agayne
Jeremiah 51:11
11 Make sharpe the arrowes, and multiplie your shieldes: for the Lorde shall rayse vp the spirite of the kyng of the Medes, which hath alredy a desire to destroy Babylon: this shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lorde, & the vengeaunce of his temple
Jeremiah 51:14
14 The Lorde of hoastes hath sworne by hym selfe, that he wyll ouerwhelme thee with men lyke grashoppers in number, whiche with a courage shall crye alarum alarum agaynst thee
Jeremiah 51:25
25 Beholde I come vpon thee thou noysome hyll saith the Lorde, thou that destroyest all landes, I wyll stretch out my hand ouer thee, and cast thee downe from the stony rockes, and wyll make thee a burnt hyll
Jeremiah 51:36
36 Therfore thus saith the Lorde, Beholde I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge thee, I wyll drynke vp her sea, and drye vp her water sprynges
Jeremiah 51:44
44 Moreouer, I wyll visite Bell at Babylon, & the thyng that he hath swalowed vp, that same shall I plucke out of his mouth: the gentiles also shall runne no more vnto hym, yea and the walles of Babylon shall fall
Jeremiah 51:58
58 Moreouer, thus saith the Lorde of hoastes, The thicke wall of Babylon shalbe broken, and her hye gates shalbe burnt vp, & the thyng that the Gentiles & the people haue wrought with great trauayle & labour, shall come to naught, and be consumed in the fire
Jeremiah 51:64
64 And say, Euen thus shall Babylon sincke, & be thrust downe with the burthen of trouble that I wyll bryng vpon her: so that she shall neuer come vp agayne. Thus farre are the preachynges of Ieremie
Lamentations 5:6
6 [Aforetime] we yeelded our selues to the Egyptians, [and nowe] to the Assyrians, onlye that we might haue bread inough
Ezekiel 17:18
18 For seeing he hath despised the othe and broken the couenaunt, (wheras he yet gaue his hande therevpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape
Ezekiel 21:22
22 At his right hande was the soothsaying for Hierusalem, to appoynt captaynes, to open [their] mouth to the slaughter, and to lift vp their voice with the alarum, to set battle rammes agaynst the gates, to cast a bulwarke, [and] to builde a fort
Nahum 1:2
2 God is ielous, & the Lorde auengeth, the Lorde auengeth and hath wrath in store: the Lord auengeth vpon them that trouble hym, and he remembreth his enemies
Matthew 7:2
2 For with what iudgement ye iudge, ye shalbe iudged: And with what measure ye meate, it shalbe measured to you agayne
Luke 21:22
22 For these be the dayes of vengeaunce, that all thinges which are written, may be fulfylled
Romans 3:5
5 But yf our vnrighteousnes setteth foorth the righteousnes of God, what shall we saye? Is God vnryghteous which taketh vengeaunce? I speake after the maner of men
Romans 12:19
19 Dearely beloued, auenge not your selues, but rather geue place vnto wrath. For it is written: Uengeaunce is myne, I wyll repay sayth the Lorde
2 Thessalonians 1:8
8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe
James 2:13
13 For he shall haue iudgement without mercie, that sheweth no mercie: And mercie reioyceth agaynst iudgement
Revelation 16:6
6 For they shed out the blood of saintes and prophetes, and therfore hast thou geuen them blood to drynke: for they are worthie
Revelation 18:6
6 Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, and geue her double accordyng to her workes, and powre in double to her in the same cuppe which she fylled vnto you
Revelation 19:2
2 For true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the great whore which dyd corrupt ye earth with her fornication, and hath auenged the blood of his seruauntes of her hande