2 For he dyd growe before the Lorde like as a braunche, and as a roote in a drye grounde, he hath neither beautie nor fauour: when we loke vpon hym, there shalbe no fairenesse, we shall haue no lust vnto hym
Isaiah 53:2 Cross References - Bishops
Isaiah 11:1
1 And there shall come a sprig foorth of the stemne of Esai, and a young shoote shall growe out of his roote
Isaiah 52:14
14 Lyke as the multitude shall wonder vpon hym, because his face shalbe so defourmed and not as mans face, his beautie like no man
Jeremiah 23:5
5 Beholde, the tyme commeth saith the Lorde, that I wyll rayse vp the righteous braunche of Dauid, whiche kyng shall beare rule, and he shall prosper with wisdome, and shal set vp equitie and righteousnesse agayne in the earth
Ezekiel 17:22-24
22 Thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll also take of the top of this hye Cedar, and wyll set it, and cut of the top of the tender plant thereof, and wyll plant it vpon an hye hyll and a great
23 [namely] vpon the hye hyll of Israel will I plant it, that it may bryng foorth bowes, and geue fruite, and be an excellent Cedar: and vnder it shall remayne all byrdes, and euery foule shall remaine vnder the shadowe of the braunches thereof
24 And all the trees of the fielde shall knowe that I the Lorde haue brought downe the hye tree, and exalted the lowe tree, that I haue dryed vp the greene tree, and made the drye tree to florishe, [euen] I the Lorde that spake it, haue also brought it to passe
Zechariah 6:12
12 And speake vnto him, thus saith the lord of hoastes: Behold the man whose name is the braunche, & he shall growe vp out of his place, and he shal build vp the temple of the Lorde
Mark 6:3
3 Is not this the carpenter Maries sonne, the brother of Iames & Ioses, and of Iuda and Simon? and are not his sisters here with vs? And they were offended at hym
Mark 9:12
12 He aunswered, and sayde vnto them: Elias veryly when he commeth firste, restoreth all thynges: And the sonne of man, as it is written of hym, shall suffer many thynges, & be set at naught
Luke 2:7
7 And she brought foorth her first begotten sonne, and wrapped him in swadlyng clothes, & layde hym in a manger, because there was no rowme for them in the Inne
Luke 2:39-40
Luke 2:51-52
Luke 9:58
58 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Foxes haue holes, and byrdes of the ayre haue nestes: but the sonne of man, hath not where to lay his head
John 1:10-14
10 He was in the worlde, and the worlde was made by hym, and the worlde knewe hym not
11 He came among his owne, and his owne receaued hym not
12 But as many as receaued hym, to them gaue he power to be the sonnes of God, euen them that beleued on his name
13 Which were borne, not of blood, nor of the wyll of the fleshe, nor yet of the wyll of man, but of God
14 And the same word became fleshe, and dwelt among vs ( and we sawe the glory of it, as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father) full of grace and trueth
John 9:28-29
John 18:40
40 Then cryed they all agayne, saying: Not hym, but Barabbas. This Barabbas was a robber
John 19:5
5 Then came Iesus foorth, wearyng a crowne of thorne, and a robe of purple: And he sayth vnto them, beholde the man
John 19:14-15
Romans 8:3
3 For what the lawe coulde not do, in as much as it was weake through the fleshe, God sendyng his owne sonne, in the similitude of sinfull fleshe, euen by sinne, condempned sinne in the fleshe
Philippians 2:6-7
1 Peter 2:14
14 Other vnto rulers, as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punyshment of euyll doers, but for the laude of them that do well