Isaiah 42:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 Sing vnto the Lorde a newe song of thankesgeuing, blowe out his prayse from the ende of the worlde: they that be vpon the sea, and all that is therein prayse hym, the Isles and they that dwell in them

1 Chronicles 16:32

32 Let the sea rore & the fulnesse thereof: let the fieldes reioyce, & all that is therin

Psalms 33:3

3 Sing vnto him a new song: do it cunningly, make a sweete noyse with your musicall instrumentes alowde

Psalms 40:3

3 And he hath put a newe song in my mouth: euen a thankesgeuyng vnto our Lorde

Psalms 96:1-3

1 Syng you vnto God a newe song: sing ye vnto God all [that be in] the earth 2 Syng ye vnto God and blesse his name: set foorth in wordes from day to day his saluation 3 Declare his glory amongst the heathen: and his wonderous actes amongst all the people

Psalms 96:11

11 The heauens shall reioyce, and the earth be glad: the sea shall make a noyse and all that is therin

Psalms 97:1

1 God raigneth, the earth shalbe glad: the multitude of the Iles shalbe glad [therof.

Psalms 98:1-4

1 Syng vnto God a newe song: for he hath done marueylous thynges. (98:2) With his owne right hande and with his holy arme: he hath gotten to hym selfe the victorie 2 (98:3) God hath declared his saluation: he hath openly shewed his iustice in the syght of the heathen 3 (98:4) He hath remembred his mercie and trueth towarde the house of Israel: and all the endes of the worlde haue seene the saluation of our Lorde 4 (98:5) Shewe your selues ioyfull vnto God all ye [in] the earth: make a ioly noyse, reioyce you chearfully, & syng psalmes

Psalms 107:23-32

23 (107:22a) Such as go downe to the sea in ships and folowe their busines in great waters 24 (107:22b) they see the workes of God, and his wonders in the deepe 25 (107:23) For he commaundeth and causeth a stormie winde to arise: and he lifteth vp on high his waues 26 (107:24) [Then] they ascende vp to heauen, and come downe agayne to the deepe: so that their soule melteth away through trouble 27 (107:25) They reele to and fro, and they do stacker like a drunken man: and their wysdome fayleth them 28 (107:26) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth the out of their distresse 29 (107:27) For he maketh the storme to ceasse: so that the waues therof are still 30 (107:28) Then be they glad because they are at rest: and he bringeth them to the hauen where they woulde be 31 (107:29) O that men would confesse vnto god: his louyng kyndnes and meruaylous actes [done] to the chyldren of men 32 (107:30) And that they would exalt him in the congregation of the people: and prayse him in the consistorie of the aged

Psalms 117:1-2

1 O prayse God all ye heathen: prayse hym all ye nations 2 For his mercifull kyndnesse is euer more and more towarde vs: and the trueth of God endureth for euer. Prayse ye the Lorde

Psalms 148:1-14

1 Prayse ye the Lorde, prayse ye God out of heauen: prayse ye hym on hygh aboue 2 Prayse hym all ye his angels: prayse hym all ye his hoast 3 Prayse ye hym sunne and moone: praise hym all ye starres [that geue] lyght 4 Prayse ye hym all ye heauens: and ye waters that be aboue the heauens 5 Euen they shoulde prayse the name of God: for he commaunded, and they were created 6 He hath set them sure for euer and euer: he hath geuen them a lawe which shall not be broken 7 Prayse ye God from the earth: ye dragons and all deepes 8 Fire and hayle, snowe and vapours: stormie wynde fulfyllyng his worde 9 Mountaynes and all hylles: fruitfull trees and all Cedars 10 Beastes and all cattell: wormes and fethered foules 11 Kynges of the earth and all people: princes and all iudges of the earth 12 (148:12a) Young men and maydens, olde men with children 13 (148:12b) shoulde prayse the name of God: for his name only is most excellent, and his maiestie aboue earth and heauen 14 (148:13) He hath exalted the horne of his people: the prayse of all his saintes, euen of the children of Israel, a people that is most nye vnto him. Prayse ye the Lord

Psalms 150:6

6 Euery thyng that draweth breath: ought to prayse the Lorde. Prayse ye the Lorde

Isaiah 24:14-16

14 They shall lift vp their voyce, and make a merie noyse: and in magnifiyng of the Lorde shall they crye out of the west 15 Wherefore prayse ye the Lorde in the valleys, euen the name of the Lorde God of Israel in the Iles of the sea 16 From the vttermost part of the earth haue we hearde prayses and myrth, because of the righteous: And I sayde, I knowe a thing in secrete, I knowe a thing in secrete, wo is me: the transgressours haue offended, the transgressours haue greeuously offended

Isaiah 42:4

4 He shall not be pensiue nor carefull, that he may restore righteousnesse vnto the earth: and the gentiles also shall loke for his lawes

Isaiah 44:23

23 Be glad ye heauens, for the Lorde hath dealt graciously with his people, let all that is here beneath vpon the earth be ioyfull: reioyce ye mountaines and woods, with all the trees thereof, for the Lorde hath redeemed Iacob, and wyll shewe his glory vpon Israel

Isaiah 49:6

6 And he sayde: It is but a small thyng that thou art my seruaunt to set vp the kinredes of Iacob, and to restore the destruction of Israel: For I haue made thee the lyght of the gentiles, that thou mayest be my health vnto the ende of the worlde

Isaiah 49:13

13 Reioyce ye heauens, and sing prayses thou earth, talke of ioy ye hylles: for God hath comforted his people, & wyll haue mercie vpon his that be in trouble

Isaiah 51:5

5 It is harde by that my health and my ryghteousnesse shall go foorth, and the people shalbe ordered with mine arme: the ilandes [that is the gentiles] shall hope in me, and put their trust in myne arme

Isaiah 60:9

9 The Isles also shall wayte for me, and specially the shippes of Tharsis that they may bryng thy sonnes from farre, and their siluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel that hath glorified thee

Isaiah 65:14

14 Beholde, my seruauntes shall reioyce for very quietnesse of heart: but ye shal crye for sorowe of heart, and complaine for vexation of minde

Zephaniah 2:11

11 The Lord shalbe terrible vnto them, and destroy all the gods in the lande: and all the Iles of the Heathen shall worship hym, euery man in his place

Romans 15:9-11

9 And that the gentiles myght prayse God for his mercie, as it is written: For this cause I wyll praise thee among the gentiles, and syng vnto thy name 10 And againe he saith: Reioyce ye gentiles with his people 11 And againe: praise the Lord al ye gentiles, & laude him al ye people together

Revelation 5:9

9 And they song a newe song, saying: Thou art worthy to take the booke and to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood, out of al kinrede, and tongue, and people, and nation

Revelation 14:3

3 And they song as it were a newe song before the throne, and before the foure beastes, & the elders, and no man coulde learne that song, but the hundreth and fourtie & foure thousande, which were redeemed from the earth

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.