15 Wherfore the princes were angry with Ieremie, & smote hym, and layde hym in prison in the house of Ionathan the scribe: for they had made that house the prison
Jeremiah 37:15 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 39:20
20 And Iosephes maister toke hym, and put hym in pryson, euen into the place where the kynges prysoners laye bounde: and there continued he in prison
2 Chronicles 16:10
10 And so Asa was wroth with the sear, and put him into a prison house, for he was displeased with him because of this thing: And Asa destroyed [certaine] of the people the same season
2 Chronicles 18:26
26 And ye shall say, thus sayth the king: Put this felowe in the prison house, and feede him with bread of affliction and water of trouble, vntil I come againe in peace
Jeremiah 20:1-3
1 When Phashur the priest the sonne of Emmer, chiefe in the house of the Lorde, hearde Ieremie preache these wordes [so stedfastly
2 He smote Ieremie, and put hym in the prison that is in the hye gate of Beniamin towardes the house of the Lorde
3 The next day folowing Phashur brought Ieremie out of the prison agayne: Then saide Ieremie vnto him, The Lorde shall call thee no more Phashur [that is excellent and increasing] but Magor [that is fearefull and afraide] euery where
Jeremiah 26:16
16 Then sayde the rulers and the people vnto the priestes and prophetes: This man may not be condempned to death, for he hath preached vnto vs in the name of the Lorde our God
Jeremiah 37:20
20 And therfore heare nowe O my Lorde the kyng, let my prayer be accepted before thee, and sende me no more into the house of Ionathan the scribe, that I dye not there
Jeremiah 38:6
6 Then toke they Ieremie and cast him into the dungeon of Melchiah the sonne of Amelech, that dwelt in the fore entrie of the prison, and they let downe Ieremie with coardes into a dungeon, where there was no water, but mire: So Ieremie stack fast in the mire
Jeremiah 38:26
26 See thou geue them this aunswere: I haue humbly besought the kyng that he wyll let me lye no more in Iehonathans house, that I dye not there
Matthew 21:35
35 And the husbande men caught his seruauntes, and beatte one, killed another, and stoned another
Matthew 23:34
34 Wherfore, beholde I sende vnto you prophetes, and wyse men, and Scribes, and [some] of them ye shall kyll and crucifie: and [some] of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from citie to citie
Matthew 26:67-68
Luke 20:10-11
Luke 22:64
64 And when they had blindfolded him, they stroke hym on the face, and asked him, saying: Arede, who is it that smote thee
John 18:22
22 When he had thus spoken, one of the officers whiche stoode by, smote Iesus [with a rod] saying: Aunswerest thou the hye priest so
Acts 5:18
18 And layed handes on the Apostles, and put them in the common prison
Acts 5:28
28 Saying: dyd not we strayghtly commaunde you, that ye shoulde not teache in this name? And beholde, ye haue fylled Hierusalem with your doctrine, and intende to bryng this mans blood vpon vs
Acts 5:40
40 And to hym agreed the other: And when they had called the Apostles, they beat them, and commaunded that they shoulde not speake in the name of Iesu, and let them go
Acts 12:4-6
4 And when he had caught hym, he put hym in pryson also, and delyuered hym to foure quaternions of souldiers to be kept, intendyng after Easter to bryng hym foorth to the people
5 And Peter was kept in pryson: But prayer was made without ceassyng of the Churche, vnto God for hym
6 And when Herode woulde haue brought hym foorth vnto the people, the same nyght slept Peter betweene two souldiers, bounde with two chaynes, and the kepers before the doore kept the pryson
Acts 16:22-24
22 And the people ran agaynst them, and the officers rent their clothes, and commaunded them to be beaten with roddes
23 And when they had beaten them sore, they cast them into pryson, commaundyng the iayler of the pryson to kepe them diligently
24 Which when he had receaued such commaundement, thrust them into the inner pryson, and made their feete fast in the stockes
Acts 23:2-3
2 Corinthians 11:23-27
23 They are the ministers of Christe, (I speake as a foole) I am more: in labours more aboundant, in stripes aboue measure, in pryson more plenteouslie, in death oft
24 Of the Iewes fyue tymes receaued I fourtie [stripes] saue one
25 Thryse was I beaten with roddes, once stoned, thrise I suffred shipwracke, nyght and day haue I ben in ye depth
26 In iourneying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of myne owne nation, in perils among the heathen, in perils in the citie, in perils in the wildernesse, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren
27 In labour & trauayle, in watchinges often, in hunger and thirst, in fastinges often, in colde and nakednesse
Hebrews 11:36-38
36 And others were tryed with mockynges, and scourgynges: Yea, moreouer with bondes and prisonment
37 They were stoned, were hewen asunder, were tempted, were slaine with sword, wandred about in sheepskinnes, and goates skinnes, beyng destitute, afflicted [and] tormented
38 Of who the worlde was not worthie: They wandred in wildernesse, and in mountaynes, and in dennes, and caues of the earth
Revelation 2:10
10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffer: Beholde, the deuyll shall caste some of you into prison, to tempt you, and ye shall haue tribulation ten dayes. Be faythfull vnto the death, and I wyll geue thee a crowne of lyfe