Isaiah 34:8 Cross References - Bishops

8 For it is the day of Gods vengeaunce, and the yere of recompence for the reuenge of Sion

Deuteronomy 32:35

35 Uengeaunce is myne, and I wyll rewarde, their feete shall slyde in due tyme: For the day of their destruction is at hande, and the thynges that shall come vpon them, make haste

Deuteronomy 32:41-43

41 If I whet the edge of my sworde, and mine hande take holde to do iustice, I wyl recompence vengeaunce on mine enemies, and wyll rewarde them that hate me 42 I wyll make myne arrowes drunke with blood, and my sworde shal deuour fleshe, & that for the blood of the slayne, and for their captiuitie, sence the begynnyng of the wrath of the enemie 43 Prayse ye heathen his people, for he wyll auenge the blood of his seruautes, and will auenge him of his aduersaries, and wyll be mercifull vnto his lande, and to his people

Psalms 94:1

1 O God the Lord of [all] auengeaunce: the Lorde of [all] auengeaunce shewe thy [glorious maiestie.

Isaiah 26:21

21 For beholde, the Lorde is comming out of his place, to visite the wickednesse of suche as dwell vpon earth: the earth also shall disclose her bloods, and shall no more hide them that are slayne in her

Isaiah 35:4

4 Say vnto them that are of a fearfull heart, be of good cheare and feare not, beholde your God commeth to take vengeaunce, and you shall see the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his owne selfe, and wyll delyuer you

Isaiah 49:26

26 And I wyll feede thine enemies with their owne fleshe, & make them drunken with their owne blood, as with sweete wine: And all fleshe shall knowe O Iacob that I am the Lorde thy sauiour, thy noble redeemer

Isaiah 59:17-18

17 He put righteousnesse vpon hym for a brestplate, he set the helmet of health vpon his head: He put on wrath in the steade of clothing, and toke ielousie about him for a cloke 18 Euen as when a man goeth foorth wrathfully to recompence his enemies, and to be auenged of his aduersaries, he wyll recompence and rewarde the Ilandes

Isaiah 61:2

2 That I might declare the acceptable yere of the Lorde, and the day of the vengeaunce of our God: that I might comfort all them that are in heauinesse

Isaiah 63:4

4 For the day of vengeaunce is assigned in my heart, and the yere when my people shalbe deliuered is come

Jeremiah 46:10

10 But this day of the Lorde God of hoastes, is a day of vengeaunce, that he may auenge him of his enemies: The sworde shall deuour, it shalbe satisfied and bathed in their blood, for the Lord God of hoastes shall haue a slayne offering towarde the north, by the water of Euphrates

Micah 6:1

1 Hearken ye nowe what the Lorde sayth: Arise thou, and contend with the mountaynes, and let the hilles heare thy voyce

Luke 18:7

7 And shall not God auenge his elect, which crye day and nyght vnto hym? yea, though he deferre them

Romans 2:5

5 But thou after thy stubbernnesse and heart that can not repent, heapest vnto thy selfe wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and declaration of the righteous iudgement of God

Romans 2:8-9

8 But vnto them that are contentious, & that do not obey the trueth, but obey vnrighteousnes [shall come] indignation, and wrath 9 Tribulation, and anguishe, vpon euery soule of man that doeth euyll, of the Iewe first, and also of the Greke

2 Thessalonians 1:6-10

6 For it is a ryghteous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you 7 And to you whiche are troubled, reste with vs, in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen, with the Angels of his power 8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe 9 Which shalbe punisshed with euerlastyng dampnation, from the presence of the Lorde, & fro the glorie of his power 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saintes, and to be made marueylous in all them that beleue (because our testimonie toward you was beleued) in that day

Revelation 6:10-11

10 And they cryed with a loude voyce, saying: Howe long taryest thou Lorde, holy and true, to iudge and to auenge our blood on the that dwell on ye earth 11 And long whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them: and it was sayde vnto them, that they should reste yet for a litle season, vntyll the number of their felowes, and brethren, and of them that shoulde be kylled as they were, were fulfylled

Revelation 18:20

20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen, and ye holy apostles and prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgement on her

Revelation 19:2

2 For true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the great whore which dyd corrupt ye earth with her fornication, and hath auenged the blood of his seruauntes of her hande

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.