5 Well, nowe I shall tell you howe I will do with my vineyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it may perishe, and breake downe the wall therof, that it may be troden vnder foote
Isaiah 5:5 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 11:4
4 And they sayd: Go to, let vs buylde vs a citie and a towre, whose toppe may reache vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a name, lest peraduenture we be scattered abrode into the vpper face of the whole earth
Genesis 11:7
7 Come on, let vs go downe, and there confounde their language, that euerye one perceaue not his neighbours speache
Leviticus 26:31-35
31 And I wyll make your cities desolate, and bring your sanctuarie vnto naught, and wyll not smell the sauour of your sweete odours
32 I wyll bryng the lande vnto a wildernesse, and your enemies which dwell therin shall wonder at it
33 And I wyll strowe you among the heathen, and wyll drawe out a sworde after you: and your lande shalbe waste, and your cities desolate
34 Then shall the lande enioy her Sabbathes as long as it lyeth voyde, and ye shalbe in your enemies lande: euen then shall the lande rest and enioy her Sabbathes
35 As long as it lyeth voyde, it shall rest: because it dyd not rest in your Sabbathes when ye dwelt vpon it
Deuteronomy 28:49-52
49 And the Lorde shall bryng a nation vpon thee from a farre, and from the ende of the worlde, as swyft as an eagle fleeth, a nation whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstande
50 A nation of a shamelesse and cruell countenaunce, whiche shall not regarde the person of the olde, nor haue compassion on the young
51 The same shall eate the fruite of thy cattell, and the fruite of thy lande, vntill he haue destroyed thee: and shall leaue thee neither corne, wyne, nor oyle, neither the encrease of thy kine, nor the flockes of thy sheepe, vntyll he haue brought thee to naught
52 And he shall kepe thee in, in all the cities, vntyll he haue cast downe thy hye walles and strong holdes, wherin thou trustedst, throughout all the lande: And he shall besiege thee in al thy cities thorowout all the lande whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen thee
2 Chronicles 36:4-10
4 And the king of Egypt made Eliakim his brother king vpon Iuda and Hierusalem, and turned his name to Iehoiacim: and Necho toke Iehoahaz his brother, and caried him to Egypt
5 Iehoiacim was twentie and fiue yeres old when he began to raigne, & he raigned aleuen yeres in Hierusalem, and he did euil in the sight of the Lord his God
6 Against him came vp Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and bounde hym with two chaynes, to cary him to Babylon
7 The king Nabuchodonosor also caried of the vessels of the house of the Lord to Babylon, and put them in his temple at Babylon
8 The rest of the actes of Iehoiacim, and his abhominations which he did, and that which was found vpon him, behold they are written in the booke of the kinges of Israel and Iuda: and Iehoiacin his sonne raigned in his steade
9 And Iehoiacin was eyght yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned three monethes and ten dayes in Hierusalem, and dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde
10 And when the yere was out, king Nabuchodonosor sent and fet him to Babylon with the goodly vessels of the house of the Lorde, and made Zedekia his fathers brother king ouer Iuda and Hierusalem
Nehemiah 2:3
3 And sayde vnto the king, God saue the king for euer: Howe shoulde I not loke sadly, when the citie and place of my fathers burials lye waste, and the gates therof are consumed with fire
Psalms 74:1-10
1 O Lorde wherfore dost thou forsake vs altogether? wherfore breaketh foorth thy anger agaynst the sheepe of thy pasture
2 Remember thy congregation, thou hast possest it nowe a long tyme: thou hast redeemed the rodde of thine inheritaunce, euen mount Sion wherein thou dwellest
3 Lyft vp thy feete for to destroy vtterly euery enemie: which hath done euyll in thy sanctuarie
4 Thyne aduersaries roare in the myddest of thy congregations: and set vp their banners for signes [of victorie.
5 He that hewed tymber afore out of thicke woddes [for to builde the temple:] was esteemed as one offeryng a present [to God] aboue
6 But nowe they breake downe into peeces all the carued worke therof: with axes and hammers
7 They haue set fire on thy holy places: they haue defiled the dwellyng place of thy name [castyng it downe] to the groud
8 Yea, they sayde in their heartes, let vs make hauocke of them altogether: thus haue they burnt vp all the houses of God in the lande
9 We see not our ensignes, there is not one prophete more: no not one is there amongst vs that vnderstandeth our case
10 O Lorde shall the aduersarie do this dishonour continually? shall the enemie blaspheme thy name for euer
Psalms 80:12-16
12 Why hast thou then broken downe her hedge: that all they whiche go by plucke of her grapes
13 The wylde bore out of the wood rooteth it vp: and the wylde beast of the fielde deuoureth it
14 (80:14a) Turne thee agayne thou God of hoastes I pray thee: loke downe from heauen, beholde and visite this vin
15 (80:14b) and vineyarde that thy ryght hande hath planted, and the young braunche which thou hast fortified for thy selfe
16 (80:15) It is brent with fire and cut downe: they shall perishe at the rebuke of thy countenaunce
Isaiah 10:6
6 I wyll sende hym among those hypocritishe people: among the people that haue deserued my disfauour wyll I sende hym, that he vtterly rob them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the streete
Isaiah 25:10
10 For in this mountaine shall the hande of the Lorde ceasse, and Moab shalbe threshed vnder hym, euen as strawe is troden to doung on the dounghill
Isaiah 27:10-11
10 Els shall the strong citie be desolate, and the habitation forsaken and left like a wildernesse: there shall the Calfe feede, and there shall he lye, and eate vp the graffes therof
11 When the braunches of it are drye, they are broken of, & the women come and set them on fire: for it is a people of no vnderstanding, and therfore he that made them shall not fauour them, and he that created them shall geue them no grace
Isaiah 28:3
3 The crowne of the pryde of the drunken Ephraemites shalbe troden vnder foote
Isaiah 28:18
18 And thus the couenaunt that ye made with death, shalbe disanulled, and your agreement that ye made with hell shall not stand, yea when the sore plague goeth foorth, ye shalbe troden downe vnder it
Lamentations 1:2-9
2 She weepeth sore in the nyght, so that the teares runne downe her cheekes: for among all her louers there is none that geueth her any comfort, yea her next friendes transgresse agaynst her, and are become her enemies
3 Iuda went away by reason of the affliction and great bondage: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest, all they that persecuted her, toke her in strayte places [where she coulde not escape.
4 The streetes of Sion mourne, because no man cometh no more to the solempne feastes: all her gates are desolate, her priestes make lamentatio, her maydens are carefull, and she her selfe is in great heauinesse
5 Her enemies haue ben rulers ouer her, and her enemies haue prospered, because the Lorde hath chastened her for her great wickednesse: her children are led away captiue before their enemies
6 All the beautie of the daughter of Sion is away, her princes are become lyke hartes that fynde no pasture, they are driuen away before their enemie, so that they haue no more power
7 Nowe Hierusalem remembred in the tyme of her miserie and bare estate all her ioy & pleasure that she hath had in tymes past, seyng her people is brought downe vnder the power of their enemies, and there is no man for to helpe her: her enemies stande lokyng at her, and laugh her Sabbath daies to scorne
8 Hierusalem hath sinned greeuouslye, therfore is she come in decay: all they that had her in honour dispise her, for they haue seene her filthinesse, yea she sigheth and is ashamed of her selfe
9 Her skirtes are defiled, she remembred not her last ende, therfore is her fall so wonderfull, and there is no man to comfort her: O Lorde consider my trouble, for myne enemie hath the vpper hande
Lamentations 1:15
15 The Lorde hath destroyed all the mightie men that were in me, he hath proclaymed an appoynted tyme to slaughter all my best men: the Lorde hath troden downe the daughter of Iuda, lyke as it were in a winepresse
Lamentations 4:12
12 Neither the kynges of the earth, nor all the inhabitours of the world, would haue beleued that the enemie and aduersarie shoulde haue come in at the gates of the citie of Hierusalem
Daniel 8:13
13 Upon this, I heard one of the sainctes speaking, and one of the sainctes spake vnto Palmoni, saying: how long shal the vision of the dayly [sacrifice] and of the iniquitie of desolation [endure,] to geue both the sanctuarie and the power to be troden vnder foote
Luke 21:24
24 And they shall fall through the edge of the sworde, and shalbe led away captiue into all nations: And Hierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentiles, vntyll the tyme of the gentiles be fulfylled
Revelation 11:2
2 But the court which is without the temple, cast out, and meate it not: for it is geuen vnto the gentiles, and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote fourtie and two monethes