Jeremiah 4:23 Cross References - Bishops

23 I haue loked vpon the earth, and see it was waste and voyde: I loked towarde heauen, and it had no shine

Genesis 1:2

2 And the earth was without fourme, and was voyde: & darknes [was] vpon the face of the deepe, and the spirite of God moued vpon the face of the waters

Isaiah 5:30

30 In that day he shalbe so fierce vpon him as the raging of the sea: then one shall beholde the lande, and lo darkenesse and sorow, and the light is darkened in the heauens therof

Isaiah 13:10

10 For the starres and planettes of heauen shall not geue their light, the sunne shalbe darkened in the rising, and the moone shall not shine with her light

Isaiah 24:19-23

19 The earth is vtterly broken downe, the earth hath a sore ruine, the earth quaketh exceedingly 20 The earth shall reele to and fro like a drunkarde, and shalbe remoued lyke a tent, and the iniquitie thereof shalbe heauie vpon it, it shall fall, and not rise vp agayne 21 And in that day shall the Lorde visite the hoast aboue that is on hye, and the kynges of the worlde that are vpon the earth 22 And they shalbe gathered together as they that be in pryson, and they shalbe shut vp in warde, and after many dayes shall they be visited 23 The moone shalbe abashed, and the sunne ashamed, when the Lorde of hoastes shal raigne in mount Sion and in Hierusalem with worship, and in the sight of suche as shalbe of his counsell

Jeremiah 9:10

10 Upon the mountaines wyl I take vp a lamentation and a sorowfull crye, and a mourning vpon the faire places of the wildernesse: Namely, howe they are so brent vp, that no man goeth there any more, yea a man shall not heare one beast crye there: byrdes and cattell are all gone from thence

Ezekiel 32:7-8

7 When thou art put out, I wyll couer the heauen, and make his starres dim: I wyll spreade a cloude ouer the sunne, and the moone shall not geue her light 8 All the lightes of heauen wyll I make darke for thee: and bring darkenesse vpon thy lande, saith the Lorde God

Joel 2:10

10 The earth shall quake before him, the heauens shall tremble, the sunne and the moone shalbe darke, and the starres shall withdrawe their shinyng

Joel 2:30-31

30 And I will shewe wonders in heauen and in earth, blood, and fire, and pillers of smoke 31 The sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and terrible day of the Lord come

Joel 3:15-16

15 The sunne and the moone shalbe darkned, and the starres shall withdrawe their light 16 The Lord also shall rose out of Sion, and out of Hierusalem shall he geue his voyce, the heauens and the earth shall shake: but the Lorde wyll be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel

Amos 8:9

9 And in that day, sayth the Lord God, I will euen cause the sunne to go downe at noone, and I wil darken the earth in the cleare day

Matthew 24:29

29 Immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes, shal the sunne be darkened, and the moone shall not geue her lyght, and the starres shall fall from heauen, and the powers of heauen shalbe shaken

Matthew 24:35

35 Heauen and earth shall passe away but my wordes shall not passe away

Mark 13:24-25

24 Moreouer, in those dayes, after that tribulation, the sunne shall waxe darke, and the moone shall not geue her light 25 And the starres of heauen, shall fall: and the powers which are in heauen, shalbe shaken

Luke 21:25-26

25 And there shalbe signes in the sunne and in the moone, & in the starres: and vpon the earth trouble among the nations, with perplexitie. The sea and the water shall rore 26 And mens heartes shal fayle them for feare, and for loking after those thinges which shall come on the world: For the powers of heauen shalbe shaken

Acts 2:19-20

19 And I wyll shewe wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fyre, and the vapour of smoke 20 The Sunne shalbe turned into darknesse, and the Moone into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come

Revelation 20:11

11 And I sawe a great whyte throne, and him that sate on it, fro whose face fledde away both the earth and heauen, and their place was no more founde

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.