Isaiah 26:3 Cross References - Bishops

3 By an assured purpose wylt thou preserue perfect peace, because they put their trust in thee

1 Chronicles 5:20

20 And they were helped [of the Lorde] against them, and the Hagarites were deliuered into their hande, and so were all that were with them: For they cryed to God in the battayle, and he heard them, because they put their trust in him

2 Chronicles 13:18

18 And so the children of Israel were brought vnder at that time, & the children of Iuda preuayled, because they leaned vnto the Lorde God of their fathers

2 Chronicles 16:8

8 Had not the blacke Moores and Lubim an exceeding great hoast, with many charettes and horsemen? And yet because thou trustedst in the Lorde, he deliuered them into thyne hande

Psalms 9:10

10 And they that knowe thy name wyll put their trust in thee: for thou O God hast neuer fayled them that seeke thee

Psalms 85:7-8

7 Shew vs thy louing kindnes O God: and graunt vs thy saluation 8 I wyll hearken what God the Lord saith: for he speaketh peace vnto his people & to his saintes, that they turne not agayne to folly

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde is borne, and vnto vs a sonne is geuen, vpon his shoulder doth the rule lye, and he is called with his owne name wonderfull, the geuer of counsell, the mightie God, the euerlasting father, the prince of peace 7 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace, and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kingdome, to order the same, and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore: This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe

Isaiah 31:1

1 Wo be vnto them that go downe into Egypt for helpe, and trust in horses, and put their confidence in charrets because they be many, and in horsemen because they be lustie and strong: but they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the Lorde

Isaiah 48:2

2 For they are named of the holy citie, and are grounded vpon the God of Israel, whose name is the Lorde of hoastes

Isaiah 50:1

1 Thus saith the Lorde: Where is the byll of your mothers deuorcement whom I sent away? or who is the vsurer to whom I solde you? Beholde, for your offences are ye solde, and because of your transgression is your mother forsaken

Isaiah 57:19-21

19 I make the fruites of thankesgeuing, that he may say, peace, peace, vnto the that are farre of, and to them that are nye saith the Lorde, I make hym whole 20 But the wicked are lyke the raging sea that can not rest, whose water fometh with the mire and grauell 21 Euen so the wicked haue no peace, saith God

Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 O blessed is the man that putteth his trust in the Lorde, and whose hope is in the Lorde hym selfe 8 For he shalbe as a tree that is planted by the water side, which spreadeth out the roote vnto moystnesse, whom the heate can not harme when it commeth, but his leafe shalbe greene: And though there growe but litle fruite because of drouth, yet is he not carefull, but he neuer leaueth of to bryng foorth fruite

Micah 5:5

5 And he shall be our peace: when the Assirians shall come into our lande, when he shal treade in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seuen sheepheardes, and eyght principall men

John 14:27

27 Peace I leaue with you, my peace I geue vnto you: Not as the worlde geueth, geue I vnto you. Let not your heartes be greeued, neither feare

John 16:33

33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye myght haue peace. For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulation: but be of good cheare, I haue ouercome the worlde

Romans 4:18-21

18 Who contrary to hope, beleued in hope, that he shoulde be the father of many nations, accordyng to that which was spoken: so shall thy seede be 19 And he faynted not in the fayth, nor considered his owne body nowe dead, when he was almost an hundred yeres old, neither yet the deadnesse o Saraes wombe 20 He stackered not at the promise of God through vnbeliefe: but was strong in fayth, geuyng glorie to God 21 And beyng full certified, that what he had promised, he was able also to perfourme

Romans 5:1

1 Therefore being iustified by fayth, we are at peace with god, thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christe

Ephesians 2:14-16

14 For he is our peace, which hath made both one: and hath broken downe the wall that was a stoppe betwene vs 15 Taking away in his flesshe the hatred, [euen] the lawe of commaundementes, [conteyned] in ordinaunces, for to make of twayne one newe man in hym selfe, so makyng peace 16 And that he myght reconcile both vnto God in one body through [his] crosse, and slewe hatred thereby

Philippians 4:7

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all vnderstandyng, shall kepe your heartes and myndes through Christe Iesus

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.