Jeremiah 2:5 Cross References - Bishops

5 Thus saith the Lorde, What vnfaithfulnesse founde your fathers in me, that they went so farre away fro me, fallyng to lightnesse, and beyng so vayne

Deuteronomy 32:21

21 They haue angred me with that which is no god, and prouoked me with their vanities: And I also wyll prouoke them with those whiche are no people, I wyll anger them with a foolishe nation

1 Samuel 12:21

21 Neither turne ye away, for [then ye go] after vayne thinges, which are not able to profite you, nor deliuer you, for they are but vanitie.

2 Kings 17:15

15 For they refused his statutes, and his appoyntment that he made with their fathers, and the witnesses wherwith he witnessed vnto them, and they folowed vanitie, and became vayne, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lorde had charged them that they shoulde not do lyke them

Psalms 115:8

8 They that make them are lyke vnto them: euery one that putteth his trust in them

Isaiah 5:3-4

3 Nowe O citezen of Hierusalem, and man of Iuda, iudge I pray thee betwixt me and my vineyarde 4 What more coulde haue ben done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen wylde grapes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it

Isaiah 29:13

13 Therfore thus hath the Lorde sayd: Forsomuche as this people when they be in trouble, do honour me with their mouth and with their lippes, but their heart is farre fro me, and the feare whiche they haue vnto me proceedeth of a commaundement that is taught of men

Isaiah 43:22-23

22 For thou Iacob wouldest not call vppon me, but thou haddest an vnlust towarde me O Israel 23 Thou gauest me not thy beastes for burnt offerings, neither diddest honour me with sacrifices: I haue not ben chargeable vnto thee in offeringes, neither greeuous in incense

Isaiah 44:9

9 All caruers of images are but vayne, and the carued images that they loue can do no good: they must beare recorde them selues, that seeing they can neither see nor vnderstande, they shalbe confounded

Jeremiah 2:31

31 Oh generation, hearken vnto the worde of the Lorde: Am I become a wildernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a lande that hath no lyght? wherfore saith my people then, We are lordes, we wyll come no more vnto thee

Jeremiah 10:8

8 They are altogether brutishe and vnwise in this one thing: wood is the teaching of vanitie

Jeremiah 10:14-15

14 His wisdome maketh all men fooles, and confounded be casters of images: for that they cast, is but a vayne thing, and hath no life 15 The vayne craftesmen with their workes that they in their vanitie haue made, shall perishe one with another in time of visitation

Jeremiah 12:2

2 Thou plantest them, they take roote, they growe, and bryng foorth fruite: they boast much of thee, yet art thou farre from their raynes

Jeremiah 14:22

22 Are there any among the gods of the gentiles that sende rayne, or geue the showres from heauen? Art not thou thy selfe our Lorde God? we wyll trust in thee, for thou doest all these thynges

Jeremiah 51:17-18

17 [If they be esteemed] by their wisdome, all men are become fooles: confounded be all the casters of images, for the thing that they make, is but deceipt, and hath no breath 18 Uayne is it and an erronious worke, and in the tyme of visitation it shall perishe

Ezekiel 11:15

15 Thou sonne of man, thy brethren [euen] thy brethren, the men of thy kinrede, and all the house of Israel, wholly [are they] vnto whom the inhabitauntes of Hierusalem haue sayde withdrawe ye farre from the Lorde, for the lande is geuen vs in possession

Jonah 2:8

8 They that holde vpon lying vanitie, forsake his mercie

Micah 6:2-3

2 Heare O ye mountaines the Lordes quarel, and ye mightie foundations of the earth: for the Lorde hath a quarell against his people, and wyll pleade with Israel 3 O my people what haue I done vnto thee? or wherein haue I greeued thee? geue me aunswere

Matthew 15:8

8 This people draweth nye vnto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lippes: howbeit, their hearts are farre from me

Acts 14:15

15 And saying: Sirs, why do ye these thynges? We are mortall men lyke vnto you, and preach vnto you, that ye shoulde turne from these vanities, vnto the lyuyng God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all thynges that are therin

Romans 1:21

21 Because that when they knewe God, they glorified hym not as God, neither were thankefull, but waxed full of vanities in their imaginations, and their foolishe heart was blynded

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.