6 For the Lorde hath called thee beyng as a desolate sorowfull woman, and as a young wyfe that was forsaken saith thy God
Isaiah 54:6 Cross References - Bishops
Proverbs 5:18
18 Let thy well be blessed, and be glad with the wyfe of thy youth
Ecclesiastes 9:9
9 Use thy selfe to liue ioyfully with thy wife whom thou louest all the dayes of thy life whiche is but vayne, that God geueth thee vnder the sunne all the dayes of thy vanitie: for that is thy portion in this life of al thy labour and trauayle that thou takest vnder the sunne
Isaiah 49:14-21
14 But Sion sayde: God hath forsaken me, and my Lorde hath forgotten me
15 Will a woman forget her owne infant, and not pitie the sonne of her owne wombe? And though they do forget, yet wyll I not forget thee
16 Beholde, I haue written thee vp vpon my handes, thy walles are euer in my syght
17 They make haste who buildeth thee vp againe: as for those that ouerthrowe thee and make thee waste, they shall depart from thee
18 Lift vp thine eyes and loke about thee, all these gather them together and come to thee: As truely as I lyue saith the Lorde, thou shalt put them all vpon thee as an apparell, and girde them to thee as a bride doth her iewels
19 As for thy lande that lyeth desolate, wasted, and destroyed, it shalbe to narowe for them that shall dwell in it: and they that woulde deuoure thee, they shalbe farre away
20 Then thy children whom the barren shall bring foorth, shall say in thine eare: This place is to narowe, geue place that I may haue roome
21 Then shalt thou thinke by thy selfe, who hath begotten me these, seeyng I am barren and alone, a captiue and an outcast? and who hath norished them vp for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these
Isaiah 50:1-2
1 Thus saith the Lorde: Where is the byll of your mothers deuorcement whom I sent away? or who is the vsurer to whom I solde you? Beholde, for your offences are ye solde, and because of your transgression is your mother forsaken
2 For why woulde no man receaue me when I came? and when I called, no man gaue me aunswere? Is my hande shortened that it myght not helpe? or haue I not power to deliuer? lo, at a worde I drynke vp the sea, & of water fluddes I make drye lande: so that for want of water the fishe corrupt and dye for thirste
Isaiah 62:4
4 From this tyme foorth thou shalt neuer be called the forsaken, and thy lande shall no more be called the wildernesse: but thou shalt be called, My pleasure is in her, and thy lande shalbe called, The maried woman: for the Lorde loueth thee, and thy land shalbe ioyned in mariage
Hosea 2:1-2
Hosea 2:14-15
14 Wherefore beholde, I wyll allure her and bryng her into the wildernesse, and speake frendly vnto her
15 From thence wyll I geue her her vineyardes agayne, yea and the valley of Achor for an entry of hope: and she shall sing there as in the dayes of her youth, and as in the day when she came vp out of the lande of Egypt
Malachi 2:14
14 Yet ye say, wherin? Because the Lord hath ben witnesse betweene thee and thy wyfe of thy youth, against whom thou hast transgressed, yet is she thyne owne companion, and the wyfe of thy couenaunt
Matthew 11:28
28 Come vnto me all ye that labour sore, and are laden, and I wyll ease you
2 Corinthians 7:6
6 Neuerthelesse, God that comforteth the humble, comforted vs by the commyng of Titus