Isaiah 10:34 Cross References - Bishops

34 The thickets also of the wood shall he roote out with iron, and Libanus shall haue a fall thorowe the mightie

Psalms 103:20

20 Blesse God O ye his angels mightie in operation: who fulfyll his worde in hearkening vnto the voyce of his word

Isaiah 10:18

18 Yea all the glory of his wooddes and fieldes shalbe consumed with body and soule, and they shalbe as an hoast of men, whose standard bearer fayleth

Isaiah 31:8

8 Assur also shalbe slayne with the sworde, not with a mans sworde, neither shal the sworde of any man deuour hym, and he shall flee from the slaughter, and his choise young men shalbe discomfited

Isaiah 37:24

24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lorde, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe: I wyll couer the hye mountaynes and sydes of Libanus with my horsemen, and there wyll I cut downe the hye Cedar trees, and the fayrest Firre trees: I wyll vp in the heyght of it, and into the chiefest of his tymber woods

Isaiah 37:36

36 Thus the angell of the Lorde went foorth, and slue of the Assyrians hoaste an hundred fourescore and fiue thousande: and when men arose vp early in the mornyng, beholde they were slayne, and all lay full of dead bodyes

Jeremiah 22:7

7 I wyll prepare a destroyer with his weapons for thee, to hewe downe thy especiall Cedar trees, and to cast them in the fire

Jeremiah 46:22-23

22 The crye of them shall make a noyse as the hissing of serpentes: for they shall enter in with their hoastes, and come against her with axes, as it were hewers downe of wood 23 And they shall cut downe her wood saith the Lorde, they shalbe innumerable: for they shalbe mo in number then the grashoppers, so that no man shalbe able to tell them

Jeremiah 48:2

2 Moab can boast no more of Hesbon, for they haue deuised a mischiefe against it: Come [shall they say] let vs roote them out, that they may be no more a nation, thou also shalt be destroyed O Madmena, and the sworde shall persecute thee

Daniel 4:13-14

13 I sawe in the visions of my head vpon my bed, and beholde a watcher and a holy one came downe from heauen 14 And cryed mightily, saying thus: Hew downe the tree, breake of his braunches, shake of his leaues, & scatter his fruite abroade: that the beastes may get them away from vnder hym, and the foules from his braunches

Daniel 4:23

23 But wheras the king saw a watcher, and a holy one that came downe from heauen, and sayd, Hewe downe the tree, & destroy it, yet leaue the stumpe of the rootes therof in the earth, and with a band of iron & brasse binde it among the grasse of the fielde, & let it be wet with the dewe of the heauen, and let his portion be with the beastes of the fielde, till seuen times passe ouer him

Nahum 1:12

12 Thus sayth the Lorde: Though ye be in concorde, and also many, yet so shall ye be cut downe, and passe: & [though] I haue afflicted thee [O Hierusalem] yet will I trouble thee no more

Zechariah 11:1-2

1 Open thy doores O Libanus, that ye fire may consume thy Cedar trees 2 Howle ye firre trees, for the Cedar is fallen, yea all the proude are wasted away: Howle O ye Oke trees of Basan, for the mightie strong wood is cut downe

2 Thessalonians 1:7

7 And to you whiche are troubled, reste with vs, in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen, with the Angels of his power

2 Peter 2:11

11 When the Angels whiche are greater both in power and might, geue not raylyng iudgement against them before the Lorde

Revelation 10:1

1 And I sawe another myghtie Angel come downe fro heaue, clothed with a cloude, and ye raynebowe vpon his head, and his face as it were the sunne, and his feete as it were pillers of fyre

Revelation 18:21

21 And a myghtie angell toke vp a stone lyke a great mylstone, and cast it into the sea, saying: With suche violence shall that great citie Babylon be cast, & shalbe founde no more

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.