Hosea 10:9 Cross References - Bishops

9 O Israel, thou hast sinned from the dayes of Gabaa: there they stoode, the battayle in Gabaa agaynst the children of iniquitie did not touche them

Genesis 6:5

5 But God sawe that the malice of man was great in the earth, and all the imagination of the thoughtes of his heart [was] only euyll euery day

Genesis 8:21

21 And the Lorde smelled a sweete [or quiet] sauour, and the Lord sayde in his heart: I wyll not hencefoorth curse the grounde any more for mans sake, for the imagination of mans heart is euyll [euen] from his youth: neyther wyll I smyte any more euery thyng lyuyng, as I haue done

Judges 19:22-30

22 And as they were makyng their heartes mery, beholde, the men of the citie which were wicked, beset the house rounde about, and thrust at the doore, & spake to the man of the house, the olde man, saying: Bring foorth the man that came into thyne house, that we may knowe him 23 And this man the maister of the house went out, and sayd vnto them: Oh, nay my brethren, do not so wickedly, seyng that this man is come into myne house, do not so vnmeete a thyng 24 Behold, here is my daughter a mayden, and this mans concubine, them I wyll bryng out nowe vnto you, and humble them, & do with them what seemeth you good: but vnto this man do not so abhominable a thing 25 But the men woulde not hearken to hym: And the man toke his concubine, and brought her out vnto them, whiche knewe her, and abused her al the night, euen vnto the mornyng: and when the day began to spryng, they let her go 26 And then came the woman in the dawnyng of the day, and fell downe at the doore of the mans house where her lord was, tyll it was day 27 And her lorde arose vp in the morning, and opened the doores of the house, and went out to go his way: and beholde the woman, euen his concubine, laye along before the doore of the house, and her handes vpon the thresholde 28 And he sayde vnto her, Up, and let vs be goyng: But she aunswered not. Then the man toke her vp vpo an asse, & stoode vp, & gate hym vnto his place 29 And whe he was come into his house, he toke a knyfe, and caught his concubine, and deuided her in peeces, with the bones, into twelue partes, and sent her into all quarters of Israel 30 And all that sawe it, sayde: There was no suche deede done or seene sence the childre of Israel came out of Egypt vnto this day. Consider the matter, take aduisement, and say your myndes

Judges 20:5

5 And the men of Gibea rose against me, and beset the house rounde about vpon me by night, & thought to haue slayne me, and my concubyne haue they forced, that she is dead

Judges 20:13-14

13 Nowe therfore deliuer vs the men, those children of belial whiche are in Gibea, that we may slea them, and put away euill from Israel 14 Neuerthelater, the children of Beniamin would not hearke vnto the voyce of their brethren the children of Israel: But the children of Beniamin gathered the selues together out of the cities vnto Gibea, to come out and fight agaynst the children of Israel

Judges 20:17-48

17 And the children of Israel beside Beniamin, were numbred foure hundred thousand men that drewe swordes, and were all men of warre 18 And the children of Israel arose, and wet vp to the house of God, and asked of God, saying: Whiche of vs shall go vp first to the battel against the children of Beniamin? And the Lorde sayd: Iuda shall begin 19 And the children of Israel stoode vp early, and camped against Gibea 20 And the men of Israel went out to battell against Beniamin, and the men of Israel put the selues in aray to fight against them, beside Gibea 21 And the children of Beniamin came out of Gibea, and destroyed downe to the ground of the Israelites that day twentie and two thousand men 22 And the people the men of Israel plucked vp their heartes, and set their battel againe in aray, in the same place where they dyd the first day 23 (And the children of Israel went vp, and wept before the Lorde vnto euen, and asked of the Lord, saying: Shal we go agayne to battell against the children of Beniamin our brethre? And the Lord sayde: Go vp against them. 24 And the children of Israel came neare against the children of Beniamin the seconde day 25 And the children of Beniamin went against them out of Gibea the seconde day, and destroyed to the earth of the childre of Israel once againe eyghteene thousand men that drewe swordes euerie man of them 26 Then al the children of Israel, and all the people, went vp and came vnto the house of God, and wept, and sate there before the Lord, and fasted the same day vnto euen, and offered burnt offerynges and peace offerynges before the Lorde 27 And the children of Israel asked the Lord: (for there was the arke of the appoyntment of God, in those dayes 28 And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar, the sonne of Aaron stoode before it at that time) saying: Shal I get me vp to go out any more to battell against the children of Beniamin my brethren, or shal I ceasse? The Lorde sayde: Go vp, for to morow I wil deliuer them into your handes 29 And Israel set lyers awayte round about Gibea 30 And the children of Israel went vp against the childre of Beniamin the third time, & put them selues in aray against Gibea, as twyse before 31 And the children of Beniamin came out against the people, & were drawen away from the citie, & they began to smite of ye people, dead as twise before, by two hye wayes in the fielde (of whiche one goeth vp to the house of god, & the other to Gibea) vpon a thirtie men of Israel 32 (And the children of Beniamin sayde: They are fallen before vs, as at the first. But the children of Israel sayd: Let vs flee, and plucke them away from the citie, vnto the hye wayes. 33 And all the men of Israel rose vp out of their place, & put them selues in aray at Baal Thamar: And lykewyse the liers in wayte of Israel came foorth out of their places, euen out of the medowes that were about Gibea 34 And came against Gibea ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and there was a sore battel: But they wist not that euyll was neare them 35 And the Lord plagued Beniamin before Israel, and the children of Israel destroyed of the Beniamites the same day twentie and fyue thousand and an hundred men, that drue swordes euerie one of them 36 And the children of Beniamin sawe that they were put to ye stricken downe: for the men of Israel gaue place to ye Beniamites, because they trusted vnto the lyers in wayt which they had layde beside Gibea 37 And the lyers in wayte hasted, & brake foorth against Gibea, & the embushment drewe them selues along, and smote all the citie with the edge of the sworde 38 And an appoyntment had the men of Israel from the lyers in wayt, that they should make a great flambe [and] smoke ryse vp out of the citie 39 And when the men of Israel retired in ye battell, Beniamin began to smyte dead of the children of Israel about a thirtie persons, and sayde: Surely they are stricken downe before vs, as in the first battell 40 But when there began to aryse out of the citie a flambe as a piller of smoke, the Beniamites loked backe, & behold the flambe of the whole citie began to ascende vp to heauen 41 When the men of Israel also turned agayne, the men of Beniamin were abashed, for they sawe that euyll approched them 42 And therfore they turned their backes before the men of Israel, vnto the way that leadeth to the wildernesse, but the battel ouertoke them: And besyde that, they which came out of the citie, destroied the in the middle of the 43 And thus they compassed the Beniamites about, and chased them at Menuha, and ouerranne them, euen ouer against Gibea on the east syde 44 And there were slayne of Beniamin eyghteene thousand men, whiche were men of warre 45 And they turned & fled to the wyldernes ward, & vnto the rocke of Rimmon: and they gleaned by ye way of the rest of them, fiue thousande men: & pursued after them, vntyll they came to Gidom, and slue two thousand men of them 46 So that al that were slayne that same day of Beniamin were twentie & fyue thousand men that drue swordes, which were all men of warre 47 Onely sixe hundred men turned and fled to the wildernes, vnto the rocke of Rimmon, and abode in the rocke of Rimmon foure monethes 48 And the men of Israel turned backe againe vnto the children of Beniamin, and smote them with the edge of the sword in the cities, both man & beast, and al that came to hande, and set on fyre all the cities that they coulde come by

Hosea 9:9

9 They haue gone to the bottome, they are corrupt as in the dayes of Gibea: [therfore] he wyll remember their iniquitie, and visite their sinnes

Zephaniah 3:6-7

6 I haue destroyed the nations, their towres are desolate, I haue made their streetes wast, that none shall passe by: their cities are destroyed, without man, and without inhabitaunt 7 I sayde vnto them, O feare me, and be content to be refourmed, so their dwelling shoulde not be destroyed howe soeuer I visited them: But neuerthelesse, they rose vp early, and corrupted all their workes

Matthew 23:31-32

31 And so ye be witnesses vnto your selues, that ye are the chyldren of them which kylled the prophetes 32 Fulfyll ye lykewyse, the measure of your fathers

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