Isaiah 33:18 Cross References - Bishops

18 Thine heart studied for feare thinking thus: What shall then become of the scribe? of the receauer of our money? what of hym that taxed our fairest houses

Genesis 23:16

16 And Abraham hearkened vnto Ephron, and wayed him the siluer which he had sayde in the aundience of the sonnes of Heth, euen foure hundred syluer sicles of currant money amongest marchauntes

1 Samuel 25:33-36

33 Blessed is thy saying, and blessed art thou which hast kept me this day from comming to shed blood, & from auengeing my selfe with myne owne hande 34 For in very deede, as the Lorde God of Israel lyueth, which hath kept me backe from hurting thee: except thou haddest hasted and met me, surely there hadde not ben left vnto Nabal by the dawnyng of the day, any that pysseth against the wall 35 And so Dauid receaued of her hande that which she had brought him, and sayde vnto her: Go vp in peace to thyne house, beholde I haue heard thy voyce, and haue graunted thy petition 36 And Abigail came to Nabal, and beholde, he held a feast in his house lyke the feast of a king, and Nabals heart was mery within hym, for he was very drunken: Wherfore she tolde him nothyng neither lesse nor more, vntyll the morowe mornyng

1 Samuel 30:6

6 And Dauid was in great cumbraunce: For the people entended to stone him, because the heartes of all ye people were vexed euery man for his sonnes and for his daughters: But Dauid toke a good courage to him in the Lorde his God

2 Kings 15:19

19 And Phul the king of Assyria came vpon the lande: And Menahem gaue Phul a thousand talentes of siluer, that his hand might be with him & stablishe the kingdome in his hande

2 Kings 18:14

14 And Hezekia king of Iuda sent to the king of Assyria to Lachis, saying: I haue offended: depart from me, and all that thou puttest on me, that will I beare. And the king of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekia king of Iuda three hundred talentes of siluer, and thirtie talentes of golde

2 Kings 18:31

31 Hearken not vnto Hezekia: For thus sayth the king of Assyria, Deale kindely with me, and come out to me, and then eate euery man of his owne vine, and of his owne figge tree, and drincke euery man of the water of his owne well

Psalms 31:7-8

7 I wyll be glad and reioyce in thy louing kindnes: for that thou hast considered my trouble, and hast knowen my soule in aduersities 8 Thou hast not shut me vp into the hande of the enemie: [but] hast set my feete in a large roome

Psalms 31:22

22 And when I fled with al haste, I said I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes: neuerthelesse, thou heardest the voyce of my prayer when I cryed vnto thee

Psalms 71:20

20 (71:19) Which hast made me to feele many great troubles and aduersities: yet returnyng thou hast reuyued me, yea returnyng thou hast caused me to come out from the bottome of the earth

Isaiah 10:16-19

16 Therefore shall the Lorde the God of hoastes sende among his fatlinges leanenesse, and burne vp his glory as it were with a fire 17 And the light of Israel shalbe that fire, and his holy one shalbe the flambe: and it shall kindle and burne vp his thornes and bryers in one day 18 Yea all the glory of his wooddes and fieldes shalbe consumed with body and soule, and they shalbe as an hoast of men, whose standard bearer fayleth 19 The trees also of his wood whiche remayne shalbe of such a number that a chylde may tell them

Isaiah 17:14

14 At euen beholde there is trouble, and or euer it be mornyng lo it is gone: This is the portion of them that oppresse vs, and the lot of them that robbe vs

Isaiah 38:9-22

9 A thankesgeuyng which Hezekia kyng of Iuda wrote, when he had ben sicke and was recouered 10 I thought I shoulde haue gone to the gates of hell when myne age was shortened, and haue wanted the residue of my yeres 11 I spake within my selfe, I wyll neuer visite the Lorde [the Lorde I say] in this lyfe: I wyll neuer see man among the dwellers of the worlde 12 Myne age is folden together & taken away from me lyke a sheepheardes cotage, I haue hewen of my lyfe by my sinnes, lyke as a weauer cutteth of his webbe: He wyll with pinyng sicknesse make an ende of me, yea he wyll make an ende of me in one day 13 I thought I woulde haue lyued vntyll the morowe, but he brused my bones lyke a lion: and in one day thou wylt make an ende of me 14 Then chattered I lyke a swallowe, and lyke a crane, and mourned lyke a doue, I lift vp mine eyes into the heyght: O Lorde [sayde] my sicknesse kepeth me downe, ease thou me 15 What shall I say? The Lorde hath made a promise to me, yea and he hym selfe hath perfourmed it: I shall therefore so long as I lyue remember this bitternesse of my lyfe 16 O Lorde, to all those that shall lyue hereafter, yea to all men shall it be knowen, that euen in those yeres I haue a ioyfull lyfe, and that it was thou that causedst me to sleepe agayne, thou hast geuen lyfe to me 17 Beholde, bitter as gall was my pensiuenesse, so sore longed I for health, and it was thy pleasure to deliuer my lyfe from the filthy pit: for thou it is [O Lorde] that hast cast all my sinnes behynde thy backe 18 For hell prayseth not thee, death doth not magnifie thee: they that go downe into the graue prayse not thy trueth 19 But the lyuyng, yea the lyuyng knowledge thee, as I do this day: the father telleth his children of thy faythfulnesse 20 To heale me it is the Lordes worke, and we will sing my songes in the house of the Lorde all the dayes of our lyfe 21 And Esai sayde: Take a plaster of figges, and lay it vpon the sore, so shall it be whole 22 Then sayd Hezekia: O what a miracle is this, that I shall go vp into the house of the Lorde

1 Corinthians 1:20

20 Where is the wise? where is ye scribe? where is the disputer of this worlde? Hath not God made the wisedome of this worlde foolyshenesse

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

8 For we woulde not brethren haue you ignoraunt of our trouble, whiche came vnto vs in Asia: For we were greeued out of measure, passyng strength, so greatly, that we dispayred euen of lyfe 9 Yea, we receaued the sentence of death in our selues, that we should not put our trust in our selues, but in God, whiche rayseth the dead 10 Who delyuered vs from so great a death, and doth deliuer: On whom we trust that yet hereafter he wyll deliuer

2 Timothy 3:11

11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecutions I suffred patiently: And from them all, the Lord deliuered me

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.