Hebrews 7:5 Cross References - Bishops

5 And veryly they which are of the children of Leuie, which receaue the office of the priesthood, haue a commaundement to take tythe of the people accordyng to the lawe, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of ye loynes of Abraham

Genesis 35:11

11 And God sayd vnto him: I am God almightie, be fruitefull and multiplie: a nation, and a multitude of nations shall spring of thee, yea and kinges shall come out of thy loynes

Genesis 46:26

26 And so the soules that came with Iacob into Egypt, whiche came out of his loynes, besides Iacobs sonnes wyues, were altogether threscore & sixe soules

Exodus 1:5

5 All the soules that came out of the line of Iacob, were seuentie

Exodus 28:1

1 And take thou vnto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sonnes with him from among the children of Israel, that Aaron may minister vnto me in the priestes office, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes

Leviticus 27:30-33

30 Euery tithe of the lande also, both of the seede of the lande, and of the fruite of the trees, is the Lordes, and is sanctified vnto the Lorde 31 And if a man wyll redeeme ought of his tithes, let hym adde the fift part thereto 32 And euery tythe of oxe and of sheepe, and of euery beast that goeth vnder the rod, euen euery tenth shalbe holy vnto the Lorde 33 He shall not looke if it be good or bad, nor chaunge it: els if he chaunge it, both it and that it was chaunged withall, shalbe halowed, and may not be redeemed

Numbers 16:10-11

10 He hath taken thee to hym, and all thy brethren the sonnes of Leui with thee: and seeke ye the office of the priest also 11 For which cause both thou and all thy companie are gathered together against the Lorde: And what is Aaron, that ye murmure agaynst hym

Numbers 17:3-10

3 And write Aarons name vpon the rodde of Leui: for euery rodde shalbe for ye head of the house of their fathers 4 And put them in the tabernacle of the congregation, before [the arke] of the testimonie, where I wyll declare my selfe vnto you 5 And the mans rodde whom I chose, shall blossome: And I wyll make ceasse from me the grudgynges of the children of Israel, wherby they grudge agaynst you 6 And Moyses spake vnto the children of Israel, and all the princes gaue hym a rodde, one rodde for euery prince, accordyng to their fathers houses, euen twelue roddes: and the rodde of Aaron was among their roddes 7 And Moyses put the roddes before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse 8 And on the morowe, Moyses went into the tabernacle of witnesse: and beholde, the rodde of Aaron for the house of Leui was budded, and brought foorth buddes, bare blossomes, and rype almondes 9 And Moyses brought out all ye roddes from before the Lorde, vnto all the children of Israel: and they loked vpon them, and toke euery man his rodde 10 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Bryng Aarons rodde agayne before the witnesse, to be kept for a token to the rebellious children, and that their murmuryng may cease from me, and that they dye not

Numbers 18:7

7 Therfore shalt thou & thy sonnes with thee kepe your priestes office for all thynges that pertayne vnto the aulter and within the vayle: And ye shal serue, for I haue geue your priestes office vnto you as a gift, and therfore ye straunger that commeth nye, must be slayne

Numbers 18:21-32

21 Beholde, I haue geuen the children of Leui all the tenth in Israel to inherite, for the seruice which they serue in the tabernacle of the congregation 22 Neither must the children of Israel hencefoorth come nie ye tabernacle of the congregation, lest they beare sinne, & die 23 But the Leuites shal do ye seruice in the tabernacle of the congregation, & beare their sinne: It shalbe a lawe for euer in your generations, that among ye childre of Israel they possesse no inheritaunce 24 But the tithes of the childre of Israel which they pay as an heaue offeryng vnto the Lord, I haue geuen ye Leuites to inherite: and therfore I haue sayde vnto them, Among the children of Israel ye shall possesse no inheritaunce 25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying 26 Speake vnto the Leuites, and say vnto them: When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I haue geuen you of the for your inheritaunce, ye shal take an heaue offering of ye same for the Lorde, euen the tenth part of that tithe 27 And this your heaue offeryng shalbe reckened vnto you, euen as though it were of the corne of the barne, or as the fulnesse of the wine presse 28 Of this maner ye shall therfore offer an heaue offeryng vnto the Lorde, of all your tithes which ye receaue of the children of Israel, and ye shall geue therof the Lordes heaue offeryng to Aaron the priest 29 Of all your giftes ye shall offer all the Lordes heaue offeryng, euen all the fat of the same, [to wit] the holy thynges therof 30 Therfore thou shalt say vnto them: when ye haue taken away the fat of it from it, it shalbe counted vnto the Leuites, as if it were ye increase of the corne floore, or the increase of the winepresse 31 And ye shall eate it in all places, both ye and your householdes, for it is your rewarde for your seruice in the tabernacle of the congregation 32 And ye shall beare no sinne by the reason of it, when ye haue offered from it the fat of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy thynges of the children of Israel, lest ye dye

1 Kings 8:19

19 Neuerthelesse, thou shalt not build the house: but thy sonne that shall come out of thy loynes, he shall build the house vnto my name

2 Chronicles 31:4-6

4 And he bade the people that dwelt in Hierusalem, to geue a parte to the priestes and Leuites, that they might substancially applie them selues to the lawe of the Lorde 5 And assoone as the kinges commaundement came abrode, the children of Israel brought aboudance of first fruites, of corne, wine, oyle, hony, and of all maner of fruites of the fielde, & the tythes of all maner of thinges brought they in plenteously 6 And the children of Israel and Iuda that dwelt in the cities of Iuda, they also brought in the tithes of oxen and sheepe, & other holy tithes which were consecrate vnto the Lorde their God, they did offer and brought them all by heapes

Nehemiah 13:10

10 And I perceaued that the portions of the Leuites had not ben geuen them, and that euery one was fled to his land, euen the Leuites and singers that executed the worke

Hebrews 5:4

4 And no man taketh the honour vnto hym selfe, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron

Hebrews 7:10

10 For he was yet in the loynes of his father, when Melchisedech met Abraham

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.